Emmeline "The Shadow"
Sep 11, 2009 at 11:37 AM Post #301 of 999
According to Ray, the bodywork will drop in at his place in the 39th week of 2009.

A few days after that the units will find their way to the customers, I guess, as Ray is always very fast with assembling.

He shure knows too, that everybody is sitting and waiting for the little beauties to be shipped.
Sep 12, 2009 at 5:00 AM Post #303 of 999

Originally Posted by McMaly /img/forum/go_quote.gif
According to Ray, the bodywork will drop in at his place in the 39th week of 2009.

A few days after that the units will find their way to the customers, I guess, as Ray is always very fast with assembling.

He shure knows too, that everybody is sitting and waiting for the little beauties to be shipped.

Let's see.. OK, divide by the number of months, carry the one, plus an extra 1 day for leap year...

aha! - hopefully - last week of September.

Poor Ray - he's gotten himself into another "Production Death March".
We should each send him a pound of Starbuck's Espresso beans.
But, it's his own darn fault - he absolutely refuses to quit designing magic little amps, that we all want.

Well, it's for a good cause: our listening pleasure.
(and a fair profit)
Sep 12, 2009 at 10:03 PM Post #305 of 999

Sitting on a plane in Miami waiting to take off back home to the Bay, thinking maybe I have less than 5 more trips with my Mustang.

That is true, but I think about it this way - some fortunate person is going to benefit by gaining my mustang.
Sep 12, 2009 at 10:04 PM Post #306 of 999

Originally Posted by cgiammona /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That is true, but I think about it this way - some fortunate person is going to benefit by gaining my mustang.

Ooh ooh ooh! *Raises hand*
Sep 13, 2009 at 9:07 AM Post #307 of 999

Originally Posted by Pale Rider /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sitting on a plane in Miami waiting to take off back home to the Bay, thinking maybe I have less than 5 more trips with my Mustang.

Will the Shadow have better SQ than the Mustang?? I'm about to push the button on a Mustang.
Sep 13, 2009 at 6:15 PM Post #309 of 999

Originally Posted by SpudHarris /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Will the Shadow have better SQ than the Mustang?? I'm about to push the button on a Mustang.

According to jamato8:
(and that's good enough for me)

"Well I am listening to the Shadow right now."

"The sound reminds me of the P-51. Plenty of drive, great separation of voices and instruments and bass impact."

"I find the Shadow and Mustang to be very close in sound. There may be a slight bit more air with the Mustang but further listening is needed. They both provide a nice wide soundstage with deep bass that is not one note but discernible as to placement and slight change in tone and character."
Sep 13, 2009 at 9:41 PM Post #311 of 999

Originally Posted by SpudHarris /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^ Many thanks Sierra I think I may well drop Ray the Mustang payment tonight. My poor wallet......


Your "poor wallet" will be forgotten,
the INSTANT you hit Play, on the Mustang/JH13 combo!

(also highly recommend ALO's SXC LOD).

There's some kind of Spooky Synergy going on with this rig
- at least, to my ears (fwiw).


(from what jamato8 says - looks like the main benefit of the Shadow will be form factor & volume/balance accuracy and repeatability. If it sounds like the Mustang - it's a winner, for sure.)

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