Emmeline "The Hornet" portable headphone amp.
Dec 26, 2005 at 5:01 AM Post #751 of 802

Just sent you the funds over paypal.

$295.00 for the Hornet
$16.00 for 2 x Tysonic battery,
$10.00 for US shipping
$10.00 paypal fee in the US
Total in the US + pal pal fee is $331.00.

Thanks for your contribution to the head-fi community!
And yes... this forum is killing me financially
Dec 29, 2005 at 12:57 AM Post #753 of 802
Dec 29, 2005 at 2:30 AM Post #754 of 802

Originally Posted by applegd
I asked Ray several days ago via email, I was told it is $350, not $295.

The special is only for the members of the head-fi & the members of another web site, any outsiders they pay $350.00, If you happen to be a member which I see now that you are, then I apologize for the mistake that I have made.
Ray Samuels
Dec 29, 2005 at 6:41 PM Post #755 of 802
Paypal and money order are the only ways to pay for the hornet correct?
Dec 29, 2005 at 11:32 PM Post #756 of 802
paypal, money order or personal check are the only ways to make payment. Ray's not set up to accept credit cards directly. This is what he told me yesterday.
Dec 30, 2005 at 12:31 AM Post #757 of 802
Dear headfiers....
I will be at the CES, in Las Vegas, this year in room 1705. The Emmeline II, The Stealth, pre-amp/headphone amp & the Emmeline XR-10B pbono stage, two products from our production line, will be pairing with other manufacturers speakers & amps + the VPI super master scout turn table as a big system. The Stealth will be controlling two mono blocks & the XR-10B will do the vinyl. If you happen to be coming to this great event, please make sure to stop by.
Due to the time involved in this CES, the Ray Samuels Audio, will be closed from the 3rd of January to the 9th. There will be no shipping during these few days as I am taking my shipping department, MY WIFE, with me.
Please do not get frustrated if your e-mail won't be answered during this short period of time, nor upset if your phone calls won't be returned.
We are hoping that this big exposure of our gear to the high end demanding customers, will bring, hopfully, a better recognition to the Emmeline line of amps to the public. The best reviewers will be present there, what a great priviledge to meet them all in person.
When we come back, we will try to answer all our e-mails & return the phone calls & ship the product as fast as we can.
Thanks for understanding.
Ray Samuels
Dec 30, 2005 at 12:35 AM Post #758 of 802
Best of luck to you in Las Vegas, Ray. I'm sure the reponse will be very positive!
Jan 24, 2006 at 5:33 PM Post #759 of 802
Hrmmm this thread is at 39 pages...

Am I too late to buy a hornet?

I want one!
Jan 24, 2006 at 5:36 PM Post #760 of 802

Originally Posted by Trance-Addict
Hrmmm this thread is at 39 pages...

Am I too late to buy a hornet?

I want one!

Of coure you can buy a Hornet. Howver you are inelligible for holiday or intro pricing. You would have to pay $350 for the Hornet if you wanted to buy one.
Jan 24, 2006 at 7:04 PM Post #761 of 802
where do i place an order?

hrmm... tough choice hornet amp or full size HK .45 in stainless....
Jan 25, 2006 at 6:07 AM Post #764 of 802

Originally Posted by Trance-Addict
where do i place an order?

hrmm... tough choice hornet amp or full size HK .45 in stainless....

There's no such thing as not enough firepower...
Jan 25, 2006 at 3:43 PM Post #765 of 802
thats exactly the .45 im going to get, i decided to buy it cause the full size USP in stainless is no longer produced. Ill get the hornet with my next paycheck ^_^

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