EBay user names...

Sep 14, 2003 at 10:31 AM Post #46 of 95

Sep 20, 2003 at 5:17 AM Post #51 of 95
This will not work, for the same reason explained above, too many names and nicks, when you finally finished checking, the auction already ended, I suggest to do the same as I do, I always bid as "proxi", that means that I place a limit bid, and go to sleep, if I win good for me, and if not, anyway I won't pay more than I'm willing to pay for that item, so I fully authorize any headfellow to outbid me if you consider that this item is worth more for you, please go ahead, good luck, this is what free market is all about, offer and demand,
Duncan in your case, if you feel that bad, you could consider to offer the product to the headfellow you outbid, as a courtesy, for the price he was willing to pay, as usually you outbid for a few bucks in the worst case, a little loss, as a courtesy....
Sep 23, 2003 at 12:04 AM Post #53 of 95

...but i browse audiogon mostly for stereo stuff. I almost always buy used gear (hey im poor what can I say), and I have never gotten burned (knock on wood).

On ebay there are way too many dreamers which equals dead beat bidders. If I have to sell something (like computer parts) ill sell it on ebay, but if it is something of quality than it goes on audiogon for sure. I mean the only negative feedback i have ever gotten on ebay is from some guy who got mad at me cause I sent him a second payment notice since he hadnt paid me 2 weeks after the auction ended!!! And this was for a $500 software program. It wasnt like i was heckling him for $10 or anything! (in fact he still didnt pay me for another 2 weeeks after that even).
Sep 23, 2003 at 2:58 AM Post #54 of 95
Sep 24, 2003 at 12:59 AM Post #56 of 95
Hey Guys I'm

Sep 25, 2003 at 6:25 PM Post #58 of 95
Well, if you hadn't guessed it by now, mine's vwap.

I don't know how well this idea is going to work, especially if it's an item a few of us want, and all of us are willing to pay for it (ie: rare PCDPs), but whatever..

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