EarStudio HE100 Impressions, Reviews & Discussions
Aug 28, 2019 at 4:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Member of the Trade: Radsone / EarStudio
Jul 29, 2019
Republic of Korea

Welcome to HE100 impressions & reviews thread. Below is a brief information on HE100, High-Resolution Earphones. Excited to hear your thoughts on them!

1. Single Hi-Res Dynamic Driver

  • The Unique 3 Layer Diaphragm of the driver delivers steady responsiveness across the whole frequency range, therefore reducing partial vibration that appears frequently on conventional earphones in high frequency region.
  • The Ring-Shaped Neodymium(Nd) Magnet delivers more energy to a wider surface of the diaphragm. It’s also easy to control low and high frequency separately for clear sound
2. Scientific Design
  • Custom Air Hole relieves ear canal pressure and provides comfortable wearing.
  • The Weatherproof Hole prevents diaphragm distortions which can be caused by temperature changes.
3. Some Sound Characteristics of HE100
  • Rich & Solid Bass
  • Easy Listening, Medium Thickness Vocal
  • Clear & Open High
  • Well Balanced Low, Mid, and High Bands
  • Pinpoint Sound Localization
4. Specifications
  • Product Type: Canal Type In-Ear Headphones
  • Driver Type: Dynamic
  • Sensitivity: 103 dB/mW
  • Frequency Response: 10-40,000 Hz
  • Impedance: 27 Ohm
6. Where to get : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VB2Q8S9


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Sep 9, 2019 at 3:12 AM Post #7 of 14
Review Radsone HE100

First of let me start by saying I won these earbuds in the Radsone HE100 giveaway event here on Head-Fi, however the opinions in this short review are my solely my own and not influenced by Radsone or anyone else for that matter.

I’ve been a big fan of the Radsone ES100, it’s one of my first things to pack when I go on a trip and indeed always on my desk or in my pocket when I am out and about, so seeing Radsone diversify in the earbud territory made me naturally curious, if they could bring the same quality sound to earbuds.

I have two main sets of in-ears, being the Audio Technica ath-ls400is in ear monitors and a set of Klipsch x12i which I will be using for comparison.
I also have a set of Audio Technica ath-msr7 over ear headphones.
Suffice to say, I prefer a natural sound, I like to hear recordings the way the producer/artist meant it to be heard

I am a person who listens to a very varied array of music, form extreme heavy/black metal to classic rock to dance (on very rare occasions ) and so I gave these a real run for their money on very different types of music.
I used my HTC U12+ phone as a music player using Hi-Res FLAC files and connected the HE100 earbuds both directly to the phone, and of course in combination with the ES100.

First impressions of the HE100 when you take them out of their modest and stylish box is just how well build they are, no cheap plasticky fell, the materials are premium and the cable is very nicely finished.
For this review I solely used the provided tips, as I got a decent seal with them and wanted to test this product mainly as an average consumer would use them, so no fancy foam tips, just the supplied ones.
And I have to say, I was very impressed on the first listen, and after a very decent burn in period, they have only gotten better.
There is the issue of cable phonics, but let’s be fair, which pair of earbuds does not have this, and it can easily be reduced to a minimum by either going behind the ears or using a clip to clip the cable down.

The highs and mids are very clear, the soundstage is nice and wide and at no point do you feel the earbuds are compromised by using just a single driver or sound is going missing. This is especially evident listening to music from for instance Nine Inch Nails or Thom Yorke, artists like these, as they cram so many quirky sounds into their recordings, these all are clearly distinguishable and heard using the HE100 and at no stage does the sound get muddled.
They produce a very natural sound, which I really like, as you can then fine-tune them to your own listening preference using an equaliser (like the excellent ES100 eq)
The bass is solid, by no means will it shake your brain out of your nostrils, but it certainly doesn’t lack or gets muddled at any time. This is especially evident in songs like Depeche Mode’s Welcome to my world from their Delta Machine album, it just sounds awesome using these, the bass is solid, the mids and highs are crystal clear, so in all very impressed.
It is clear Radsone have put an awful lot of work in the development of their Hi-Res single driver, it really packs a punch.

I’ve never underestimated the power of single driver units as I have been a Klipsch enthusiast and have owned a pair of Klipsch x10i, x11i and now x12i so I know that if tuned correctly, they impress.
I think however what impressed me most though is the price point of these earbuds. For the quality and sound they produce, I would gladly pay more for these than the current price Radsone is charging.

In comparison to my Klipsch x12i, which were about 2.5 times as expensive, I would say they perform on par, maybe even slightly better. Although the Klipsch are lighter which makes them marginally more comfortable (if you can get used to the deep insertion of the Klipsch) I now prefer to take these HE100 with me instead of them.

The sound quality of my Audio Technica ath-ls400is is better than the HE100 but then they are driven by 4 drivers and use balanced cables. However, the sound quality of the HE100 is only marginally less than the way more expensive ls400is’s so I doubt the average user is really going to hear a difference.

However, for ease of use or if you’re going somewhere where you do not want to wear very prices in ear monitors, these HE100 are just perfect.

I’ve been blessed (or cursed, whichever way you see it) with extreme good hearing and a great love of music, a combination which makes me a very difficult customer to please.
These Radsone HE100 have truly impressed me and I think they are a great addition to Radsone’s portfolio and will help them greatly to make a well-deserved name for themselves in the audio market.
Especially at this price point, which will attract many starting audiophiles.
If you’re a seasoned veteran though, I urge you to not dismiss these and give them a try, they won’t disappoint.

Only thing left for me to say is: Well done Radsone, keep up the good work.
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Jul 18, 2021 at 7:04 AM Post #12 of 14
Can't believe this thread is less than one page long!
I originally won a pair of these in the Head-Fi Giveaway and a few years ago, when they arrived, I must admit I didn't have an awful lot of experience listening to IEMs.
I had a quick listen and messaged Radsone to say that I wasn't impressed...too much upper treble and quite 'thin' sounding, not my cup of tea, so rather than leave a negative review, I would just keep quiet but thank you anyway.
Since then I've move through a few IEMs, nothing expensive you understand, I'm a great believer in the Law of Diminishing Returns and add to that I was made redundant and then Covid came along so money hasn't been available.
Anyway, since that point, my IEMs have been Audeze iSine 20, subsequently sold and then I bought the LCD-i3. Still love them but usage is a little limited.
For closed, I started with Westone and then IMR, moving to the amazing Tin HiFi P1s. I bought those on a whim after reading reviews and was very impressed, especially once I started driving them with the Radsone ES100 and then more recently with the E1DA Powerdac. Sadly, the right driver failed but during all of this time, I got more and more used to using some EQ to tune to my tase (slightly V-Shaped).
When the P1s died, I thought to myself 'I know, I'll dig out those HE100s and give them another listen' I knew by then that I needed to tip-roll and use some EQ do discover what a lot of IEMs can really do. Sadly, I just couldn't find them anywhere so figured I must have sold them or given them away or something.
I ordered some KZ-DQ6, again on a whim after reading reviews and as they were only £12 it was a no-risk purchase. They're pretty good. Comfortable, very good tonally and for £12 filled a gap for a while. My wife bought me the Fiio FD5s for my birthday and that was it... happy again.
What still niggled me was...what had I done with the HE100s? I had another dig around in the attic and FOUND THEM!
Tried them with no EQ and stock, medium silicon tips and had the same impression as before. thin sounding with a peak around 3KHz, but this time I put in some foam tips and dropped the 2-4KHz region by 3dB. Added about 3dB at 32KHz just for fun and BOOM!
I can't take these things out of my ears. Imaging is absolutely first class and sub bass is plentiful. There's a trailer on BBC for a programme and I don't know why they thought they should add a ton of sub bass but it's absolutely unlistenable. Check it out.
Tonally the HE100s are spot on and they're pretty fast too. Comfort is excellent.
Only niggle would be the cable but the included shirt clip helps out there.
I looked them up on Amazon UK and they're only £34 which is an absolute bargain. I don't want to let on to my wife of course, but my FD5s aren't getting much of a look in at the moment.
Sorry I doubted you @radsone, these things are really very good indeed. Thanks again for the giveaway! Make a pair with a detachable cable and I'd be on them in a heartbeat.
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Jul 18, 2021 at 9:12 AM Post #13 of 14
Can't believe this thread is less than one page long!
I originally won a pair of these in the Head-Fi Giveaway and a few years ago, when they arrived, I must admit I didn't have an awful lot of experience listening to IEMs.
I had a quick listen and messaged Radsone to say that I wasn't impressed...too much upper treble and quite 'thin' sounding, not my cup of tea, so rather than leave a negative review, I would just keep quiet but thank you anyway.
Since then I've move through a few IEMs, nothing expensive you understand, I'm a great believer in the Law of Diminishing Returns and add to that I was made redundant and then Covid came along so money hasn't been available.
Anyway, since that point, my IEMs have been Audeze iSine 20, subsequently sold and then I bought the LCD-i3. Still love them but usage is a little limited.
For closed, I started with Westone and then IMR, moving to the amazing Tin HiFi P1s. I bought those on a whim after reading reviews and was very impressed, especially once I started driving them with the Radsone ES100 and then more recently with the E1DA Powerdac. Sadly, the right driver failed but during all of this time, I got more and more used to using some EQ to tune to my tase (slightly V-Shaped).
When the P1s died, I thought to myself 'I know, I'll dig out those HE100s and give them another listen' I knew by then that I needed to tip-roll and use some EQ do discover what a lot of IEMs can really do. Sadly, I just couldn't find them anywhere so figured I must have sold them or given them away or something.
I ordered some KZ-DQ6, again on a whim after reading reviews and as they were only £12 it was a no-risk purchase. They're pretty good. Comfortable, very good tonally and for £12 filled a gap for a while. My wife bought me the Fiio FD5s for my birthday and that was it... happy again.
What still niggled me was...what had I done with the HE100s? I had another dig around in the attic and FOUND THEM!
Tried them with no EQ and stock, medium silicon tips and had the same impression as before. thin sounding with a peak around 3KHz, but this time I put in some foam tips and dropped the 2-4KHz region by 3dB. Added about 3dB at 32KHz just for fun and BOOM!
I can't take these things out of my ears. Imaging is absolutely first class and sub bass is plentiful. There's a trailer on BBC for a programme and I don't know why they thought they should add a ton of sub bass but it's absolutely unlistenable. Check it out.
Tonally the HE100s are spot on and they're pretty fast too. Comfort is excellent.
Only niggle would be the cable but the included shirt clip helps out there.
I looked them up on Amazon UK and they're only £34 which is an absolute bargain. I don't want to let on to my wife of course, but my FD5s aren't getting much of a look in at the moment.
Sorry I doubted you @radsone, these things are really very good indeed. Thanks again for the giveaway! Make a pair with a detachable cable and I'd be on them in a heartbeat.
I bet you never judge ear equipment like you did the first time again.
Jul 18, 2021 at 11:12 AM Post #14 of 14

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