Feliks Audio Elise Impressions Thread – a New Start (please read first post for summary)
Nov 13, 2016 at 8:49 PM Post #3,361 of 11,833
The pair I have are Raytheon, and they sound great.
Nov 13, 2016 at 9:10 PM Post #3,362 of 11,833
Bendix 6080WB / Mullard 6080 (CV 2984) / TUNG-SOL 7236 compared
Well after much tube-swapping and comparison with several lossless songs that are good for headphone tests, using both my modded HD-650 and modded HP-100 headphones, here are the results in case this could benefit anybody.
  1. Mullard 6080
     Lush, silky pleasing mids, nice slightly airy treble detail, great dynamics, good 'energy' and bass definition / PRaT that's 'perfect' for all intensive purposes. A (present) king for electronic music and 'OK' with pop / rock as well.
  2. Bendix 6080WB (version pictured above on top left)
     Airy treble with a slight treble emphasis, great level of energy, bass that's stronger / fuller than the Mullards, dynamics are better, instrument separation is better, yet PRaT that seems ever so slightly box-like compared to the Mullards. I have a feeling this can change with burn-in, seeing how these are completely NOS / newly used. These are preferable / fantastic for the likes of rock music as of yet.
  3. Tung Sol 7236
     Lush mids with a 3D-ish charactor, yet quite bright. Phenomenal level of energy and extremely lifelike / vivid, yet tonality seems slightly off kilter.  The best instrument separation and dynamics of these three, yet strong emphasis of both treble and clarity, to the point that it becomes too analytical / revealing to 'mesh' with most genres. Still too bright even with the highs EQ'd down and with the HD-650 headphone.
Update 60-min. into this comparison: Seems this particular slotted Bendix pair is somethin' special! Just this short listen seems to reveal improvement with burn-in. Fantastic dynamics, instrument separation and realism. How much burn-in is recommended with these?
Nov 13, 2016 at 9:14 PM Post #3,363 of 11,833
  The pair I have are Raytheon, and they sound great.

Those are the same as mine (which are completely identical to Chatham 6080WB) which blew up yet still coming out just fine 
. They sounded great to me also and the thick / weightyness I mentioned about was only a moderate one. But the slotted graphite plate Bendix take the cake of these
Nov 14, 2016 at 12:01 AM Post #3,364 of 11,833
Incoming yesterday were my driver tubes
6SN7 pairs
- Sylvania 6SN7 3 hole Bad Boys
- Ken-Rad VT231 
- Sylvania 6SN7W Short Bottle
- National Union CNU 6SN7 Grey Glass
- RCA Grey Glass

- RCA Grey Glass early version
Miniature pairs
- Amperex Premium Quality 7062 NIB 1962
- RCA 12AZ7
- 6FQ7 / 6CG7 RCA
- 6FQ7 / 6CG7 Japan Realistic & Amperex

Most of the 6SN7's I got were in effort to 'mellow out' the extra bright / dynamic sound of the Western Electric 421A power tubes. Several of these I got thanks to the advice from @HOWIE13... speaking of such, I haven't seen you around. Did something happen?
Anyway I've only tried about half of these so far... I've stumbled across something absolutely revoluntionary for the Elise... something you would not expect at all. Keep tuned for more on it later 

Also I should mention that all of these genuine, mint condition, carefully tested relic tubes along with two of my three pairs of GEC's, TS 7236, Chatham + Tung Sol 5998's and the marvelous Bendix pair shown above (minus the two smaller pairs on the lower right)... these were ALL from the world-class member Stavros (@rosgr63 - the best friend of Glenn). He's still got some more totally genuine tubes at unbeatable prices if anybody would like to contact him... and shipping took only 3 days from Greece to the western US!
Nov 14, 2016 at 1:57 AM Post #3,365 of 11,833
THIS is so far the best setup (of the one tube per socket anyway) I've found today!!
NON-STOP SPLENDID SONIC TRANSFIXATION, BRILLIANCE AND PERFECTION FULL-STOP! Crisp, hella vivid, pure, super reaching FR, grandiose slamming bass and dynamics, clarity... the whole far extruding 3D refined package!!!

(Should've known Bendix + Bad Boys would be a natural match, LOL)
PS- Forget everything I said about an off-kilter PRaT of the Bendix's. This may have been due to synergy with the drivers I was using for the comparison (GE 6SN7 GTA)
Nov 14, 2016 at 2:51 AM Post #3,366 of 11,833
- Well I just tried the Bad Boys and Smoked Glass 6SN7's with the GEC 6080 straight-form tubes, and the pairing were both very well but not close to the synergy of these with the Bendix. The GEC 6080's are too bright and not as dynamic as the slotted Bendix. And the GEC 6080's are so microphic with some drivers that it picked up the sound of myself clearing my throat.
- Trying the Bad Boy 6SN7's with GEC 6AS7G (ST-shaped) tubes, this pairing does not work at all. Glaringly bright / vivid and overtly energetic.
- Then the Ken-Rad VT-231 6SN7's are also a non-starter with the GEC 6AS7Gs for much of the same reason as the above pairing, as these two 6SN7's are quite similar.
- Then the RCA 6SN7 smoked glass were a bad pairing with the GEC 6AS7Gs - too dark / congested overall and not lifelike. One of these two pairs sounded moderately better with them
- But the National Union 6SN7 GT smoked glass + GEC 6AS7G are better than the above Bendix + Bad Boys in some ways: less cohesion & bass in exchange for greater soundstage and more organic overall.

- The Sylvania 6SN7W + GEC 6AS7G were actually quite an impressive pairing too - astoundingly vivid, expansive, lifelike with authoratative bass and slightly more cohesive. Further testing required between these two pairings with the GEC's
PS- for anyone new here, these tubes do not require adapters (those are just "socket savers" under my tubes)
Nov 15, 2016 at 2:47 AM Post #3,367 of 11,833
  Incoming yesterday were my driver tubes
6SN7 pairs
- Sylvania 6SN7 3 hole Bad Boys
- Ken-Rad VT231 
- Sylvania 6SN7W Short Bottle
- National Union CNU 6SN7 Grey Glass
- RCA Grey Glass

- RCA Grey Glass early version
Miniature pairs
- Amperex Premium Quality 7062 NIB 1962
- RCA 12AZ7
- 6FQ7 / 6CG7 RCA
- 6FQ7 / 6CG7 Japan Realistic & Amperex

Most of the 6SN7's I got were in effort to 'mellow out' the extra bright / dynamic sound of the Western Electric 421A power tubes. Several of these I got thanks to the advice from @HOWIE13... speaking of such, I haven't seen you around. Did something happen?
Anyway I've only tried about half of these so far... I've stumbled across something absolutely revoluntionary for the Elise... something you would not expect at all. Keep tuned for more on it later 

Also I should mention that all of these genuine, mint condition, carefully tested relic tubes along with two of my three pairs of GEC's, TS 7236, Chatham + Tung Sol 5998's and the marvelous Bendix pair shown above (minus the two smaller pairs on the lower right)... these were ALL from the world-class member Stavros (@rosgr63 - the best friend of Glenn). He's still got some more totally genuine tubes at unbeatable prices if anybody would like to contact him... and shipping took only 3 days from Greece to the western US!

Good tubes there. I'm glad you are enjoying them. Bad Boy and K-R VT231 are favourite drivers of mine- very different characters,of course- just depends what I'm listening to.
I've been engrossed in my new T1 and haven't been rolling much at all as I've found T-S 5998 and 6080 with the aforementioned drivers sufficient to immerse me in glorious music without thinking of wanting to improve the sound by purchasing new very expensive tubes. How long that will last -who knows! 

Anyway, yesterday a package arrived from Mrs X and I got my first opportunity to try'12V' drivers, my lovely Tungsram E80CC's, in Elise. I put 12V in inverted commas as until the recent posts on this topic I didn't realise that some tubes, conventionally regarded as having 12V heaters, could also work with 6V, using an appropriate adapter.
Without going into any hype these, with T-S 6080 power tubes, give exceptional sound stage depth. It's too soon to say whether the rest of the sound is any better than other good combos I've tried- it has a sweet, detailed signature which is definitely up there with the best I've heard, but that three dimensional sound is very special. and unexpected. 
Here's a photo for the collection:

Nov 15, 2016 at 3:22 AM Post #3,368 of 11,833
Great to hear from you again @HOWIE13. Looks like you have a decent selection of the miniature tubes. I'll also be getting my 12AT7 adapter soon so can finally try some more that I have. I've been full circle on driver tubes especially a super diverse variety of 6SN7's and I can attest that (at least the right pair of) these miniature tubes can do fidelity in the Elise unlike any larger brethren! These are IMO, the future. I've been holding back on something with you guys. It's just too exquisite to try to put it in writing, and frankly I'm wondering if my impressions will be believed or not... so Howie if you have the quad EL3N (powers) setup, I'll let you be the first to report on the sound of those with some of your miniature drivers. Warning, your heart may skip a beat. (but post that on the other Elise thread)
Nov 15, 2016 at 3:37 AM Post #3,369 of 11,833
  Great to hear from you again @HOWIE13. Looks like you have a decent selection of the miniature tubes. I'll also be getting my 12AT7 adapter soon so can finally try some more that I have. I've been full circle on driver tubes especially a super diverse variety of 6SN7's and I can attest that (at least the right pair of) these miniature tubes can do fidelity in the Elise unlike any larger brethren! These are IMO, the future. I've been holding back on something with you guys. It's just too exquisite to try to put it in writing, and frankly I'm wondering if my impressions will be believed or not... so Howie if you have the quad EL3N (powers) setup, I'll let you be the first to report on the sound of those with some of your miniature drivers. Warning, your heart may skip a beat. (but post that on the other Elise thread)

I've been enjoying and been an advocate of the smaller driver tubes in Elise for a while now.. They not only sound good but are exceptionally quiet and not microphonic. Cheap to buy, comparatively speaking, as well.
The 4 pack EL3N powers work very well with 6DJ8/ECC88 Bugle Boy, Mullard, GE 'Dark Glass', and also the larger Russian 6N6P and 6N30P tubes. I'm sure others will work well too. In general I find they are more inclined to inner detail than warmth- but are still sweet sounding and not overly bright. 
Now I have the adapter I must, like you, try some 12AU7/AT7/AX7 tubes too, BUT-I'm still wallowing in my new T1 to go too far astray, tube wise, at present.
Please post your impressions-it may be a while before I get to listen again with my 4 pack.
EDIT: As DL has mentioned, some are warm too. I find the GE 'Dark Glass' and 6N6P particularly so.
Nov 15, 2016 at 5:38 AM Post #3,370 of 11,833
On a bit of a roll now with my new 12A_7 to 6SN7 adapter, which you need for these '12V' 9 pin Novals:
Using T-S 6080 power tubes, as they are already in place, and T1g2, I tried several 12AU7 tubes. They all work nicely and are smooth and warm, almost cuddly!. Ample, if not massive, sound-stages. Not the most dynamic sound I've heard from Elise though- but would be great for late night relaxing.  I had to up the vol knob an hour or two compared to 6SN7 tubes-not a problem though, sound doesn't suffer. Best of these lower gain tubes were RCA 12AU7A 'black plates' (labelled Conn), Bugle Boy 12AU7 and GE12BH7.
Next up was Bugle Boy 12AT7- a complete contrast! Dynamic, lively, brilliant euphony. Certainly a driver I'll come back to and I'll need to try some other 12AT7's when I can find where I've put them all.
Sadly 12AX7's don't synergise with the 6080 as there is virtually no sound until you turn the vol knob to noon. It then sounds fine but clearly isn't going to be a realistic option for my low-recorded Classical. I'm a bit surprised as I thought the higher gain tube would give a louder sound but it clearly doesn't work that way. Maybe the higher gain 5998 would be a better matching power tube.
(Remember, as always, using novel tubes/adapters could invalidate the Warranty if Elise is damaged).
EDIT: Have now tried 5998 and Xmas tree powers with the 12AX7 tubes and there is reasonable volume from about 10 o'clock. Warm sound.
Nov 15, 2016 at 5:50 AM Post #3,371 of 11,833
  On a bit of a roll now with my new 12A_7 to 6SN7 adapter, which you need for these '12V' 9 pin Novals:
Using T-S 6080 power tubes, as they are already in place, and T1g2, I tried several 12AU7 tubes. They all work nicely and are smooth and warm, almost cuddly!. Ample, if not massive, sound-stages. Not the most dynamic sound I've heard from Elise though- but would be great for late night relaxing.  I had to up the vol knob an hour or two compared to 6SN7 tubes-not a problem though, sound doesn't suffer. Best of these lower gain tubes were RCA 12AU7A 'black plates' (labeled Conn), Bugle Boy 12AU7 and GE12BH7.
Next up was Bugle Boy 12AT7- a complete contrast! Dynamic, lively, brilliant euphony. Certainly a driver I'll come back to and I'll need to try some other 12AT7's when I can find where I've put them all.
Sadly 12AX7's don't synergise with the 6080 as there is virtually no sound until you turn the vol knob to noon. It then sounds fine but clearly isn't going to be a realistic option for my low-recorded Classical. I'm a bit surprised as I thought the higher gain tube would give a louder sound but it clearly doesn't work that way. Maybe the higher gain 5998 would be a better matching power tube.
(Remember, as always, using novel tubes/adapters could invalidate the Warranty if Elise is damaged).

12AU7 and 5998 sounds like a double BH Crack

Nov 15, 2016 at 2:36 PM Post #3,374 of 11,833
  On a bit of a roll now with my new 12A_7 to 6SN7 adapter, which you need for these '12V' 9 pin Novals:
Using T-S 6080 power tubes, as they are already in place, and T1g2, I tried several 12AU7 tubes. They all work nicely and are smooth and warm, almost cuddly!. Ample, if not massive, sound-stages. Not the most dynamic sound I've heard from Elise though- but would be great for late night relaxing.  I had to up the vol knob an hour or two compared to 6SN7 tubes-not a problem though, sound doesn't suffer. Best of these lower gain tubes were RCA 12AU7A 'black plates' (labelled Conn), Bugle Boy 12AU7 and GE12BH7.
Next up was Bugle Boy 12AT7- a complete contrast! Dynamic, lively, brilliant euphony. Certainly a driver I'll come back to and I'll need to try some other 12AT7's when I can find where I've put them all.
Sadly 12AX7's don't synergise with the 6080 as there is virtually no sound until you turn the vol knob to noon. It then sounds fine but clearly isn't going to be a realistic option for my low-recorded Classical. I'm a bit surprised as I thought the higher gain tube would give a louder sound but it clearly doesn't work that way. Maybe the higher gain 5998 would be a better matching power tube.
(Remember, as always, using novel tubes/adapters could invalidate the Warranty if Elise is damaged).

A great sounding tube you can use with that adapter is the E80CC
Nov 15, 2016 at 3:49 PM Post #3,375 of 11,833
A great sounding tube you can use with that adapter is the E80CC

Couldn't agree more, Glenn.
The E80CC is the very first one I tried (# 3367) as I love that tube in my Garage1217 amps.
I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about using this adapter but you had encouraged me that it would work with my E80CC in an earlier post -and it really does-perfectly! Thanks again.
I think F-A should sell two of these adapters with Elise, as being able to use these 12/6V tubes adds a new dimension to Elise's driver complement. 
As well as the E80CC, I'm particularly impressed with how 12AT7/ECC81 tubes sound in Elise.

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