Even if you dont like hiphop.. read.
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:19 AM Post #16 of 114

Originally Posted by Aman
EDIT: Allow me to allaborate. South Park often times tries to make fun (almost non-satirically) of all the "criers". Those are people that complain and b*tch if anything is slightly one-sided, and try to take pride in the fact that they superficially try to make things offensively balanced and "goody goody". Asmox and Gshan made very ridiculous and stupid comments towards one pretty well-observant and intelligent thought.




Another hip hop thread.

Anyone want to guess how this one ends up?


Did i say anywhere in there i didnt like the genre?

No, i am making a refrence to how all the other threads about hip hop end up as 12 page flame wars.

observant? very. intelligent? hardly. the guy isn't doing much of anything other than suggesting that this thread should not exist because it's a hip-hop thread and hip-hop threads are intrinsically destined to wind up in the trash bin.

in light of recent events, is this true? perhaps. does this mean that every single future thread about hip-hop should be condemned to doom from the start? no way. it's extremely narrow to imply something like that, but then, you've made yourself out to be a rather narrow person.. so i can't say i'm surprised that you're actually trying to defend his pointless comments.

i've been reading the REAL replies around here, and yeah, there is an actual discussion going on somewhere in this thread.. though that discussion has already become largely interspersed with cynical commentary.

good job on f**cking up a perfectly good thread
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:33 AM Post #17 of 114

Originally Posted by asmox
observant? very. intelligent? hardly. the guy isn't doing much of anything other than suggesting that this thread should not exist because it's a hip-hop thread and hip-hop threads are intrinsically destined to wind up in the trash bin.

Incorrect. He never once said that the thread should not exist. He made a prediction as to where it was headed.


Originally Posted by asmox

in light of recent events, is this true? perhaps. does this mean that every single future thread about hip-hop should be condemned to doom from the start? no way. it's extremely narrow to imply something like that, but then, you've made yourself out to be a rather narrow person.. so i can't say i'm surprised that you're actually trying to defend his pointless comments.

I'm not defending his posts, I am going AGAINST you and your friend Gshan here. You both made worthless posts, reflective of how much down the tube this community has become in light of these recent ideas that we all have to act like we live under the rule of the Chinese Communist party.


good job on f**cking up a perfectly good thread

Again, your pal Gshan did that. He ASSumed very incorrectly and completely out of line within the first few posts on this thread. Blame him for thinking that he said things he didn't. He said nothing, nor implied nothing, about how "rap music sucks". But, like the rest of the liberal world out there, everything has to be equal and opportune for all, and you are a BAD PERSON if you say something that somebody else disagrees with.
Yeah, you can keep on thinking that an opinion is intollerance, or in this case, "thread crapping". It's neither. Grow up.

hugz: Oh? Every comment was positive up until beach's? Why don't you read again, maybe like POST NUMBER TWO?! And why is it that every comment must be positive? Since not everybody can like everything and the same things, there will be differences in opinion. Hell, he didn't even VOICE an opinion on whether or not the music was good. He made a comment that was turned into idiocy by others because they ASSumed before they read. You will not find the words "I", "hate", "sucks", etc. in his first post. Why? Because he wasn't stating anything about how the music was horrible. That's why. He shouldn't be criticized for pointing out the obvious.

And when something seems to be "misread" like what happened here, don't go off blasting "you're unaccepting" and "you're imorale" and blah blah blah -- because you have to realize that some people think that some music is absolute garbage. I could care less if you said you couldn't listen to Miles Davis. You obviously have your reasons, or else you would be listening to him. Right? You're not a better or worse person because you can't appreciate some styles of music. Not everybody is thread crapping if they simply have a difference in opinion. This is a forum composed of MANY different people, not a bunch of communists like you guys are starting to come off as.
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:56 AM Post #18 of 114

Originally Posted by Aman
Allow me to allaborate.

MIT student?
(for those among us who do not understand emoticons...I was being *sarcastic*. for those who do not understand sarcasm...ah I give up)

what did asmox do anyway? he made a valid point. if we can have threads discussing black metal and whether or not the beatles were the greatest band ever, we can certainly include rap. the TOS does not specify a max number of rap threads that may be posted per week.

anyways. I really liked that song. lyrics sound like he put some thought into them, and the song flows well. Wind instrument interlude sounded kinda cheezy, coulda done without that I think. Shame we do not hear this kind of rap on the radio.
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:57 AM Post #19 of 114

Originally Posted by Aman
Incorrect. He never once said that the thread should not exist.

he never said a great many things, but he sure did imply them. do they no longer teach deductive reasoning in high school?


Another hip hop thread.

Anyone want to guess how this one ends up?"

LOL.. come on. you might as well say, 'don't bother making any more hip-hop threads because they're just going to wind up like the last 20.'

also, i'd appreciate it if you quit refering to myself and Gshan as a single entity. i have no associations with him, and my comments are independent from his. i never once implied that Beach has something against hip-hop music, i simply said in plain words exactly what he was implying - that this thread has no reason to be here because it's only going to end up like every other hip-hop thread in recent history. your continuing denial of this is amusing.

anyway.. your pseudo-intellectualism is bringing on a case of severe mental anguish. you are either completely moronic or selectively blind. good luck at MIT.
Aug 5, 2005 at 7:08 AM Post #20 of 114
I found that the what beach implied was very clear, as have other people. he didn't say "hate" or anything, but he didn't have to. the purpose of the post was strongly implied

and quit saying "ASSumed". every decision a person makes is based upon hundreds of assumptions. assumptions are very important to human reasoning. (like you know.... by posting this i'm ASSuming you'll still be alive, and ASSuming you'll open this thread... and ASSuming you'll still be able to read upon opening this thread.. and ASSuming that you aren't able to read my mind, which would make the purpose of this post useless).

i hate that phrase "when you assume you make an ass out of u and me.". er no. when you assume incorrectly you may make an ass out of yourself. 99% of all assumptions are correct (and subconscious) i'm sure (i assume).

finally, yay for hiphop

(the 2nd post was sarcasm [humour], not a negative view of the topic at hand)
Aug 5, 2005 at 7:18 AM Post #21 of 114

Originally Posted by hugz
Of course, all above references to "hiphop" refer to "underground/indie hiphop and a few popular hiphop arists". Most popular hiphop is absolutely terrible, with the exception of a few people

True. You haven't heard hip-hop until you've listened to indie/underground, also a lot of variations of hip-hop can be found all across the globe that should be given a chance. Hip-hop is not my favorite genre but I've learned that it is a viable genre just as any other and there is music to be heard that is not even close to the stereotypes.
Aug 5, 2005 at 9:22 AM Post #22 of 114
The song is pretty good, but it suffers the same shortcomings as a lot of underground hiphop (repetitive beat with minimal production, lack of a compelling lyrical subject, no catchy hook or singing, instrumental verse that seems to drone on pointlessly). As such, I'm not sure why someone who doesn't like hiphop would want to listen to it.
Aug 5, 2005 at 10:10 AM Post #23 of 114
My problem with Eyedea is that his lyrics are usually more suitable for emo rock, which I am not a fan of. Regarding this song, his love of music's kinda lost in some babbling about his own personal issues. I like the beat though, DJ Krush type production, someone I'm a big fan of. It also takes a few listens to actually get his message, his delivery's a little unclear to my ears at least. Overall good song though. This is a few lines that stand out to me:
If only I could make you understand
But words are just words so I can't
The universe's deepest art form keeps my heart warm with
I tell ya
Ain't nothing quite as beautiful as Music


Originally Posted by Rempert
no catchy hook or singing

I actually like it this way as most of the time, hooks are misused/just plain terrible or when they're not, the content of the song is usually quite bad.

You know, threads like this one would have no problems if people would just reply to the original post and continue discussion on that original content.
Aug 5, 2005 at 10:27 AM Post #24 of 114
Underground hip-hop, and especially all this Minneapolis stuff, hasn't done much for me lately. There's too much self-conscious, calculated irreverence, the production tends to either remain staunchly rooted in the early 90's or suffer from the same novelty-for-novelty's-sake directionlessness as post-rock, the emcees tend to boast about their lyrical skills in the exact same fashion that commercial rappers boast about [insert cliche here], and in general it seems like most of the artists are very concerned with their image and importance as a supposed cutting-edge artist while not really considering the fact that they have an audience to entertain. I liked all this stuff for a good few years, mostly because I felt smart while listening to it and it gave me a vague, unspoken sense of superiority over people wasting their time on "stupid" hip-hop, but after my backpacker defenses wore away and I actually started listening to the "stupid" stuff, I stopped thinking of it as stupid and realized that not only is there a lot of fun to be had, but that's also where the innovation is happening.

This is just my opinion of course. And it's also a generalization -- there are still some artists who are considered "underground" who I like.

So you say listen to Eyedea & Abilities, and I say listen to anything Just Blaze or DJ Paul has produced in the last year or two.

Also, if you want to actually give people a way to listen to this "Music Music" song... http://www.yousendit.com.
Aug 5, 2005 at 12:16 PM Post #26 of 114
i find that most twin cities hiphop has reasonably simple production, as oposed to say NY hiphop or such. Maybe it's just because of the prevelance of rhymeslayers though. ant probably produces half of everything from the twin cities and influences 40% of the rest :p
Aug 5, 2005 at 12:18 PM Post #27 of 114

Originally Posted by Factor
Underground hip-hop, and especially all this Minneapolis stuff, hasn't done much for me lately.

I liked all this stuff for a good few years, mostly because I felt smart while listening to it and it gave me a vague, unspoken sense of superiority over people wasting their time on "stupid" hip-hop, but after my backpacker defenses wore away and I actually started listening to the "stupid" stuff, I stopped thinking of it as stupid and realized that not only is there a lot of fun to be had, but that's also where the innovation is happening.

Factor, I'd have to say I feel the same way about the hometown underground hiphop scene. When I first heard Atmosphere at First Avenue, he was just a unknown star but had sort of a cult following around here in the Twin Cities. I thought it was pretty good, even though I don't like hiphop or rap, and I got more exposure to it as my friends started to really pick up on it.

I too have become really jaded by the local music scene and it seems that the artists, such as Slug (Atmosphere), Brother Ali, etc. etc. have become quite conceited about their ever growing popularity around the country. Atmosphere's fun factor in his records has gone down at an increasing rate since his first EP. It's not enjoyable to listen to, and it's not just because I don't like hiphop, I have an appreciation for his talents, but he's just not using it to his full ability. He's a great freestyler.. but he just hasn't been hitting the mark lately.

One thing that I do like, however, is the music scene around here in Evanston and Chicago during the time I'm in school. The jazz clubs are fantastic and I don't think it could be any better.
Aug 5, 2005 at 5:05 PM Post #28 of 114

Originally Posted by asmox
he never said a great many things, but he sure did imply them. do they no longer teach deductive reasoning in high school?


Another hip hop thread.

Anyone want to guess how this one ends up?"

LOL.. come on. you might as well say, 'don't bother making any more hip-hop threads because they're just going to wind up like the last 20.'

also, i'd appreciate it if you quit refering to myself and Gshan as a single entity. i have no associations with him, and my comments are independent from his. i never once implied that Beach has something against hip-hop music, i simply said in plain words exactly what he was implying - that this thread has no reason to be here because it's only going to end up like every other hip-hop thread in recent history. your continuing denial of this is amusing.

anyway.. your pseudo-intellectualism is bringing on a case of severe mental anguish. you are either completely moronic or selectively blind. good luck at MIT.

Fine... have it your way. I will not stop -- if this thread gets closed, all the better!

An online forum is no place for making guesses about what COULD have been said. Deductive reasoning is of no use when it is applied to a forum which has no vocal communication of ANY SORT.

You might AS WELL say something that is completely unrelated to what he said, but indeed he did not. He chose his words and communicated them as such. He meant what he said. Beach was not intending to have people decode his message and apply their own ideas of sarcasm to his response.

I refered to you two as one merely for the purpose of making it easier to refer to you both. And, considering that you two are quite popular for b*tching if something is "negative" (this is a forum, IS IT NOT?!), I thought it would only be good to group you together. If I can group Stalin and Mao under the same title of "Communists", I should be able to group Gshan and asmox under "b*tches".

If you are going to keep on guessing that Beach said something he PLAINLY DID NOT, then it is not I who needs luck at college. He NEVER said that the thread should not exist. You know this plain well. Do I have to look every *****ing word up in the dictionary for you and translate it accordingly?!

I do not believe in Communism. It is apparent here that some people in this thread haven't voted Republican in a number of years, and it also appears that people are moving to China in vast numbers. After all, who else in the entire damned world would find it acceptable to go against somebody who makes a comment against a thread? Is this NOT a forum, where people say things and discuss things? Should we not say ANYTHING unless if what we're saying is happy and praises the creator of the thread three hundred times? The reason that the forums exist is because people say things that others don't agree with. We're only drawn together by sharing a passion for one pastime -- but we keep on talking here because we have opinions. Opinions differ. And just because somebody says something that they're PERFECTLY ENTITLED TO that may go against the creation of this thread, DOES NOT MEAN that he hates Rap music! He was merely pointing out what was already obvious from past experiences, and it makes me sick that people think that responding in a way such as Gshan's (in particular) is the right way to do things.
Aug 5, 2005 at 6:51 PM Post #29 of 114
Hey, guys? Knock it off.

Do we who appreciate hip hop go trashing threads regarding the best recording of Beethoven's 9th? Not that I see.

Good song, OP, I rather like it. May have to check out the disc.
Aug 5, 2005 at 7:13 PM Post #30 of 114

Originally Posted by Aman
I do not believe in Communism. It is apparent here that some people in this thread haven't voted Republican in a number of years, and it also appears that people are moving to China in vast numbers. After all, who else in the entire damned world would find it acceptable to go against somebody who makes a comment against a thread? Is this NOT a forum, where people say things and discuss things? Should we not say ANYTHING unless if what we're saying is happy and praises the creator of the thread three hundred times? The reason that the forums exist is because people say things that others don't agree with. We're only drawn together by sharing a passion for one pastime -- but we keep on talking here because we have opinions. Opinions differ. And just because somebody says something that they're PERFECTLY ENTITLED TO that may go against the creation of this thread, DOES NOT MEAN that he hates Rap music! He was merely pointing out what was already obvious from past experiences, and it makes me sick that people think that responding in a way such as Gshan's (in particular) is the right way to do things.

That was quite the tirade. Can we just let this topic go? I know, I am being a communist (although I prefer fascist) and trying to shut you up but part of everyone being allowed to impart an opinion is that social controls develop. Such controls, once one has been socialized therein, often prevent diatribes such as yours from spiraling into lengthy and useless arguments that destroy otherwise satisfactory threads. Please, can we stay on the topic, even if it isn't a terrific one.

I can't find a copy of this song to listen to, anyone have a link or other suggestion?

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