Effect Audio cables thread
Dec 21, 2022 at 11:45 AM Post #6,511 of 7,992
Well yes and no. Totem like in the both are thicker 2 cored cables, new version of Totem is got a black nylon sleeving so no longer the first version of that green hose like contruction. Code23 is even thicker. Code23 is a proprietary design from EA so no exotic materials like what is on the Totem.

What astounds me is that EA here is showing me there is more to just copper. There is something to what they are doing with the design on the Code23 that makes them different than most copper based cables. There is a reason why the cores are constructed the way they are, now it is a matter of getting the wires to conform better and be less thick. I believe that is whats next with this prototype. I have never heard sound separtion element from a copper cable the way Code 23 does it. It is pretty crazy.

It should be interesting to compare this code 23 with the Plussound copper + :L3000:
Dec 23, 2022 at 12:58 PM Post #6,512 of 7,992
For those who may not have seen. The special holiday 8W is still available and I find it quite the beauty still.
Dec 23, 2022 at 1:32 PM Post #6,513 of 7,992
For those who may not have seen. The special holiday 8W is still available and I find it quite the beauty still.
What’s the IEM that you have connected to the cable?
Dec 23, 2022 at 1:36 PM Post #6,514 of 7,992
Dec 23, 2022 at 6:55 PM Post #6,516 of 7,992
I’ve been spending some time with the Cadmus 8 Wire and VE Phonix. This was a favourite pairing of mine.

Straight away I can hear a rich and full sound. There’s lots of air around instruments and vocals and I’m getting a 3D type feel to the music. Vocals seem more forward than with the 4W but not in any way harsh or aggressive. The treble still extends here, but unlike with the 4W I personally find it to be more controlled which fits well with my own preferences. This pairing really brings out the beauty of the mids; an area that the Phonix is well known for. Separation, layering and detail are very clear. Definitely a full warm feel to everything though, and as I said about the Trio pairing, you get the feeling that this 8W is the more mature and refined version of its younger 4W sibling. Even for a BA I feel the bass hits quite hard and sub bass feels full with movement that you can feel. This was the same with the 4W though and so I’m glad the bass has stayed the same on both. This pairing is so musical I can listen to it for hours and it’s engaging with a full and gorgeous sound.

I must admit, I do prefer the 8W to the 4W. I think this is because it better fits with my preferences which is where I can have a smoother, warmer and fuller sound. 4W is still a great cable, but I feel that the 8W takes it to the next level.

Dec 24, 2022 at 8:31 PM Post #6,517 of 7,992
Yea I think you are right it's not accurate to just messure the thickness. How's the ergonomics of your 18.8 AWG cable? That for IEMs?
This is not a very light cable. I don't remember how much it weighed, but it's heavier than a regular cable. This is not bad in itself, it just takes some getting used to. Generally, thick cables are not very flexible, but this one is flexible and comfortable for its thickness. That is, I met cables that were thinner, but less flexible.

For example, it is more flexible than Dunu Hulk, Toxic Hydra, ALO SCX22, etc. However, it is not as soft a cable as there are thick cables from AliExpress, etc.


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Dec 28, 2022 at 11:19 PM Post #6,518 of 7,992
I don't know but this is literally very hard core I guess: :thinking:
Here is my little impression of the Code 23, after my recovery from the virus:mask::

I find the Code 23 to be a very interesting cable. It's not super bassy but has a very good bass response. It sounds to me there is more bass than sub-bass and the overall result is it has more height than width in stage. The height is further enhanced by the upper-mid focused sound and you can hear a holographic effect on some tracks. The dynamic is also excellent just like the Ares S 8W which is also a pure copper cable. The upper-mid spectrum has a thicker than usual sound for a copper cable and you can hear the extra expansiveness as if there is an extra layer of sound on top of the original signal. In between the extra layer and the original signal there is a layer of air so the overall sound is more 3D. Due to the extra fullness and air the upper-mid/treble is smooth and relaxed but with all the sparkles and I would call it a wet sound overall. The density of the sound is similar to the Ares S 8W but the 8W has a slightly more punchy bass while the Code 23 is slightly faster and has a more solid bass floor.

It is not one might expect from a pure copper cable I believe. In fact I thought it was a silver plated copper cable due to that upper-mid focus.

For such a thick cable I expect the burn-in time to be very long and I will continue to burn it in to hear the change.
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Dec 29, 2022 at 12:50 PM Post #6,520 of 7,992
My impressions on Prototype-23: A Herald of Freedom

Got my hands on the Prototype-23 today, and found out I had near my reach the IMR Dark Matter, an unashamedly basshead iem with quite decent mids and above average treble, with brilliant imaging. I thought, well, why not try this with the Prototype-23? Let’s see what effect it has on the basshead DM!

Boy oh boy, was my mind blown! I surely was not expecting the incredible refinement it brought across the complete spectrum. It was a holistic improvement of everything of the sound, and suffice to say I was more than just awed by it.

Let me put it more objectively. Going from a rather cheap pure silver cable to the Prototype-23, I noticed the following changes:
  • The sound becomes more dynamic, and macro dynamics as well as microdynamics both improves noticeably.
  • Bass was already quite voluminous on DM; however, with the Prototype-23 on, it now slams harder, and felt more tight. The subbass rumbles become a bit more textured - it got easier to notice.
  • Midrange, similarly, becomes a bit more vivid and dynamic, without getting into my face. The textures in the notes become more prominent; on the other hand, the rough edges of the notes get slightly more refined. Midrange notes now feel a bit more realistic and three-dimensional.
  • Treble opens up very nicely. This was not something I would normally expect from pure copper cable, but I have learned not to hold any pre-conceived notion regarding a good quality cable anymore. The treble portion does not become more forward or more energetic, rather it becomes more clear and easier to notice with more prominent textures and more robust notes.
  • The whole sound feels more layered now, with distinct differences between them.
  • The stage expands perceptibly in both height and depth, providing a very holographic feel.
  • Separation improves, and air between notes also improves. The whole presentation becomes a bit more open.
  • To summarise, the whole sound feels more alive. Prototype-23 really breathes new life into it, and everything just becomes more dynamic, vivid, full of life, open...in short - Free. Yeah, the Prototype-23 truly does free the sound to some extent from its existing constraints.

Tomorrow I will test it with my crown jewel: FAudio Dark Sky! Stay tuned!
Dec 30, 2022 at 3:52 AM Post #6,521 of 7,992
My impressions on Prototype-23: A Herald of Freedom

Got my hands on the Prototype-23 today, and found out I had near my reach the IMR Dark Matter, an unashamedly basshead iem with quite decent mids and above average treble, with brilliant imaging. I thought, well, why not try this with the Prototype-23? Let’s see what effect it has on the basshead DM!

Boy oh boy, was my mind blown! I surely was not expecting the incredible refinement it brought across the complete spectrum. It was a holistic improvement of everything of the sound, and suffice to say I was more than just awed by it.

Let me put it more objectively. Going from a rather cheap pure silver cable to the Prototype-23, I noticed the following changes:
  • The sound becomes more dynamic, and macro dynamics as well as microdynamics both improves noticeably.
  • Bass was already quite voluminous on DM; however, with the Prototype-23 on, it now slams harder, and felt more tight. The subbass rumbles become a bit more textured - it got easier to notice.
  • Midrange, similarly, becomes a bit more vivid and dynamic, without getting into my face. The textures in the notes become more prominent; on the other hand, the rough edges of the notes get slightly more refined. Midrange notes now feel a bit more realistic and three-dimensional.
  • Treble opens up very nicely. This was not something I would normally expect from pure copper cable, but I have learned not to hold any pre-conceived notion regarding a good quality cable anymore. The treble portion does not become more forward or more energetic, rather it becomes more clear and easier to notice with more prominent textures and more robust notes.
  • The whole sound feels more layered now, with distinct differences between them.
  • The stage expands perceptibly in both height and depth, providing a very holographic feel.
  • Separation improves, and air between notes also improves. The whole presentation becomes a bit more open.
  • To summarise, the whole sound feels more alive. Prototype-23 really breathes new life into it, and everything just becomes more dynamic, vivid, full of life, open...in short - Free. Yeah, the Prototype-23 truly does free the sound to some extent from its existing constraints.

Tomorrow I will test it with my crown jewel: FAudio Dark Sky! Stay tuned!

Woah this cable really look damn badass yo. I guess the million dollar question is how it compares to the ares 8 wire version. Heard too many good things about that one
Dec 30, 2022 at 4:19 AM Post #6,522 of 7,992
So this is a pure copper cable ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Dec 30, 2022 at 2:08 PM Post #6,523 of 7,992
Code-23 with FAudio Dark Sky: A Match made in Heaven

...let me catch my breath, please...

How in the seventh heaven is it even possible?

Wait, no...I'm going off-track. "Earth to Ace Bee, report back please."

Yeah, so where was I? Right, Dark Sky paired with Code-23. Well, I had my Dark Sky paired with the famed Effect Audio Cadmus, which I loved very dearly and used to consider the pairing quite optimum and wonderful. Well, until this morning. Until I paired the Dark Sky with the thicc Code-23...and my world was turned upside down.

Because I never would have imagined that I would feel the sound of Dark Sky + Cadmus Flat compared to another cable. My mind went numb with the realisation that it is even remotely possible, as until then Cadmus used to be the best cable I had or experienced. I went multiple times back and forth between Cadmus and Code-23 to confirm my suspicion...and in the end, I had to accept the truth.

Well, now that I have taken care of my emotions, let's focus on my impressions from a more objective point of view:
  • True to before, and probably because the Dark Sky is a superior transducer compared to Dark Matter, the improvements were significantly more prominent in the complete spectrum of the sound. Following the trait of its making the sound more Free, more Open and airy, the sound of Dark Sky soared to an unprecedented height.
  • The layering is now improved noticeably, with more space between notes.
  • Soundstage got enhanced in height, and quite notably in depth.
  • Imaging is improved manyfold, with distinct positioning ina very three dimensional headspace
  • The above three phenomena, coupled together, made the whole presentation bigger, more holographic, more enveloping, and yet expansive. The sound did not feel like a wall anymore, rather it expanded all around me in every direction, enveloping me in an ethereal world of music - the experience was exhilarating!
  • Each note, be it Bass, Mid, or Treble, felt more realistic, more three dimensionally defined, more refined....more complete.
  • Bass slams are now tightened and gives off an impression of being more punchy and dynamic, while textures in the rumbles are now more prominent.
  • Midrange is a bit more airy, and much more layered, with very distinct imaging. Transparency is improved noticeably.
  • Treble feels less splashy, sounds much more clean and clear. Slightly moved back in the headspace, but the presence is still very much pronounced. As a whole, Treble now feels more matured, with more focus on sounding realistic rather than exerting as much energy as possible.
  • Finally, it took the sound of Dark Sky, made it evolve into something so very thrilling that it took me quite a lot of time to wrap my head around it - to properly understand exactly what was happening, and if what I was feeling was right or just an illusion. Euphoric - that is how the Effect Audio Code-23 made the FAudio Dark Sky sound!

I have to say, even though I was a believer of cable, I was somewhat sceptical of cables that cost more than $200. I mean, just how much of an improvement a $500 cable can do over a $200 cable?! Is the difference in performance justifiable by the leap in the price? I highly doubted that, hence never paid any thought to venture into cables beyond that threshold, and was not even interested to try any out.

But Code-23 changed that. Code-23 upended my false assumption completely. It is a force to reckon with, a force that empowers the iem and elevates it to new heights. I never thought it would come to be, but it has now, and now I do believe that higher-priced cables actually do make a considerable difference. Yeah, it may not as much as a difference between a $400 iem and a $1000 iem...but it adds that last bit of magical touch to the sound that brings it closer to perfection - which, just another iem, or multiple iems, cannot provide. I am enlightened now, in a way, and I am profoundly thankful to @EffectAudio and @JordonEA for providing me the opportunity to be so.
Dec 30, 2022 at 3:20 PM Post #6,524 of 7,992
My impressions on Prototype-23: A Herald of Freedom

Got my hands on the Prototype-23 today, and found out I had near my reach the IMR Dark Matter, an unashamedly basshead iem with quite decent mids and above average treble, with brilliant imaging. I thought, well, why not try this with the Prototype-23? Let’s see what effect it has on the basshead DM!

Boy oh boy, was my mind blown! I surely was not expecting the incredible refinement it brought across the complete spectrum. It was a holistic improvement of everything of the sound, and suffice to say I was more than just awed by it.

Let me put it more objectively. Going from a rather cheap pure silver cable to the Prototype-23, I noticed the following changes:
  • The sound becomes more dynamic, and macro dynamics as well as microdynamics both improves noticeably.
  • Bass was already quite voluminous on DM; however, with the Prototype-23 on, it now slams harder, and felt more tight. The subbass rumbles become a bit more textured - it got easier to notice.
  • Midrange, similarly, becomes a bit more vivid and dynamic, without getting into my face. The textures in the notes become more prominent; on the other hand, the rough edges of the notes get slightly more refined. Midrange notes now feel a bit more realistic and three-dimensional.
  • Treble opens up very nicely. This was not something I would normally expect from pure copper cable, but I have learned not to hold any pre-conceived notion regarding a good quality cable anymore. The treble portion does not become more forward or more energetic, rather it becomes more clear and easier to notice with more prominent textures and more robust notes.
  • The whole sound feels more layered now, with distinct differences between them.
  • The stage expands perceptibly in both height and depth, providing a very holographic feel.
  • Separation improves, and air between notes also improves. The whole presentation becomes a bit more open.
  • To summarise, the whole sound feels more alive. Prototype-23 really breathes new life into it, and everything just becomes more dynamic, vivid, full of life, open...in short - Free. Yeah, the Prototype-23 truly does free the sound to some extent from its existing constraints.

Tomorrow I will test it with my crown jewel: FAudio Dark Sky! Stay tuned!
I feel sad I won't get to try it out, out of my price range by a considerable margin, but pleased you have.
Dec 30, 2022 at 9:26 PM Post #6,525 of 7,992
Here is my little impression of the Code 23, after my recovery from the virus:mask::

I find the Code 23 to be a very interesting cable. It's not super bassy but has a very good bass response. It sounds to me there is more bass than sub-bass and the overall result is it has more height than width in stage. The height is further enhanced by the upper-mid focused sound and you can hear a holographic effect on some tracks. The dynamic is also excellent just like the Ares S 8W which is also a pure copper cable. The upper-mid spectrum has a thicker than usual sound for a copper cable and you can hear the extra expansiveness as if there is an extra layer of sound on top of the original signal. In between the extra layer and the original signal there is a layer of air so the overall sound is more 3D. Due to the extra fullness and air the upper-mid/treble is smooth and relaxed but with all the sparkles and I would call it a wet sound overall. The density of the sound is similar to the Ares S 8W but the 8W has a slightly more punchy bass while the Code 23 is slightly faster and has a more solid bass floor.

It is not one might expect from a pure copper cable I believe. In fact I thought it was a silver plated copper cable due to that upper-mid focus.

For such a thick cable I expect the burn-in time to be very long and I will continue to burn it in to hear the change.
After listening to some more tracks I feel I have a better understanding of the sound of the Code 23. The bass is especially pronunced on bassy tracks, more than the Ares S 8W in comparison. The bass is presented differently as I mentioned above. It's fast and clean with a very solid envelope like the sound of a good quality BA that hits really hard mixed with the bass of a DD. Despite the strong bass, the upper-mids are still the focus here so vocal and the like are still the star of the show. These is more decay in the upper range of the spectrum so the sense of height is great. There is more layering due to the layers of sound I mentioned and the sound from intrusments like the triangle and bells is especially holographic which reminds me of the sound of the Ares S (not 8W).

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