Ever heard of Australian Rules Football??
Jun 17, 2004 at 4:22 PM Post #16 of 40
I followed most of a season about 10 yrs ago when it was regularly on American TV. It is like a cross between rugby and real football.

The amazing thing for an American is how these guys take tremendous shots without starting fights. It shows there is something wrong with how Americans handle team sports (or maybe not--fights sure are fun for spectators!)
Jun 17, 2004 at 4:32 PM Post #17 of 40
its not how americans handle sports.
Just a week back there was big brawl inone of the games and 18 guys got reported. they got fined a load of money by Aussie rules standards and 3-4 guys got suspended for 5-6 weeks.
But then again it is good fun, the only problem is where players start using choke holds and stuff like that which is wrong and dangerous.

Daycart you are quite right . it is a cross of sorts but takes all the good things and lives the useless ones out.

It is just so much good fun. the only problem is all those "Play it Fair and safe" critics are killing the game by bringing in stupid new rulesall the time and not implementing them properly. that is my only problem with the officials in the sport.
Jun 17, 2004 at 5:05 PM Post #18 of 40
I think part of the reason there seems to be more brawling in North American sports is that with full hockey or American football pads on, there's much less likelyhood of actually being seriously hurt in a brawl. In sports where you wear shorts and very little padding, a punch in the head is a real punch in the head. I played both organized ice hockey and organized ball hockey (in an arena with no ice and less padding) in my youth. Standing on skates with full padding makes for a much less dangerous, off balance fight than dukeing it out while standing in running shoes on concrete in minimal padding. It's more like a regular old street brawl in ball hockey. Organized ball hockey was new in the 70's and at first we all thought it was just like ice hockey only in the summer. After a few black eyes, broken noses, missing teeth, and even kicks to the head, by the second or third season, most of us had settled down in ball hockey.
Jun 18, 2004 at 1:27 AM Post #19 of 40
Huge Aussie Rules fan here...My whole family live down under (Me being the black sheep) in Perth, W.A. so I am a West Coast Eagles man...I managed to see one game last time I was there vs Essendon Bombers and had a blast....What a game!!!The only thing close over here is Ice Hockey which I love too. I gotta thank my ancient ol'brother for getting me into it....He moved there when I was a lad of 9 and got hooked right away.It took him 20 odd years to convince me though, but once I saw a game that was it...He has a pretty good taste in music too..Check out The Cat Empire from Melbourne...I ordered it on his rec.and now have to fight my 2 kids to get a listen in.
Jun 18, 2004 at 4:18 AM Post #20 of 40
unfortunately the eagles are languishing badly atm, not their season i guess but they have got some damn good players who will kick ass in a couple of seasons time.
Jun 18, 2004 at 6:34 AM Post #22 of 40

Originally Posted by fyrfytrhoges
ive watched it many times, its a very brutal and enjoyable game, but for my buck id rather watch hurling (an irish sport) anytime.

Hmmm...I thought that was an English sport practised in most city centres at the weekends..
Jun 18, 2004 at 1:51 PM Post #23 of 40
Hurling is a tough sport but after some time gets monotonous. Footy on the other hand is just endless fun. It is not about bashing other people up or sheer physical effort.
it is about the players working magic on the field and evrything else that has so far been mentioned comes with it.
To me AU$30 for a game is not much at all. To me it is probably the finest sport out there, and believe me, I at various times have followed almost every single sport and by far footy is the best i have found so far.
Sure Rugby Union might be a rougher sport, Ice Hockey has more fights, Hurling can cause worse injuries, but I am yet to see a sport other thatn footy where someone has come back from 3 knee reconstructions and still made a mark.
it is just passion for the sport and sheer commitment.
i have not found another sport with all these attributes.

In the end it is great fun and I can watch it literally forever
Jun 18, 2004 at 3:28 PM Post #25 of 40

Originally Posted by 3lusiv3
My wife says AFL players have better bodies than ARL players.

Hmm..just a tad more info than I needed there...
Jun 18, 2004 at 3:46 PM Post #26 of 40

Originally Posted by 3lusiv3
Hmmm, AFL. I saw that last year on TV when I was waiting for a pizza in Adelaide.

My wife says AFL players have better bodies than ARL players.

Just clarifying my post for those that didn't get it. The first line was tongue in cheek. I'm from Sydney where AFL isn't all that popular, but it is often shown on TV. It is popular in Adelaide. I'm not very into sport; no offense.

AFL is Australian Football and ARL is Rugby League. Rugby League players have more heavy built bodies. AFL players have more athletic bodies.

Gee, I'm getting myself into trouble, it's way too late at night and I'm too sleepy to think properly. I'll leave for now.
Jun 18, 2004 at 3:48 PM Post #27 of 40
We went to watch a game at the Oval, two Aussie teams come over to London every year to play a pre-season friendly in front of the many antipodeans that are over here.

After about 40 minutes or so, my mate next to me turned to me and said "so basically, this is just full contact netball?"

Jun 18, 2004 at 3:54 PM Post #28 of 40

Originally Posted by doctorjuggles
We went to watch a game at the Oval, two Aussie teams come over to London every year to play a pre-season friendly in front of the many antipodeans that are over here.

After about 40 minutes or so, my mate next to me turned to me and said "so basically, this is just full contact netball?"


Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! I have to remember that one!
Jun 18, 2004 at 5:58 PM Post #29 of 40

Originally Posted by doctorjuggles
We went to watch a game at the Oval, two Aussie teams come over to London every year to play a pre-season friendly in front of the many antipodeans that are over here.

After about 40 minutes or so, my mate next to me turned to me and said "so basically, this is just full contact netball?"


Mate, atleast they do not fake fouls and fall down if someone blows on them.
I don't know if you remember the brawl that happened in 1987 at The Oval.
apparently the crowd was more worried about the players geting hurtthan anyone else.
By now if someone has managed to read through the last 2 pages, here are a few new terms for you
namely Biffs, Coat Hanger and as some commentators say the Artiste's touch.

The last one is not mighty familiar to even a lot of footy followers but mght as well tell you guys.

If anyone wants to know what they mean then just ask and i will explain
Jun 18, 2004 at 6:24 PM Post #30 of 40

Originally Posted by kunwar

If anyone wants to know what they mean then just ask and i will explain

OK, I'll bite, go for it!!

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