Ears drain clear fluid EVERY TIME I eat :(
Jul 14, 2020 at 10:03 AM Post #31 of 48
Heyyy I read this and had to comment because I too experience itchy, wet ears. I kinda already figured out what was wrong on my own, but got confirmation from an ENT. I was diagnosed with having eczema INSIDE my ears 🥴 Idk how the heck thats even possible‼️ My symptoms were similar as if I had eczema somewhere else on my body. if I try to use earbuds especially apple iphone buds.. My ears immediately react and itch and begin oozing a ear wax type fluid. I suppose my ears are not friendly with earbud materials that have direct contact to my canal. Now, whenever I eat things that make my mouth water.. Like starburst or anything juicy... Yup.. you guessed it.. my ears will drain that earwax fluid again. The feeling of the wax fluid oozing in my canal causes the itching sensation. I constantly keep them dry by swirling a Q-tip when I can. And when I do.. my Q-tip is always wet!! I also noticed somtimes when smoking, my ears react again and ooze a little. Which makes me think the smoke is also a allergen to my ears. Basically my ENT prescribed me some eardrops called CIPRODEX and it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please ask for this ear drop. It keeps your ears from becoming inflammed. Its like liquid gold. If you continue to use as you should your ears will be less itchy and will become less flaky from not itching and scratching down those canals. I hope my comment helps someone cause this sucks!!!
Jul 14, 2020 at 4:08 PM Post #32 of 48
Heyyy I read this and had to comment because I too experience itchy ears. I kinda already figured out what was wrong on my own, but got confirmation from an ENT. I was diagnosed with having eczema INSIDE my ears 🥴
Oct 18, 2020 at 9:03 AM Post #34 of 48
My ears have done this for years.doctors say it’s water going in ear when you take showers and when u eat it pushes it out that bull crap bc it does it when I eat or drink or pop my ears. I have to keep tissue or q tips around to dig in my ear to get the fluid out .no one believes me. It’s so aggravating I have to get up and go dig in my ears . I can believe no one has figured this out yet. Can someone please help with this
Oct 12, 2021 at 7:33 AM Post #37 of 48
I know the post is old but this type of thing usually people stay struggling with for a long while. I too have the same issues. My watery ears are combined with eczema, swelling, redness and severe itching. There is a bacteria that lives in the Gut. It’s called Group B strep or streptococcus. Usually it’s not an issue for people until they’re older and their bodies have become drowned with foods that increase this bacteria. A lot of times this bacteria has the ability to become SIBO - or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. What happens when you “heat” or “dampen” the gut with certain foods - this bacteria grows and it outweighs the good bacteria in the body. This bacteria then decides to attack a portion of the body - the immune system. The immune system then attacks the organs - the skin (the largest organ in the human body) being the most noticeable and inconvenient to day to day business, is the first to get it.
Immune responses aren’t only the ears - there is a mile long list of immune responses that are fueled by the gut and what we eat - including - migraines, psoriasis, acne, eczema, recurring yeast infections and UTI’s, allergies, fatigue, herpes simplex 1 (cold sores); these conditions often turn to disease if left untreated - lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few. In order to relax the immune system and keep it in line, a lifestyle change must be made, not just a diet. Many of the foods on shelves in America are not designed to help heal our guts or keep them healthy from birth. I used the GAPS Protocol to get rid of my allergies and clear my ear itching and watering. The GAPS protocol is the science behind the connection between the brain and the gut. Keeping the gut clean and the mind clear is the best way to avoid this annoying ear itch. For the record mine has gotten so bad I have ruptured eardrums in the past, many ear infections. You want to avoid triggers in your diet and this includes - all grains including oats, rice and quinoa, all alcoholic beverages, all sugars including honey and maple syrup, all beans and legumes including peanuts. Starches turn to sugar in the body and this feeds bad bacteria. Alcohol diminishes enzymes used to digest, it also immediately kills all bacteria good and bad. Have your candida levels checked to make sure you aren’t holding on to sugars and yeasts in the body. The majority of my food intake is soups and stews made of pure homemade bone broth. It’s not an easy thing right off the bat. To up and change the entire way you were brought up to eat and live, but if you truly want to get rid of any immune responses your body keeps having, like liquidy itchy ears, you will make the necessary steps to fix your gut and flourish healthily. For vegans there is also a way - it’s hard for the bad bacteria in the gut to thrive on just veggies and fruits alone. It needs some sort of sugar to duplicate. As long as you’re not dumping rice and beans as the majority of the meal on the plate, there shouldn’t be an issue. Make sure the majority of the meal is veggies, with a small side of a Paleo carb like wild rice or steel cut oats. Try to eat beans sprouted. There is also an Ayurvedic test you can take to know what foods react best for your body. Once your bacteria is good, you can have that glass of beer or a cookie once in a while, because your good bacteria will now be able to conquer and destroy the once in a while “bad” you put in it!
Good luck everyone, I hope this helped even just a little!
research topics for Google -
The GAPS protocol
Ayurvedic eating
Paleo lifestyle
Auto-immune diet
Gluten-free and Eczema
Gluten cross reactivity
Oct 31, 2021 at 4:21 AM Post #38 of 48
I know the post is old but this type of thing usually people stay struggling with for a long while. I too have the same issues. My watery ears are combined with eczema, swelling, redness and severe itching. There is a bacteria that lives in the Gut. It’s called Group B strep or streptococcus. Usually it’s not an issue for people until they’re older and their bodies have become drowned with foods that increase this bacteria. A lot of times this bacteria has the ability to become SIBO - or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. What happens when you “heat” or “dampen” the gut with certain foods - this bacteria grows and it outweighs the good bacteria in the body. This bacteria then decides to attack a portion of the body - the immune system. The immune system then attacks the organs - the skin (the largest organ in the human body) being the most noticeable and inconvenient to day to day business, is the first to get it.
Immune responses aren’t only the ears - there is a mile long list of immune responses that are fueled by the gut and what we eat - including - migraines, psoriasis, acne, eczema, recurring yeast infections and UTI’s, allergies, fatigue, herpes simplex 1 (cold sores); these conditions often turn to disease if left untreated - lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few. In order to relax the immune system and keep it in line, a lifestyle change must be made, not just a diet. Many of the foods on shelves in America are not designed to help heal our guts or keep them healthy from birth. I used the GAPS Protocol to get rid of my allergies and clear my ear itching and watering. The GAPS protocol is the science behind the connection between the brain and the gut. Keeping the gut clean and the mind clear is the best way to avoid this annoying ear itch. For the record mine has gotten so bad I have ruptured eardrums in the past, many ear infections. You want to avoid triggers in your diet and this includes - all grains including oats, rice and quinoa, all alcoholic beverages, all sugars including honey and maple syrup, all beans and legumes including peanuts. Starches turn to sugar in the body and this feeds bad bacteria. Alcohol diminishes enzymes used to digest, it also immediately kills all bacteria good and bad. Have your candida levels checked to make sure you aren’t holding on to sugars and yeasts in the body. The majority of my food intake is soups and stews made of pure homemade bone broth. It’s not an easy thing right off the bat. To up and change the entire way you were brought up to eat and live, but if you truly want to get rid of any immune responses your body keeps having, like liquidy itchy ears, you will make the necessary steps to fix your gut and flourish healthily. For vegans there is also a way - it’s hard for the bad bacteria in the gut to thrive on just veggies and fruits alone. It needs some sort of sugar to duplicate. As long as you’re not dumping rice and beans as the majority of the meal on the plate, there shouldn’t be an issue. Make sure the majority of the meal is veggies, with a small side of a Paleo carb like wild rice or steel cut oats. Try to eat beans sprouted. There is also an Ayurvedic test you can take to know what foods react best for your body. Once your bacteria is good, you can have that glass of beer or a cookie once in a while, because your good bacteria will now be able to conquer and destroy the once in a while “bad” you put in it!
Good luck everyone, I hope this helped even just a little!
research topics for Google -
The GAPS protocol
Ayurvedic eating
Paleo lifestyle
Auto-immune diet
Gluten-free and Eczema
Gluten cross reactivity
Thanks so much for your reporting it’s so nice that people really take the time to respond
Mar 3, 2022 at 4:32 PM Post #39 of 48
This has been driving me crazy.

I actually posted this in a post i created in the portable headphones forum in response to someone asking me why I don't like IEMs. I said that they make my ear canals irritated, but here is the bigger reason why:

My ears actually run or drain whenever I eat :frowning2: I don't know why, my doctors don't believe me, and it's getting on my last nerve. It happens ALL day, even when I first wake up and brush my teeth. They drain when I'm cooking, and again when I eat and drink (even purified water!!!!!!). It is 99% clear fluid, and every once in a while it is light yellow.

They sometimes itch when they drain, and I do have a habit of "popping" my ears (pulling my lobes down so the air pressure readjusts in the ear canals. This helps to relieve itching sometimes, but also helps the fluid come down when I want to clean them out). This has been happening for about 6 years now, but it's been getting much worse over this past year.

None of my doctors (ENT, neurologist, allergist) believe me. Or, maybe they just don't want to understand it? I went to the neurologist for a different issue (chronic all- over my head headaches that have been reduced for the most part) and after I mentioned the ear issue, he asked me follow up questions. That's it... he never addressed my ears after that. I'm planning on seeing a new ENT in a few weeks (because my current for sure doesn't believe me. He said it was sweat. How imma sweat from inside my ears lmao??) and my allergist said it was allergies. Which is what I assumed it was all these years, but when I ask other severe allergy sufferers if they have draining ears, they look at me like I'm crazy (which I feel is legit).

I used to get tons of ear infections as a child, but as I grew they went away. I never had surgery for my ears or sinuses before. I just have crazy severe sinus problems like allergies, and I also have asthma. I'm constantly congested and blow my nose alllllll day long.

I have to keep Q-Tips with me 24/7 and I also have to make sure I'm near a bathroom when I eat so I can go and wipe my ears out. So this is a major reason why I don't use IEM as well... they used to get soaked and I hated having the draining feeling while having IEMs and even ear buds in. I haven't had the normal, thickish brown ear wax in my ears for a few years now. I ONLY use Q-Tips because of this draining problem. Otherwise I'd stay away from them and use other methods of cleaning because I know how dangerous they can potentially be.

I REALLY need relief.

Has anyone else heard of this??????????????????????
Hey ive got some stories for u been dealing with same thing since i was 18 im 35 when i eat for drink fluid comes out same prob drive u nuts clicking in ears i have it all

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