Effect Audio cables thread
Jan 30, 2024 at 2:37 PM Post #7,786 of 8,007
My personal favorite pairings after thorough testing for the Code 24 and Code 24c:

Code 24 x Empire Ears Odin, FiR Radon 6, Symphonium Crimson, Penon Quattro.

Code 24c x Kinera Loki, FatFreq MSE, Nightjar Singularity, Symphonium Helios.
Feb 2, 2024 at 6:56 AM Post #7,787 of 8,007
I’ve had a crazy busy month at work that has left me drained, and I’ve done hardly any listening. Time to pick it back up now and so it’s Code 24c with Phonix today.

Feb 2, 2024 at 5:56 PM Post #7,789 of 8,007
Now then, it has been a while (busy with that strange thing called life) since I posted on HF... and at that time these were my main listening combinations:
EA Axiom + CODE 24 & CA Vega OG + CODE 24C

But some things have changed over the past weeks. For starters: I hunted down a used UM Mext and CA Supermoon HK (grey shells instead of black) in the classifieds. I have to admit that both came with pretty decent cables to begin with. The Mext with its PW black stock cable and the Supermoon with an Onso 06 copper upgrade (instead of stock) cable. Of course I started listening with these iems/cables that way for the first days... but during the end of this week and the weekend I decided that it was time for some serious cable rollllllingggg... which resulted in the following combinations:

First of all the Axiom went back to the Fusion 1 => a synergy combination that I have used frequently before because of its wonderful holographic signature. It always reminds me a bit of the sound of the Tralucent 1plus2 that I had in the past. The lows almost seem to get some extra rumble dimension, which I don't hear in my other iems...
EA Axiom (Fusion 1).jpg

After that I moved the Vega OG to the Ares S x Cadmus cable, which also resulted in some great (I certainly prefer it over the ALO pure silver litz upgrade cables that I used on both Andro & Vega for many years) synergy...
CA Vega OG (Ares S x Cadmus).jpg
Also gotta love that splitter, right? :heart_eyes:

Next stop: the CA Supermoon
CA Supermoon (CODE 24C).jpg
When I first listened to this iem I was immediately highly impressed by its superb technical performance. I've always had a soft spot for the CA Andro and Vega, since I picked them up in 2016/2017. The Andro for its excellent resolution / details and wide soundstage. The Vega for its more full bodied sound signature and its fantastic (sub)lows. The Supermoon somehow manages to combine all these strenghts, but when I listened to it for a longer time, it also unfortunately resulted in some ear fatigue for me. However, changing the tips (to the included marshmallow ones) and shifting it to the copper CODE 24C cable took completely care of that and the sound remained clear and detailed like before.

And last but certainly not least, the UM Mext
UM Mext (CODE 24).jpg
Now this is truly a golden combination imho, both to the eyes and ears!

Listening to the UM Mext was already a nice experience with the stock cable. A very relaxed sound signature with still great lows, imaging and a wide soundstage. The lows however sometimes sounded a little bit bloated and the treble seemed a bit rolled off as well, especially when I compared it to the high technical standards of the CA Supermoon.

So, I thought that the Mext probably could benefit from the CODE 24 cable and boy was I (luckily) right about that! The resolution scaled up, the treble became less rolled off and I could hardly notice the bloated lows (they definitely tightened up to my ears) after that change => totally love this (and it might even become my favorite atm) combination!

Anyhow, whichever of the above synergy combinations I picked during this week/weekend... it always ended up for me feeling somehow like this
Blown away.gif

Oh... and then one more thing (which I just discovered yesterday)

The seller of the Supermoon told me that he had heard it sometimes with the Ares S 8 wire cable and that he was very impressed with that combination. Now, as I don't have the Ares S 8w here, I decided to hook it up with the Ares S x Cadmus cable instead...
CA Supermoon (Ares S x Cadmus).jpg

And I can only say that this is also a superb synergy combination, with a possibly even enhanced wide soundstage compared to the 24C. So now I have a hard time deciding if I will keep listening this way, or that I should move it back to the 24C instead :thinking:

Anyway, long story short: I still totally love this hobby (and music in general) after all these years!!!
Have to fix some diner over here right now => cheers and happy listening to ya'all :)
Nice comments mate.

I've made an extensive cable rolling with Supermoon as well, all documented here on some posts. I also found very impressive how Ares 8W was with it, it became my prefered cable after Cleo 8w for Supermoon. Unfortunately I didn't have Cadmus/Ares back then. good to see your comments there.
Feb 4, 2024 at 3:58 AM Post #7,790 of 8,007
Alright my friends! Sunday evening is time for some fun impressions... I hope you like it. :)

Code 24c: Purple Rain!


How can I put this? It's the nicest looking cable I had in some time. Not boring black, Copper, Silver looking cables…Also not the loud blue C24. I never thought I would like so much a purple piece of gear. Well, some might think it's a tad ostentatious, this is like an audio equivalent of a flamboyant guitarist shredding in spandex. But hey… if you're going to rock a song called Purple Rain…you better make an entrance.

If you had a C23 you know what the feeling is when hanging a power cable to your IEM. C24c sits somewhere between C23 hard rock like Metallica and the not so hard C24. It's thinner and more flexible… Thanks to the new Trio-Flex tech. It does make a welcomed difference in the ergonomics, but also makes it a "Not-C23" sounding cable. Trade-offs forever.


Does the sound signature make you sing in the rain?

Now, onto the juicy part: how does this purple wonder sound? First, just like Deep Purple wasn't solely Ritchie Blackmore's show, the Code 24C won't magically transform your IEMs into sonic legend. But it has its own tricks up its purple sleeve. Synergy is not only on a receipt for a great rock band, but also for a great audio experience.

Compared to the Code 24, the Code 24C emphasizes mid-bass frequencies, adding punch and warmth to music. This can be appealing for genres like rock and hip-hop. While it delivers a punchy mid-bass, the sub-bass extension seems less emphasized compared to the Code 24, potentially impacting the depth and rumble of heavier basslines. That's probably one of the reasons I preferred C24c with A12t and C24 with LX.


Not my preferred kind of music, but female vocals and certain instruments might gain a touch of presence compared to the more balanced presentation of the Code 24. This could be a positive or negative depending on your preference. Also making the sound signature more intimate and narrower soundstage. Again, another reason why it went better with A12t which already have a more focused soundstage, therefore C24c just tuned that, instead of changing the IEM signature.

The treble is less prominent in the Code 24C compared to the Code 24, resulting in a smoother and less bright overall sound. Less "in-your-face” if you might. That helps tame a bit those high hats on classic rock, but doesn't take off that Prince's shinny purple hat, pure swag.


As usual…some thematic songs I used to check this eye-catching cable.

Prince - Purple Rain: The opening notes shimmer with newfound clarity, while the guitar solo cuts through the mix with a intensity. Prince's vocals, already brimming with emotion, gain added depth and presence, drawing you deeper into the purple rain. It helps reducing the grainy cymbals on some IEMs.

Muse - Starlight: The opening synth arpeggios sparkle with celestial brilliance, while Matt Bellamy's soaring vocals strike through the dense instrumentation. The Code 24C's mid-bass emphasis adds weight to the kick drum and electronic effects, propelling the song forward while driving energy to keep kicking your feet.

Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple : Ritchie Blackmore's legendary riff cuts through the mix with razor-sharp precision, each note distinct and defined. Ian Gillan's vocals retain their trademark power, but some might find the overall presentation a tad brighter than expected. Imagine "Smoke on the Water" performed under a vibrant nebula, visually stunning but perhaps lacking the raw energy of the original recording.

Purple Haze - Jimi "fkn" Hendrix: The opening riff explodes with smooth clarity, each note biting interlinked and around the head like a psychedelic kaleidoscope. Hendrix's vocals gain a touch of warmth, adding a raw emotion that pulls you deeper into the purple haze.

Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden: Not a purple themed song, but who's not afraid of the dark?... The galloping bassline pulsates clearly on the background, setting the stage for Bruce Dickinson's soaring vocals, helped a bit by the mid skewed signature of this cable. The overall presentation is smoothly clear and engaging, but the Code 24C's mid-bass focus might overshadow some of the intricate guitar nuances and angry cymbal/hats hits.


Starlight's final Riffs:

So, is the Code 24C a groundbreaking sonic revolution like Deep Purple's impact on rock music? Not quite. It's a well-built, good-looking cable that adds warmth, clarity, and punch to your music, particularly in the mid-bass and upper mids. However, it might not be your cup of tea if you crave a perfectly neutral sound or prioritize sub-bass over everything else, C24 would be closer to what you're looking.

It's not for everyone, just like Prince wasn't everyone's favourite artist, not even mine. But I can't deny it's importance to the music, like what EA is doing with reinventing themselves with these "non-braided" collection.

Ultimately, the Code 24C is a solid mid-priced option ($499) for those who value both sonics and aesthetics, embracing a bold departure from the conventional black cable norm. Remember, just like exploring the galaxy, sonic preferences are subjective. So, thanks for embarking with me on this little listening odyssey. I think it sits quite well in the price/performance position and Code 24c definitely deserves a try.

All in all, I never thought I would like this kind of cable colours, but…damn… This looks good. #MorePurpleGear :)


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Feb 4, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #7,791 of 8,007
Could you please make a brief Code 24c vs Code 23 comparison for MSE?

Yes, sure. Unfortunately I don't have a Code 23 in so the comparison will be between the 24c and the 24.

Code 24: I hear a more tactile mid-bass and more energetic treble. It turns the MSE further into something that would be even more sparkly and fun. Vocals are more romantic with this cable pairing as well.

Code 24c:I hear a more relaxed pairing here. The MSE's sub-bass is boosted, turning it into an even more gooey presentation (in a good way) and relaxes the MSE's treble. It retains the fun of the MSE while making it an easier listening experience.

I found the 24 too fatiguing of a pairing so I chose the 24c on the MSE.

Hope that helps!
Feb 4, 2024 at 2:21 PM Post #7,792 of 8,007
Got a reply. The $100 fee is using Oyaide PSquared. Now I just need to decide if I'm going to get SP2000 or pursue SP3000. Leaning towards SP2000 because I cant imagine carrying anything bigger and heavier

Glad we could help!

It's no secret I love the Ares S 8W - It's a marvel of a Copper Cable adding note weight to the lower end, bringing vocal clarity and enhancing resolution across the board. I hadn't yet tried it with my EDP which I've had paired up with the Code 24C and loving it. Anyway, I had a couple of hours of playtime afforded me this morning and I started playing with cables and landed on the Ares S with the EDP and I can definitely hear quite a few differences between the two cables on this set of IEMs.

As much as I love the EDP with the C24C - the Ares S 8W gave me the same meaty, reolving sound but made the whole presentation more intimate. I'm not saying that's better or worse, I'm saying it's a different presentation. I've been listening to Patricia Barber's Modern Cool album back and forth with these two cables and they are both exquiste. With the AS8W Patricia's voice, the trumpet and drums are just sublime. If I look at the stage as left to right, rear centre and front, shes sitting centre stage just forward of mid point with her lips pressed up against the grill of the mic with the depth of bass and drum enveloping her, cymbals dancing from the side around her. It's an intimate stage full of feeling.

Going over to the C24C on the same IEM, the stage widens out taking on a holographic effect, keeping all the depths and visceral feel of the bass and drums - but moves Patricia further up towards the front of the stage and adds quite a bit of energy almost like the volume increases with more resolution. It's an incredible cable. I can't say that one is better than the other - in fact I'd say that every single EA cable I have is outstanding and pairs well with every IEM I have or had - they are all vast improvement over stock - they just just present differently enhancing different qualities. As for the Ares S 8W vs Code 24C I'm glad I have both and would be perfectly happy with either had I never heard the other. I'll likely stick with 24C on the EDP unless I take them on the road inwhich case I'll swap out to the AS8W for ergonomincs. When I want a non fatiguing emotional listen Ares S 8W and when I want to inject a little more energy C24C . I hope this helps someone tossing around between the two. If you've got an IEM where you want some more resolution and a bit more clairity in the treble with out sacrificing the warmth and depth of copper - both these cables with do it. 24C with bring a bit more energy. If you have an IEM where you want to tame the upper end a bit - AS8W - that how I hear it with I'm listening to right now.

Thanks very much mate! We appreciate the feedback and the love!

I’ve had a crazy busy month at work that has left me drained, and I’ve done hardly any listening. Time to pick it back up now and so it’s Code 24c with Phonix today.


Phoenix is a beautiful IEM. Look forward to your feedback on the sound.

Alright my friends! Sunday evening is time for some fun impressions... I hope you like it. :)

Code 24c: Purple Rain!


How can I put this? It's the nicest looking cable I had in some time. Not boring black, Copper, Silver looking cables…Also not the loud blue C24. I never thought I would like so much a purple piece of gear. Well, some might think it's a tad ostentatious, this is like an audio equivalent of a flamboyant guitarist shredding in spandex. But hey… if you're going to rock a song called Purple Rain…you better make an entrance.

If you had a C23 you know what the feeling is when hanging a power cable to your IEM. C24c sits somewhere between C23 hard rock like Metallica and the not so hard C24. It's thinner and more flexible… Thanks to the new Trio-Flex tech. It does make a welcomed difference in the ergonomics, but also makes it a "Not-C23" sounding cable. Trade-offs forever.


Does the sound signature make you sing in the rain?

Now, onto the juicy part: how does this purple wonder sound? First, just like Deep Purple wasn't solely Ritchie Blackmore's show, the Code 24C won't magically transform your IEMs into sonic legend. But it has its own tricks up its purple sleeve. Synergy is not only on a receipt for a great rock band, but also for a great audio experience.

Compared to the Code 24, the Code 24C emphasizes mid-bass frequencies, adding punch and warmth to music. This can be appealing for genres like rock and hip-hop. While it delivers a punchy mid-bass, the sub-bass extension seems less emphasized compared to the Code 24, potentially impacting the depth and rumble of heavier basslines. That's probably one of the reasons I preferred C24c with A12t and C24 with LX.


Not my preferred kind of music, but female vocals and certain instruments might gain a touch of presence compared to the more balanced presentation of the Code 24. This could be a positive or negative depending on your preference. Also making the sound signature more intimate and narrower soundstage. Again, another reason why it went better with A12t which already have a more focused soundstage, therefore C24c just tuned that, instead of changing the IEM signature.

The treble is less prominent in the Code 24C compared to the Code 24, resulting in a smoother and less bright overall sound. Less "in-your-face” if you might. That helps tame a bit those high hats on classic rock, but doesn't take off that Prince's shinny purple hat, pure swag.


As usual…some thematic songs I used to check this eye-catching cable.

Prince - Purple Rain: The opening notes shimmer with newfound clarity, while the guitar solo cuts through the mix with a intensity. Prince's vocals, already brimming with emotion, gain added depth and presence, drawing you deeper into the purple rain. It helps reducing the grainy cymbals on some IEMs.

Muse - Starlight: The opening synth arpeggios sparkle with celestial brilliance, while Matt Bellamy's soaring vocals strike through the dense instrumentation. The Code 24C's mid-bass emphasis adds weight to the kick drum and electronic effects, propelling the song forward while driving energy to keep kicking your feet.

Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple : Ritchie Blackmore's legendary riff cuts through the mix with razor-sharp precision, each note distinct and defined. Ian Gillan's vocals retain their trademark power, but some might find the overall presentation a tad brighter than expected. Imagine "Smoke on the Water" performed under a vibrant nebula, visually stunning but perhaps lacking the raw energy of the original recording.

Purple Haze - Jimi "fkn" Hendrix: The opening riff explodes with smooth clarity, each note biting interlinked and around the head like a psychedelic kaleidoscope. Hendrix's vocals gain a touch of warmth, adding a raw emotion that pulls you deeper into the purple haze.

Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden: Not a purple themed song, but who's not afraid of the dark?... The galloping bassline pulsates clearly on the background, setting the stage for Bruce Dickinson's soaring vocals, helped a bit by the mid skewed signature of this cable. The overall presentation is smoothly clear and engaging, but the Code 24C's mid-bass focus might overshadow some of the intricate guitar nuances and angry cymbal/hats hits.


Starlight's final Riffs:

So, is the Code 24C a groundbreaking sonic revolution like Deep Purple's impact on rock music? Not quite. It's a well-built, good-looking cable that adds warmth, clarity, and punch to your music, particularly in the mid-bass and upper mids. However, it might not be your cup of tea if you crave a perfectly neutral sound or prioritize sub-bass over everything else, C24 would be closer to what you're looking.

It's not for everyone, just like Prince wasn't everyone's favourite artist, not even mine. But I can't deny it's importance to the music, like what EA is doing with reinventing themselves with these "non-braided" collection.

Ultimately, the Code 24C is a solid mid-priced option ($499) for those who value both sonics and aesthetics, embracing a bold departure from the conventional black cable norm. Remember, just like exploring the galaxy, sonic preferences are subjective. So, thanks for embarking with me on this little listening odyssey. I think it sits quite well in the price/performance position and Code 24c definitely deserves a try.

All in all, I never thought I would like this kind of cable colours, but…damn… This looks good. #MorePurpleGear :)

Thank you so much for this excellent writeup! 24 has definetly gotten a lot of praise recently so it's nice to see people mixing things up and going to the 24!

#MorePurpleGear indeed! Sometimes, I think purple is the new black :p
Feb 6, 2024 at 12:13 PM Post #7,793 of 8,007
I just got my code 24 :) it seems to handle a bit better than c23, it's able to hang a bit instead of defying gravity like c23. Also props to EA for replacing the velcro inside the case with magnets. I haven't tested how well do they hold but they allow for more stealthy listening session sans the loud ripping.
Feb 6, 2024 at 2:29 PM Post #7,794 of 8,007
I just got my code 24 :) it seems to handle a bit better than c23, it's able to hang a bit instead of defying gravity like c23. Also props to EA for replacing the velcro inside the case with magnets. I haven't tested how well do they hold but they allow for more stealthy listening session sans the loud ripping.

Hurray! What are you pairing it with? I love it with the RN6. I am sure it would be killer with the Kublai Khan as well
Feb 6, 2024 at 2:58 PM Post #7,795 of 8,007
Hurray! What are you pairing it with? I love it with the RN6. I am sure it would be killer with the Kublai Khan as well
Xe6 is the first one up when I get the time to hook it up, today was unboxing only :sunglasses:
Feb 7, 2024 at 8:54 PM Post #7,796 of 8,007
Does anyone use the fusion 1 with the Anni 2023? If so can you give me an idea of how this cable pairs? I’ve read that the fusion 1 is a bright sounding cable, so I’m hesitant to move forward if it’s going to make it sound harsh. Any other EA cable that may come recommended for the Anni?
Feb 7, 2024 at 9:18 PM Post #7,797 of 8,007
I’d suggest to have a look on Chiron:Nova. Really liked it when I tried (out of DMP). But it’s a hard one to audition.
Feb 8, 2024 at 5:32 PM Post #7,798 of 8,007
Xe6 is the first one up when I get the time to hook it up, today was unboxing only :sunglasses:

Hope you're enjoying it with more time into it now!

Does anyone use the fusion 1 with the Anni 2023? If so can you give me an idea of how this cable pairs? I’ve read that the fusion 1 is a bright sounding cable, so I’m hesitant to move forward if it’s going to make it sound harsh. Any other EA cable that may come recommended for the Anni?

I'd suggest the 24c or the Chiron x Cadmus Christmas special edition. The first one will be more relaxing than the latter, the latter will be more balanced but not as bright as the Fusion 1.

I’d suggest to have a look on Chiron:Nova. Really liked it when I tried (out of DMP). But it’s a hard one to audition.

That is a hard one to find!
Feb 8, 2024 at 6:51 PM Post #7,799 of 8,007
I’d suggest to have a look on Chiron:Nova. Really liked it when I tried (out of DMP). But it’s a hard one to audition.
I was able to try out the Chiron Nova at Canjam. I was a fan and it made my Phonix sound cuddly but clear and detailed. It looks good too and felt good to hold. I didn’t get too long with it but I liked it.
Feb 11, 2024 at 4:57 PM Post #7,800 of 8,007
So much 24/C love! I am still in love with my Cadmus FE!

I am also looking to purchase a Leonidas II 4W with Pentaconn 4.4mm... if anyone has one needing love, please reach out :)

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