Dutch/Belgian November 2012 meet
Sep 25, 2012 at 2:54 PM Post #46 of 618
I may have an option in Heerlen. Huge expositieruimte and all the tables and chairs you could possibly want too. It's free, my family owns the building. I need to make sure there isn't an exhibit planned though. Will get back to you on this. You go think if Heerlen is uberhaupt an option, what with it being all the way in the south. Btw, there's free parking and it's near the station as well. 
Here's a picture of the room during an exhibit. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69590558@N03/6327837645/in/set-72157627963463147/lightbox/

1h20. You rock!
Sep 25, 2012 at 3:18 PM Post #48 of 618
I may have an option in Heerlen. Huge expositieruimte and all the tables and chairs you could possibly want too. It's free, my family owns the building. I need to make sure there isn't an exhibit planned though. Will get back to you on this. You go think if Heerlen is uberhaupt an option, what with it being all the way in the south. Btw, there's free parking and it's near the station as well. 

Here's a picture of the room during an exhibit. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69590558@N03/6327837645/in/set-72157627963463147/lightbox/

It'd be absolutely awesome if that were possible.
Heerlen is three hours by train for me, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Most other locations I had in mind where ~2:15 for me, so it's not that much worse.

However, we'd still have to ask others, since it might be too far for some people.
Sep 25, 2012 at 5:41 PM Post #49 of 618
It'd be absolutely awesome if that were possible.
Heerlen is three hours by train for me, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Most other locations I had in mind where ~2:15 for me, so it's not that much worse.
However, we'd still have to ask others, since it might be too far for some people.

I'll keep an eye out for other locations as well. It never hurts to have choice. :) 
Sep 26, 2012 at 11:35 AM Post #53 of 618
Hello, I be new here. I got directed here by bowei006.

I'm quite interested in the meeting. I don't ''gear'' yet though. A few earbuds and a headphone. Any problems with that?
Sep 26, 2012 at 12:28 PM Post #55 of 618
Ok. He's new, he can't come. :p

Of course he can come, why not. Less gear makes it less interesting (for me) but where else would most people get the chance to listen to all this gear, newbie or veteran.

Tilpo, you might want to change the topic name to Dutch/Belgian Meet
Sep 26, 2012 at 2:12 PM Post #56 of 618
Both suggested locations are ok for me.
Perhaps we could meet in a youth hostel, ask to use a part of the hostel and even stay overnight as well. I can sent some e-mails to Flemish hostels, for a location in Belgium.
Other options are Scouts, Chiro, ... other youth activity group-locations.
Sep 27, 2012 at 8:20 AM Post #59 of 618
That does make it a lot harder for me, but I'll try. I'm now searching for a location easily accessible in Noord-Brabant.
I've been searching for a location the past two hours or so, and it's incredibly annoying. Possible locations never list price rates, when they are opened, and only sometimes post a picture of the rooms for rental on their website.
If anyone has a suggestion, please go right ahead. This is a lot of work on my side, especially since I've never done anything like this before.

I live in Eindhoven and know a guy who has alot contacts, I can see if he knows any places.

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