ES-R10 closed back dynamic headphone Sony R10 Replica Discussion/Impressions
May 19, 2022 at 10:55 PM Post #797 of 1,571
If anyone is looking for a pair. I am selling mine #61

It look stunning and is pretty closely assembling the R10. I never heard the R10, so I can’t tell how it fair against it.

My impressions is as followings

1/ Fit issues: I am used to the 800s with the adjustable headband , once adjusted, it stay fixed and I can walk, bike, sit or lay down with no issues.

ES-R10, I have problems keeping it on my head when walking around the house, because the middle straps will allow the motions to pull the cups down. It keeps sagging and drooping.

The Pads: I love how 800s and other phones feel like, they completely cover my whole ears 👂. Where as the ES feels like it is On the ears instead, as it doesn’t cover ny entire ears.

2/ Sound stages: This one is a closed back, and so I have always doubted that it would competes against opened back. Now I have got that confirmed. The soundstage is very impressive for a closed back. Almost feel like not a closed back at all. However, to call that it is comparable to HD800S is an exaggeration. It is still inferior to HD800S. Yet, perhaps what others think they like it here more than the 800s is due to the vocal being a little more forward, together with the ability to portraying that depth of staging. This is especially understandable when some people would call 800s to have artificial soundstage. I am in the opposite camp. IMO, the HD800S staging is huge, vast, and it is only second to the Stax SR009 (not the S) , and out of the T2 amplifier. But what nets the 800s to stay with me over my older Stax is the “dynamic and punchiness”.

Dynamic prowess: Yes, even at the best of the Stax ability, the 800S still exhibits the superior punchiness and dynamic delivery but perhaps at a lower transients responses which allow Stax to have a finer, more extending highs, and airiness, but that would be at the most of 5%. While with Stax, I have to use the energizer, staying tethered to a desk. With 800s, I can plug into my DAP and carry on. Ofcourse it doesn’t sing up 99% of it ability, but it can be very well performer. Like a lot better than any other phones and in ears , out of them choices. Then when I need it to do it utmost, I have my desktop ready.

The only dynamic headphones that surpasses the 800S in dynamic prowess IMO by far has been the one and the only, Focal Utopia. Before you asked, no, I have not listened to any of the Abyss yet. I don’t feel like I want to, I don’t like how it look or fit…..whenever I compare others to 800s, I always smile and huge, kissing my 800s in appreciation. Here is another instance. Why did I let go of Utopia ? Because I crave the staging of 800S.

I will be honest, my dream phones is to have 800S staging, and Utopia dynamic. Then I will move on to it. For now, the 800s still wins my heart

Textures fidelity, nuances details: So, here is what I am hearing. That depth of cues and stagings is actually the result of the illusions created by veiling up the nuances details, smoothing out the textures sharpness and fidelity. For example, a quick snare really sounds too smooth. In modern pop genres and EDM is where it mostly will be observed. The 800s have it all covered nicely.

Bass performances: not only that it lacks the dynamic prowess, but in order for it to be remaining it neutrality, it had to trade off. Together with the closed back in nature, it actually has some lower sub bass boost that could overwhelm the lower mid bass, which renders the transitioning between deep sub bass to lower mid bass a little out of coherency. I did like this the most as I listen to various genres, I want to listen to the bass the way that I can tell which is going where, and this is a mess IMO. The other phones that does better bass than 800S is Stax 009/S with different flavor but both amazing and out performing 800S!!!

Imagings: this is where it gets some credits, with the potent drivers, the imaging seem great, it is able to render the spaciousness of the instruments, the placements, and the holography of the presentations. Yes, with the mid a bit more forward than 800s, the imagings and it presentations is more intimidating than 800s. This is exactly where some people who doesn’t like the 800s would feel right at home with this one. Given that it is also a closed back, yes, it is an amazing phones. But to someone who is in the camp of 800S….I gotta say that it doesn’t float too well with me.

Now, giving that it is only 34 ohms impedance, it does appreciate and love my SETA. It also scaled a lot with a powerful amplifier hooking up to it, but the evidences that it doesn’t slam quiet as hard or the overall balances/cohesiveness as my 800s out of my portable stuff, I will let it go. Because in the end, the one thing I love 800s for is the ability to be Up and Go, great fit , and great performances, that can yet scale up with powerful amplifier.

I have not taking any pictures yet. I will tomorrow by sometimes. But at this moment, I am selling it. Anyone within the states can just PM me and I will ship it out as soon as I can :). Thank you. **the Jack is now 4.4mm furutech**
The comparison of the ES-R10 to the HD800 is in a way unfair. Thy have a totally different presentation. The 800 is intended to be wide staged and analytical. The ES-R10 is intended to be warm and intimate. Regarding soundstage;- did anyone say the R10 was equal in width to the 800? If so- they need to get their hearing tested. The R10 has a unique 3-D soundstage which is not extremely wide but rather intimate and very special in the headphone world.

I certainly respect that you prefer the 800 over the R-10. I just feel they are tuned so differently with the intention to deliver music in a very different manner that perhaps it is an apples and oranges comparison...
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May 19, 2022 at 10:58 PM Post #798 of 1,571
your assumptions are correct. the strongest parts of Utopia are not anything ES-R10 emphasizes as strongly. Utopia is more neutral, more visceral (texture), more apparent bass, more depth. ES-R10 is warmer, smoother, wider.

i spent the last hour in direct A/B and find the two most interesting qualities to be detail and impact. in the moment Utopia 'feels' like it has more impact and detail (or you have bias it should) but ES-R10 just presents both differently and i cannot say it is objectively 'lesser' from my short comparison.

very much see why many would feel ES-R10 is more enjoyable - it is certainly a more balanced listen. Utopia is balls to the wall, brute force.

you can't argue value. i didn't pay msrp on Utopia but man. ES-R10 at less than 40% of the cost. i get why @mulveling got a second pair 🤣
Thanks, this is good to know. I’ve tend to favor the more exciting headphones. I heard the original R10 at a meet many years ago and on quick listen didn’t understand all the fuss, other than unique look. I ended up really loving the L3000 at that meet and eventually got a pair. Sold off Grado PS-1 to get them since wanted closed headphones at the time.

Anyway, I guess if have some extra cash and just wanted a change of pace, these might be the way to go. Good to know pairs well with the Naim.
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May 19, 2022 at 11:13 PM Post #799 of 1,571
R10 is about the "beauty" or "soul" of music; yet even though this is the focus, the detail and impact is excellent (definitely more impact than the Susvara). Perhaps- not quite Utopia level- but still very good while presenting a warmer, more musical, more organic (less neutral) presentation. R10=beauty. Utopia and TC= beast.

By the way- the ES-R10 is clearly more incisive, impactful, and bass weighted than the OG. It really is a very balanced combination of the original magical OG while putting noticeably more stress on bass and impact than the OG. Perhaps I would even say, just perhaps- that it's sonic signature is a breed of a MDR-R10 and a Utopia. Maybe 70/30 in favor of OG....
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May 19, 2022 at 11:46 PM Post #800 of 1,571
When @mulveling likes something, he get a spare!
May 20, 2022 at 12:41 AM Post #801 of 1,571
R10 is about the "beauty" or "soul" of music; yet even though this is the focus, the detail and impact is excellent (definitely more impact than the Susvara). Perhaps- not quite Utopia level- but still very good while presenting a warmer, more musical, more organic (less neutral) presentation. R10=beauty. Utopia and TC= beast.

By the way- the ES-R10 is clearly more incisive, impactful, and bass weighted than the OG. It really is a very balanced combination of the original magical OG while putting noticeably more stress on bass and impact than the OG. Perhaps I would even say, just perhaps- that it's sonic signature is a breed of a MDR-R10 and a Utopia. Maybe 70/30 in favor of qq
How is the treble / upper treble / air on es-r10?
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May 20, 2022 at 1:33 AM Post #803 of 1,571
I’m contemplating a spare as well. Will probably pick up their estat too at the same time. Might do it relatively soon
May 20, 2022 at 4:31 AM Post #804 of 1,571
Im also getting a spare. Maybe close to Christmas.
May 20, 2022 at 9:46 AM Post #805 of 1,571
lots of listening today... will vouch for this pairing

Wow, I have to say the wood grain on the last few units posted (~60+) has been stunning - tighter and more aesthetic than the previous batch. Congrats on that pair. I have 64 coming so hope that holds out a bit longer! My first listen to the Utopia in 2017 was right out of a Naim integrated amp - I forget which model; it had no screen or digital source. But I remember it being incredibly musical and so enjoyable. I don't doubt that beautiful beast sounds amazing with ES-R10.
May 20, 2022 at 1:20 PM Post #806 of 1,571
Wow, I have to say the wood grain on the last few units posted (~60+) has been stunning - tighter and more aesthetic than the previous batch. Congrats on that pair. I have 64 coming so hope that holds out a bit longer! My first listen to the Utopia in 2017 was right out of a Naim integrated amp - I forget which model; it had no screen or digital source. But I remember it being incredibly musical and so enjoyable. I don't doubt that beautiful beast sounds amazing with ES-R10.
Yeah, I noticed that too. @Aura, did yours come polished like that or did you add some to it? Mine came with a dull finish.
May 20, 2022 at 5:14 PM Post #808 of 1,571
Got mine this week #59 and enjoying the sound and waiting for burn in. Changed the cable and noticed an pretty good difference right away with more space and sparkle up top. My concern is the way it covers my ears. it something between an over ear and on ear. It is soft and comfortable but it touches the ear so after 2-3 hours of use I have to shift it around to get it more comfortable again. It is similar to the issue I've had with Grado or other on ear headphones. I've tried stretching it out and it is better but comfort for long sessions might be an issue for some. May have to use it for a couple of hours then give it a rest and come back to it but the sound is very seductive and may be worth the pain.
May 20, 2022 at 5:31 PM Post #809 of 1,571
Got mine this week #59 and enjoying the sound and waiting for burn in. Changed the cable and noticed an pretty good difference right away with more space and sparkle up top. My concern is the way it covers my ears. it something between an over ear and on ear. It is soft and comfortable but it touches the ear so after 2-3 hours of use I have to shift it around to get it more comfortable again. It is similar to the issue I've had with Grado or other on ear headphones. I've tried stretching it out and it is better but comfort for long sessions might be an issue for some. May have to use it for a couple of hours then give it a rest and come back to it but the sound is very seductive and may be worth the pain.
What cable did you change to?
May 20, 2022 at 6:06 PM Post #810 of 1,571
It was my old cable that I had for my HE6 OG. It's a custom made cable with a speaker cable terminated with 4pin XLR to Hifiman connectors. Again, it was for the HE6 since it was coming out of speaker taps to 4 pin XLR (female) then the headphone cable 4pin XLR (male) to Hifiman connectors - so complete the chain with speaker cable. It is a fat cable (it's a fat straw) :ksc75smile:. I'm looking into getting a Silver Cable to see if any more detail and sparkle comes out as others have mentioned earlier in the thread as well.

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