DT770s - Oh God, no, just no
Jun 7, 2006 at 3:00 PM Post #31 of 60

Originally Posted by lmilhan
Different strokes for different folks.

The OP really enjoys their sound signature, and the way they do bass (which is to my ears lean, tight and extremely fast). Which still doesn't change the fact that he will never like the way the DT770s sound, regardless of what voodoo he performs on them.

Allow me to demonstrate with some visual aid:

The original poster with his Sonys ->

The original poster trying out the DT770s ->

The original poster trying to comprehend what he just heard ->

How the original poster will feel about the DT770s for the rest of his life if he were to keep them ->

The original poster selling his DT770s and returning to his SA5ks ->

A full circle return to his happiness, along with the restoration of the balance of 'the force'.

Oh don't get me wrong, I love my SA headphones
I can think of no other word to describe the sonic presentation other than weird though
Jun 7, 2006 at 3:12 PM Post #32 of 60
Just try a pair of Super.fi 5 EB's. I'm sure the 770s cant be WORSE!
Jun 7, 2006 at 3:14 PM Post #33 of 60

Originally Posted by PeeeMeS
Oh don't get me wrong, I love my SA headphones
I can think of no other word to describe the sonic presentation other than weird though

In the world of headphones, I could agree that weird is a good adjective to use when describing their sound (at least for the SA3000/SA5000, I never tried the SA1000).

Jun 7, 2006 at 3:22 PM Post #34 of 60

Just try a pair of Super.fi 5 EB's. I'm sure the 770s cant be WORSE!

The next person that mentions those EBs in the same sentence as the 770s gets a pair of Triports shoved so far up his @ss he'll be pissing midbass for a month...

Jun 7, 2006 at 4:41 PM Post #35 of 60

Originally Posted by augustwest
"nor am I using the with a proper headphone amp"

For a guy with 1000+ posts, you should know better, in fact you answered your own question. What ever led you to believe these would sound good without proper amplification???

- augustwest


I find the bass to be very strong, very deep and well defined (though also with some boom layered in). Thats modestly amped with a headsave classic. Granted there's tons of bass, more than might be to Azure's liking, but a "fart cannon" 'tis not.
Jun 7, 2006 at 5:50 PM Post #36 of 60
I got the DT 770 pro 80 ohm around 5-6 days ago, and for the first 2 days, i was abit disappointed about the "muddy" sound. I continued burning them in, and suddenly they just started opening up. Every day now i can hear small changes and the mids coming through.
IMO these headphones change completely with the burning in.
Jun 7, 2006 at 5:59 PM Post #37 of 60

Originally Posted by Azure
is an understatement. Though they haven't been burned in yet nor am I using the with a proper headphone amp, they are just too much out of my stereo's amp. This is just plain ridiculous. The music sounds slightly veiled and all I hear is mind-boggling bloated and gritty bass. It's a damn fart cannon. There's just way too much emphasis on the lower end that they sound like a pair of ghetto speakers with too much bass being driven through them. I was expecting some high-end, very tight and impactful bass that would rock your world. However, this is just ridiculous. The bass is all over the place and sounds incredibly low-fi. I was expecting a BOOOOOOOOM!, but what I got was a BLAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!111!!!!!1 1!!one

Well burn-in help control the bass and reduce its gritty nature? In a few days or so I should be able to drive them through a dedicated headphone amp, but that's going to be a PA2V2, so I fear even worse SQ out of these monsters. Seriously, the sound makes me want to vomit. The low-end is just so ridiculous that it's not music anymore, just noise (Reminds me of those crappy car sound systems that everybody at school has).

The velour pads are quite comfy though

EDIT: The sound is really veiled to me. It might just be because I'm coming from the SA1k, but it sounds like there's a sock between my ears and the driver. Could they just not be properly driven (Though I think my stereo's headphone amp is kind of efficient and powerful)? It just sucks that I ordered a PA2V2 to go with these as that should just make the bass even worse.

This was all with MUSIC, I haven't tried them with gaming yet, though I already have a feeling that I'm going to have to look elsewhere for a gaming can (A900?).

Take the bass boost or EQ off when using the 770's-- they obviously don't need them. Did you still have your stereo set for "rock" or some other bass boosting eq feature?

If you're getting the "fart cannon" sound you described, the only explanation for it is that you've got some other bass boosting going on in your stereo system (I know that I use it when I'm listening through my speakers, but that's because my speakers suck
Jun 7, 2006 at 7:04 PM Post #38 of 60
I got the 770-80's after wanting more bass than my Ety4P's and amp were giving me. I immediately played Paul's Boutique and was very unhappy with the sound. I broke them in for hours and hours and then after listening to electronica or jazz through them they opened up a new genre of music to me. I am still in need of some good rock and hip hop phones, but I wouldn't trade in the Beyer's. Also, just to note that I had my 770's for over a year and the sound on the left side started to distort. I sent it back and they fixed it for free, so kudos to the manufacturer.
Jun 7, 2006 at 7:05 PM Post #39 of 60
I still say that no matter what he does, he will not like the DT770s. We can make suggestions all day, but comming from (and preferring the sound of) the Sony cans he will never enjoy the sound of the DT770s. Bass boost on, bass boost off, amped, unamped, EQ'd, recabled with Valhalla, brilliant pebbles, facing south when all of the planets are aligned, power conditioning, new interconnects, putting his left foot in and doing the hokey pokey - none of which will matter. The fundamental fact remains that the DT770s simply do not present the music the way he likes to hear it. There is nothing wrong with them, he just doesn't like their sound signature and there is nothing wrong with that.

Let's try this excercise: If someone made a post saying that they absolutely loved the sound signature of the Sony SA5000s, and they were looking for similar sounding cans that they would enjoy, how many of you would honestly suggest the DT770s? My guess: zero. We are talking apples and oranges here.

It would be like taking someone who has been a vegan all of his natural life, and forcing him at gunpoint to eat a big fat rare steak until he liked it - might as well just shoot him, cause it ain't gonna' happen.

For the OP: Regarding the suggestions made in this thread that will not cost you antyhing to try out, by all means go for it. Please feel free to post here and prove me wrong if you end up actually liking the DT770s. I would be curious to see how everything works out for you.

But hey, what do I know? I can't even chew through a three foot rope.
Jun 7, 2006 at 9:27 PM Post #40 of 60
Break them in and give them a chance, I felt the same way as you when I first got them, but after a prolonged burn-in, I found they sounded much better. I made a CD using the tones found here. I used sound forge to make a continual 3 minute sweep of the 20Hz-16000hz and 1 minute of each of 20Hz, 30Hz and 40Hz and I attenuated the volume so that they all played at about the same volume, then set it on repeat. This way you hit all the frequencies with plenty of concentration on the low end.

After they've been burned in, spend about a month with the 770s, paired with the right music you might just find you just can't give them up after that
Jun 7, 2006 at 11:50 PM Post #41 of 60

Originally Posted by appar111
Take the bass boost or EQ off when using the 770's-- they obviously don't need them. Did you still have your stereo set for "rock" or some other bass boosting eq feature?

If you're getting the "fart cannon" sound you described, the only explanation for it is that you've got some other bass boosting going on in your stereo system (I know that I use it when I'm listening through my speakers, but that's because my speakers suck

My stereo is using a flat EQ with the Power Bass function off and the bass dial all the way to the left.

Right now I'm just letting them burn-in while I wait for the PA2V2 to arrive. Then I'll try them out with some games and see if I should keep them or get some A900s instead.
Jun 8, 2006 at 1:12 AM Post #42 of 60
SA5k's are here, but unfortunately the seller used the SA5000 cardboard box as the shipping box:

I really wanted to keep the box too

I don't have time now to open them up and test them out, but I'll post impressions later.
Jun 8, 2006 at 1:19 AM Post #43 of 60
The DT770s can sound good if you put enough EQ into them. I got my daughters 80 ohm version down over the weekend and played with them. Here is what I did using J Media's default EQ plugin:

60 Hz 0 db
170 Hz -6
340 Hz +2
600 Hz -6
1K Hz -2
3K Hz +6
6K Hz -4
12K Hz -5
14K Hz 1
16K Hz +9

These are approx since the plug in is only near these values but try something like this and see what you hear.
Jun 8, 2006 at 1:35 AM Post #44 of 60

Originally Posted by Azure
SA5k's are here, but unfortunately the seller used the SA5000 cardboard box as the shipping box:

I really wanted to keep the box too

I don't have time now to open them up and test them out, but I'll post impressions later.

Would love to hear your impressions Azure. I used to have the DT770, and was considering the SA5K. Keep us posted
Jun 8, 2006 at 2:12 AM Post #45 of 60
I have never heard the SA5K, but I briefly owned a pair of SA3K's, and I couldn't stand them, because to me, they are incredibly bright and have no bass.

And I love the DT770.

My point here: I don't think that anyone who likes the Sony sonic signature will ever like DT770's. And vice-versa. Totally opposite ends of the spectrum.

That said, the DT770/80 do need a healthy 100 hours break in to sound their best, they really are not very good out of the box, and after 100 hours they sound quite good, of course still with a rising bass response.

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