Eleven Audio XIAUDIO Formula S Headphone Amplifier
Mar 11, 2023 at 7:57 AM Post #586 of 686
Mar 11, 2023 at 11:04 AM Post #587 of 686
what made you decide to sell yours?
All my other amps I currently own are superior.

The zahl HM1 is my main solid state amp now.
Mar 11, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #589 of 686
Must be quite the headphone amp then. I had a brief listen to the McIntosh MHA150 using 800s and 1266 TC, I much preferred the Form S/ Powerman even though it was cold.
The formula s/p is a very good amp, it was my fav solid state amp for 1266TC, the HM1 is just better at pretty much everything.
Mar 12, 2023 at 3:17 AM Post #590 of 686
The formula s/p is a very good amp, it was my fav solid state amp for 1266TC, the HM1 is just better at pretty much everything.
thanks for the response, very interesting, do you see yourself reach for wa33 more or zm1 more for the abyss? you have quite the variety, I am sure you are very satisfied.
Mar 12, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #591 of 686
Formula S/ Powerman has really good synergy with Utopia 2022. I was considering selling Formula S/ Powerman before, but I decided to try it with my newly arrived Hugo TT2 and compared it to Enleum Amp 23R. FS+P opens up Utopia 2022, the treble is more lively and extended compared to Amp 23R. This makes me change my mind on selling FS+P. Now preparing my wallet to get M Scaler.
Mar 12, 2023 at 3:52 PM Post #592 of 686
If one owns the abyss 1266 TC it is hard to do much better than the formula s/powerman for what a used pair will cost you today...I am using my CFA3 which has far more power with my abyss and it is outstanding but I really only need the extra power for the susvara ...I think the formula s combo is outstanding
Mar 12, 2023 at 5:52 PM Post #593 of 686
thanks for the response, very interesting, do you see yourself reach for wa33 more or zm1 more for the abyss? you have quite the variety, I am sure you are very satisfied.
They are honestly both amazing and its a struggle choosing between them and it depends on my mood and genre of music i want to listen to. For strictly electronic music i think the HM1 is superior due to its grip, speed, slam and faster transient response but the WA33 is no slouch. For most other musical genres i think the WA33 is superior, for a tube amp it slams REALLY hard but its its the tubes that really make it more musical than the HM1 for me, everything just sounds more real especially instruments and vocals on the WA33 plus it sounds more open and better space between everything compared to HM1.

When i listen to the WA33 with 1266TC then go back to the HM1 it sounds a little flat in comparison, I truly believe tubes are the way and having a tube amp or tube pre in your system is the way to go for 1266TC. The WA33 is extremely hard to fault with 1266TC, it is not lacking in any technical aspect apart from not being tubey enough for some people (this is the main complaint alot of people have about WA33).

If i had to choose one or the other for 1266TC overall i would keep the WA33 as its synergy with 1266TC is absolutely incredible.
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Mar 13, 2023 at 1:16 AM Post #594 of 686
They are honestly both amazing and its a struggle choosing between them and it depends on my mood and genre of music i want to listen to. For strictly electronic music i think the HM1 is superior due to its grip, speed, slam and faster transient response but the WA33 is no slouch. For most other musical genres i think the WA33 is superior, for a tube amp it slams REALLY hard but its its the tubes that really make it more musical than the HM1 for me, everything just sounds more real especially instruments and vocals on the WA33 plus it sounds more open and better space between everything compared to HM1.

When i listen to the WA33 with 1266TC then go back to the HM1 it sounds a little flat in comparison, I truly believe tubes are the way and having a tube amp or tube pre in your system is the way to go for 1266TC. The WA33 is extremely hard to fault with 1266TC, it is not lacking in any technical aspect apart from not being tubey enough for some people (this is the main complaint alot of people have about WA33).

If i had to choose one or the other for 1266TC overall i would keep the WA33 as its synergy with 1266TC is absolutely incredible.
Wonderful. *claps*
Mar 13, 2023 at 9:23 AM Post #595 of 686
Formula S/ Powerman has really good synergy with Utopia 2022. I was considering selling Formula S/ Powerman before, but I decided to try it with my newly arrived Hugo TT2 and compared it to Enleum Amp 23R. FS+P opens up Utopia 2022, the treble is more lively and extended compared to Amp 23R. This makes me change my mind on selling FS+P. Now preparing my wallet to get M Scaler.
Interesting, before I bought the Formula S I was looking for for user impressions of comparisons between the Enleum 23r or the previous Bakoon version and the Form S/Powerman.

My DAC is tube based so I guess that’s why I don’t prefer a tube amp as I crave the control that the Form S/ Powerman gives. I’m currently using the grado rs1x on the Form S/P and absolutely loving the combination. I only need to use the low gain as the grado headphones are very easy to drive.
Mar 14, 2023 at 7:06 AM Post #596 of 686
Now preparing my wallet to get M Scaler.
I think I've changed my mind too on M Scaler. I spent last night playing with HQPlayer and eventually I bought one, I can hear an improvement with HQPlayer. Not every setup will hear a big improvement, it will depend on the audio chain. In my case, I can hear a dramatic improvement on Terminator Plus+WA33+1266TC, but not so much on my other setup, Hugo TT2+FS+P+Utopia 2022, the improvement is still there but not quite dramatic.

Instead of M Scaler, now I want Holo Audio May KTE.
Mar 25, 2023 at 5:46 AM Post #597 of 686
I think I've changed my mind too on M Scaler. I spent last night playing with HQPlayer and eventually I bought one, I can hear an improvement with HQPlayer. Not every setup will hear a big improvement, it will depend on the audio chain. In my case, I can hear a dramatic improvement on Terminator Plus+WA33+1266TC, but not so much on my other setup, Hugo TT2+FS+P+Utopia 2022, the improvement is still there but not quite dramatic.

Instead of M Scaler, now I want Holo Audio May KTE.
Damn you all over the place haha. Like all of us at one point or multiple points in this journey...
May 2, 2023 at 8:55 AM Post #598 of 686
If one owns the abyss 1266 TC it is hard to do much better than the formula s/powerman for what a used pair will cost you today...I am using my CFA3 which has far more power with my abyss and it is outstanding but I really only need the extra power for the susvara ...I think the formula s combo is outstanding
I think the problem is finding one. From what I can tell they dont seem to pop up very often, or when ever I stop looking they popup and I some how missed it. I use a K-Dac and Broadway now but I finally got a Sagra and now im going to have to start searching for a formula s to pair with it. For now though the broadway will suffice when paired with my DTC
May 16, 2023 at 5:22 AM Post #599 of 686
Some news from XIAudio...

XIAudio 3952.jpg
May 16, 2023 at 9:34 AM Post #600 of 686
Will be curious to see what they put out. This would also some what explain a response I got back from a vendor about considering upgrading K-Dac / Broadway to Sagra / Formula S which was well if you dont have 1266 yet focus on cabling before moving to Sagra Formula S. unfortunately I didn't listen because I found a great deal on a Sagra and went for it.

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