Earphones. Which?
Mar 15, 2005 at 7:50 PM Post #16 of 32

Originally Posted by joelongwood
They are the only source that I'm aware of.

Does Sharp not sell them direct?
Mar 15, 2005 at 7:56 PM Post #17 of 32

Originally Posted by IpodSF
Does Sharp not sell them direct?

I don't believe so, as I just searched their site. The MD33S is direct from Japan.
One thing which I should mention (which I just discovered) is that, even though these things don't require insertion like Shures and Etys, they still have some microphonics in the cord. Not as bad as the Etys, but it is there. You may want to consider this if walking around a good deal with them.
Mar 16, 2005 at 12:13 AM Post #18 of 32

Originally Posted by joelongwood
I don't believe so, as I just searched their site. The MD33S is direct from Japan.
One thing which I should mention (which I just discovered) is that, even though these things don't require insertion like Shures and Etys, they still have some microphonics in the cord. Not as bad as the Etys, but it is there. You may want to consider this if walking around a good deal with them.

Hmmm... Now the next requirement is needing the earphones avaliable directly from the manufacuter.
Mar 16, 2005 at 12:18 AM Post #19 of 32

Originally Posted by IpodSF
I hear the EX71's come out of your ear fairly easily and to stay away from them unless you like holding them in your ears.

Depends on your ears, if your sitting down, you can just ignore them, otherwise the cord does tend to pull. I'm trying to find a clip for them.
Mar 16, 2005 at 12:45 AM Post #20 of 32

Originally Posted by IpodSF
Hmmm... Now the next requirement is needing the earphones avaliable directly from the manufacuter.

Why not import it? $39 + $10 shipping = $49

The MD33 are just like the EX71s, neither fall out of your ear if you use the correct bud (there are 3 sizes to choose from, one ought to fit).

Another vote for MD33, they're the best you can get for under $50 (I prefer them over E2C as well), period
Mar 16, 2005 at 8:54 PM Post #21 of 32
OK guys this is getting slightly ridiculous!

I am simply looking for an earphone under $50, better than the iPod buds, comfortable (wont fall out easily if walking around with your iPod in pocket) and can be purchased directly from the manufacturer or even a large reseller.

I was looking at the Sennheiser MX 500's until I read a few threads while searching that totally bashed them and I was looking at the DTX 10 & 20's but I heard the MX 500's were better and the Sharps must be imported so that’s no good and the Sony's fall out easily.

Wow, this seems so confusing for something so simple!
Mar 18, 2005 at 10:10 AM Post #22 of 32
Mar 18, 2005 at 10:49 AM Post #23 of 32

Originally Posted by IpodSF
I hear the EX71's come out of your ear fairly easily and to stay away from them unless you like holding them in your ears.

i have no problem with them falling out
Mar 18, 2005 at 11:52 AM Post #24 of 32

Originally Posted by Darwin022
use your er4-p... best you'll find

I dont think so. If you want to pay a little bit more, take the Shure E3c. These Earphones sounds so beautyfull (okok, i whish a little bit more bass, but with soft sleeves...its ok). This Phones cost 100 Euro (the half of the Etys 4-ps).

My brother bought the Er4-p. My impression about this Phones was very disappointed: Thin sound (with soft sleeves it sounds better), no bass, uncomfortable wearing. I think for classic music it will be ok (because of its clearness).

Ok, if you realy decide to buy some earphones under 50 Dollar, take the Sony EX71. They have the best sound (good bass) in this price category. I cant say anything about the Shure E2, i have never heard this phones before. (Sorry for my bad english, but i hope you will understand me.


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