Ever heard of Australian Rules Football??
Jun 19, 2004 at 12:23 PM Post #31 of 40
First biff, well that is essentially a punch straight in the face point blank on the nose. So to speak it is pretty crappy if someone gives it to you when you are not expecting it and going for the ball.

Coat Hanger, now this is a nasty one. Essentially a hit on someone with the crook of the elbow above their shoulders if they are getting past you or just for the heck of it.
Very effective at knocking someone out.
somewhat like the one they do on WWF or whatever it is.

Artiste's touch, this is an absolute classic, essentially to do this you have to be almost like a pickpocket, discreet and not visible with the hit.
People receiving this go down faster than a sack of rotten potatoes, even the spectators miss it. One particular one that happened in the 60's was almost invisible until seen on really and I mean really slow replays.

there you go.
Jun 19, 2004 at 12:27 PM Post #32 of 40
another one which is legal is the Hip and Shoulder where you hit the opponent head on.
the hip goes first and then the shoulder finishes of the rest. pretty groggy after this one, I should know cos' I have dished out few and goten some as well.
Jun 20, 2004 at 12:24 PM Post #33 of 40
yes it is a brutal sport but it is a most enjoyable sport to watch. never really played it but it's absolutely awesome to watch. you need to be tough to play it though!

if you haven't ever watched it or seen it you really have to give it a go... it's truly a spectacle.
Jun 20, 2004 at 12:39 PM Post #34 of 40
That said, rugby union is far from squeaky clean...
I played scrumhalf but occasionally replaced our hooker when he got injured. Whilst playing hooker I had my eyes gouged in virtually every scrum, I was headbutted unconscious a couple of times and stamping was just part of the game. 3 matches I played in were abandoned due to mass brawls and this was at schoolboy level...
Jun 20, 2004 at 3:03 PM Post #35 of 40
well rugby union is ****ty when it comes to stamping and eye gouging, let's not forget Scrotum-grabbing.
Nothing like a well timed execution of the ultimately humiliating and hurtful act.
This is what you usually welcome your opponent with no one is looking.
Ther is only one bad thing about rugby union, you can be sent of the field.
In footy you can't, and you know what, one doesn't have to be big to inflict damage.

Anyway, I much prefer the fluency of Footy to Rugby Union which can tend to get bogged down at times and become boring.
BTW who watched England vs. New Zealand last night or for that matter Australia vs. Scotland

Needless to say Southern Hemisphere rules as far as union is concerned.
Jun 20, 2004 at 3:12 PM Post #36 of 40

Originally Posted by kunwar

Needless to say Southern Hemisphere rules as far as union is concerned.

I'm guessing you looked something like this when you wrote that...

NOTE: The above link contains nudity!
Jun 20, 2004 at 4:28 PM Post #37 of 40
maybe I was

Something I have noticed, nobody wants to accept the fact that really speaking other than SA, NZ and Aus no other nation really figures too much in Rugby.
Hell, in Australia Bledisloe Cup is bigger than the World Cup.period.
Jun 20, 2004 at 4:31 PM Post #38 of 40

Originally Posted by kunwar
maybe I was

Something I have noticed, nobody wants to accept the fact that really speaking other than SA, NZ and Aus no other nation really figures too much in Rugby.
Hell, in Australia Bledisloe Cup is bigger than the World Cup.period.

Jun 21, 2004 at 11:04 AM Post #39 of 40

Originally Posted by kunwar
other than SA, NZ and Aus no other nation really figures too much in Rugby.

Fiji is a big contender when it comes to the Sevens though. I went to almost every single one since I was born when I was still living in Hong Kong.

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