End the mystery about the Yamaha RH5Ma - Lindrone could review them with your help !
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:30 PM Post #91 of 155
Many years ago when i was searching some cheap phones i made mistake and bought some of those sony MDR V*** crap phones. Damn they sounded canny, and what was even worse, they were physically PAIN for my ears. The pressure to ears started under 10 minutes. I trashed those immediately, that was maybe the worst buy for 20 euros i can remember.
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:36 PM Post #92 of 155
I have never heard a pair of sony i would be ready to buy...
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:46 PM Post #93 of 155

Originally Posted by SilentServices
Didnt said they are the same... but they are in the same league... EASILY!!!
Its ridiculous to bring the V150 again.... the Yams are directly competing with the V6, MDR 7506 and HD280...

Nonsense. You are doing head-fi a great disservice by making such wild and false claims.

"but they are almost identical ... except that the yamaha are a little smoother and have a better, richer midrange... Also the Sony can sound tiny at time... + upper bass lacks presence... "

Hello? This is what you said, you apparently dis the Sony's (shock of the century) and of course, gloat about how wonderful your $40 yamaha's are. I bet you think the Yamaha's can compete with my Baby Orpheus as well, huh?
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:47 PM Post #94 of 155

Originally Posted by SilentServices
Maybe your pair of RH5Ma were defective?

Nope. They are just terrible headphones.
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:49 PM Post #95 of 155

Originally Posted by SilentServices
call me deaf if you want... but i compared the two headphones TODAY! did you??

I owned the Yamaha's then the V150's. I also owned several pairs of Denon 210's and 350's. I still remember what they sound like. One can easily remember how good a headphone sounds or how bloody awful another headphone can sound. I clearly recall how horrid the sound was on both headphones, granted the Yamaha's we're marginally better.
Jul 28, 2004 at 11:55 PM Post #96 of 155
Nothing wild there... Comparing the V150 to the RH5Ma... thats wild!

anyway... you hate the yamaha thats ok...

little question about the yamaha... did you find that they have lots of resonance?
Jul 29, 2004 at 12:04 AM Post #97 of 155

Originally Posted by SilentServices
Nothing wild there... Comparing the V150 to the RH5Ma... thats wild!

anyway... you hate the yamaha thats ok...

little question about the yamaha... did you find that they have lots of resonance?

I thought they did, they sounded very tinny and well, coarse. They sounded very artificial and just cheap. Very plasticky (not the construction, the actual sound). I've heard $5 earbuds that sounded cleaner.

The V150's and Yamaha's are in the same price bracket, at the time i paid around $30 for the Yamaha's and like $25 for the sony's. However the comparison doesn't end their, what made the V150's so awful is that they sounded completely devoid of anything tolerable. It was like attempting to listen to my tunes via a phone, the yamaha's were a small step up from that. It's like having a glass cup smashed a few inches from your ears (causing great amounts of stinging pain to shoot through your ears i imagine), that's a good way to describe the sound "reproduction" both the yamaha's and sony's offered.

I cannot comprehend how anyone can claim the yamaha's have anything good going for them, when they don't. They don't exhibit any of the characteristics you've been claiming. Well, i cannot wait till some other head-fiers try them out and they can voice their opinions of reason.
Jul 29, 2004 at 12:09 AM Post #98 of 155
I am speechless.... really...

like you said... lets wait for a review
I guess Lindrone will be expecting the worst with your happy review of the yams
Jul 29, 2004 at 1:07 AM Post #99 of 155
Goddammit! stop winking, its so damn annoying. you do the samething on aim. just stop raving about it for now and wait until lindrone get it so he can review it and we'll see.
Jul 29, 2004 at 1:25 AM Post #100 of 155

Yeah, I haven't heard the V6/7506.

I was under the impression that a lot of studios used the entire range of V-series. My bad. I think I was thinking about DJs. The V6/7506 is pretty common, of course. And yes, I haven't heard it, so I can't say it's good or bad based upon personal experience.

Aug 9, 2004 at 10:49 PM Post #101 of 155
So, any news? Did anyone buy a pair of these Yamaha's?
Aug 9, 2004 at 10:56 PM Post #102 of 155
The place I ordered them from was out of stock, even though their system shown there was 5 of them in stock, they didn't have any at all. So the order was stuck in the abyss status for a while. Last Friday they called Yamaha to make a special order, which will be in their warehouse sometime middle of this week. Hopefully then they'll ship it out right away, and I'll have it either Friday or early next week.
Aug 9, 2004 at 11:11 PM Post #103 of 155

Originally Posted by lindrone
The place I ordered them from was out of stock, even though their system shown there was 5 of them in stock, they didn't have any at all. So the order was stuck in the abyss status for a while. Last Friday they called Yamaha to make a special order, which will be in their warehouse sometime middle of this week. Hopefully then they'll ship it out right away, and I'll have it either Friday or early next week.

Ok! Thanks for the quick reply.
Aug 28, 2004 at 12:58 AM Post #104 of 155
Any news?

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