DT150- German Frankenbeyer in the haus (Review)
Feb 28, 2009 at 12:57 AM Post #46 of 58

Originally Posted by holland /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I see you edited your post. Sure, head in sand, go for it. It's a semantic that you're choosing to ignore, when speaking of relatives.

My post was edited to place emphasis on the

I have no intention of trying to convice you otherwise, to each their own.

You make the assuption that I agree that the treble is "boosted", I don't. It has exceptional highs that doesn't mean that they are boosted, nor does it mean that the Mids would be compromised. Here is a question for you-If a headphone has "boosted highs" (not that I agree with you on that) and you play music that is bass and mid oriented, are the mids still recessed? Your dictionary is 2 dimentional and you are the one playing semantics, as although I agree with the dictionary defintion it is the context that you have wrong. You want to talk about semantics, a dictionary definition of recessed is semantics. Now in case I didn't make myself clear enough in the first response to your opinion, I don't care about your opinion-clear enough.
Feb 28, 2009 at 1:30 AM Post #47 of 58

Originally Posted by Kernmac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My post was edited to place emphasis on the

I have no intention of trying to convice you otherwise, to each their own.

You make the assuption that I agree that the treble is "boosted", I don't. It has exceptional highs that doesn't mean that they are boosted, nor does it mean that the Mids would be compromised. Here is a question for you-If a headphone has "boosted highs" (not that I agree with you on that) and you play music that is bass and mid oriented, are the mids still recessed? Your dictionary is 2 dimentional and you are the one playing semantics, as although I agree with the dictionary defintion it is the context that you have wrong. You want to talk about semantics, a dictionary definition of recessed is semantics. Now in case I didn't make myself clear enough in the first response to your opinion, I don't care about your opinion-clear enough.

fair enough. I think you're quite ignorant, but as you said, to each their own. As to whether you think it is boosted or not is irrelevant. It *is* boosted as any frequency sweep will show you.

To answer your question, yes, because it's a description of the headphones response to stimulus and it is a description of what the headphone does relative to itself. If you are comparing it against another headphone there is a point of reference that you must define. Just speaking of recessions and boosts with no reference point means nothing.

Yes, a dictionary definition is a semantic. So, what's your point? Yet you're getting all upset over a semantic. If you see half a glass of water on a counter. Is it a glass half full of water or is it half empty of water? Either way, it's a half a glass of water.

It's laughable that you are so upset about it.

A boost is either a boost or a recession of others relative to a point that one has chosen (i.e., reference point). If you quantify it as a boost or recession relative to headphone A or headphone B, that's fine. As with any headphone, within it's own frequency response, there are dips and valleys, or boosts. That's nothing to be upset about. It is what it is.

BTW, have a temper problem? Boy talk about getting all upset and roaring like a lion defending it's turf.
Feb 28, 2009 at 1:47 AM Post #48 of 58
Your are trolling holland. I am not upset about a semantic, just responding to a troll. I can either respond or ignore you, and now according to you (because I state I don't care about your opinion) I am upset with an anger problem? You just don't get it, I didn't want to get into "sematics" and opinions because you aren't going to convice me and as I have said I don't even want to try and convince you. I'm done, just as I should have been several post ago. Read your dictionary and listen to your recessed headphones, and go and troll somewhere else, or here if you want, this thread is already done.
Feb 28, 2009 at 1:58 AM Post #49 of 58
it's because your "tone" seems angry, and it really is. glad you're gone. some people, all upset over a relative description of frequencies. wow.

I'm not trolling. I am just stating a perspective, and defending it when you seemed to take offense to it. It's what grown ups do, discuss. Children do things, and run away. My response was not necessarily for you, but for others wondering similar things. This is an internet forum, with hundreds of thousands of viewers, or possibly millions. If you chose to ignore, don't respond with a contrarian view and then say I'm not listening, and not expect a response. It's silly. If you chose to ignore, then don't respond at all. As I would expect no responses from you on this matter.

Children like to call others troll that engage in a discussion of perspectives.

Edit: BTW. Here's another semantic for you. Recession doesn't bring into question the quality of the presentation. So, while I think the DT880 is recessed in some areas, I think it's a very good headphone. You seem to have issues making that distinction.
Feb 28, 2009 at 2:14 AM Post #50 of 58
IMO the Sextetts are more transparent than the 770 Pro or the DT 150. The 770 has more bass impact than the others. Whereas IMO the 150 has more bass extension. The Sextett is incredibly airy whereas the 150 exhibits nice definition with a certain warmth all it's own. I think the 150 and the Sextett mids are both not as recessed as the 770 thus adding to their broader presentation of soundstage. Bottom line I really enjoy all 3 a great deal. I can't wait until the 880's get hear to compare with them. Mind you it has taken me some AND money to realize what sound signature I consistently enjoy.
Feb 28, 2009 at 2:15 AM Post #51 of 58
The thread is screwed, highjacked because you want to push a semantic about boost must equal recessed in any spectrum. How do you get "tone" from a written forum? Now there is a semantic for you. I'm not defending a frequency response or anything, nor am I calling you a child for running away. Like all arragant people, you think you have a mortgage on the truth, your opinon is right. All I have stated is that I don't agree with your opinion regarding the DT880 having recessed mids and bass response, and that I could care less for a dictionary definition on the word recessed. That according to you is an agressive tone with anger and temper problems. Give me a break. You have trolled, either intentionally or not, but that is the result. Now I know you'll come back and say I thought you said you were gone, but your last post was so conceited that I decided it disserved a reply. Forums are for opinions that are relevant, when one side is so focussed on projecting one point of view (You and the definiton of recessed) it becomes irrelevant-trolling.
Feb 28, 2009 at 3:05 AM Post #52 of 58

Originally Posted by Kernmac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The thread is screwed, highjacked because you want to push a semantic about boost must equal recessed in any spectrum. How do you get "tone" from a written forum? Now there is a semantic for you. I'm not defending a frequency response or anything, nor am I calling you a child for running away. Like all arragant people, you think you have a mortgage on the truth, your opinon is right. All I have stated is that I don't agree with your opinion regarding the DT880 having recessed mids and bass response, and that I could care less for a dictionary definition on the word recessed. That according to you is an agressive tone with anger and temper problems. Give me a break. You have trolled, either intentionally or not, but that is the result. Now I know you'll come back and say I thought you said you were gone, but your last post was so conceited that I decided it disserved a reply. Forums are for opinions that are relevant, when one side is so focussed on projecting one point of view (You and the definiton of recessed) it becomes irrelevant-trolling.

LOL, you're funny. I responded to a post by iGig about recessed mids and referenced some points, and you responded with a troll (it's not. I'm not listening, nyaa nyaa), which I responded to.

No, my opinion is my opinion and is not the truth. My opinion is a subjective representation of my thoughts or my subjective view. We can discuss it and come to an agreement or we can argue or we can ignore it. If you are choosing to ignore definitions of words, then I don't understand why you choose to use words at all. Semantics are everything.

How do you get "tone" from a written forum? You do realize that tone is used to define a manner of expression, written or spoken. Your "tone" has been angry and representative of one who has been hurt or slighted.

No, the result is not that I have trolled, but that you have chosen to take it to that point. It's what happens when one is ignorant and chooses to ignore proper definitions of words.

At what point am I so focused on presenting a point of view? I stated a point of view once in this thread about recessed mids, which you clearly took offense to ("severely lacking headphone"), and I felt I had to clarify that point of view when others took a contrarian stance.

Am I arrogant? Sometimes.

If you want to continue this argument, please feel free to PM me.
Feb 28, 2009 at 3:09 AM Post #53 of 58

Originally Posted by Trav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
IMO the Sextetts are more transparent than the 770 Pro or the DT 150. The 770 has more bass impact than the others. Whereas IMO the 150 has more bass extension. The Sextett is incredibly airy whereas the 150 exhibits nice definition with a certain warmth all it's own. I think the 150 and the Sextett mids are both not as recessed as the 770 thus adding to their broader presentation of soundstage. Bottom line I really enjoy all 3 a great deal.

That's a good summation of the headphones, and seems inline with my findings. Though I would say that the DT770 2005 has equal bass extension of the DT150, as the various DT770 versions seem to be different from each other. It's been a very long time since I heard the DT770 Pro/80, so that's going on music memory which is faulty. Do they still make the Pro/80s? For some reason I thought they were discontinued.
Feb 28, 2009 at 3:42 AM Post #54 of 58
Yes they do. They are now my travel cans of choice. Much to my surprise on my flight home a few days ago, five rows in front of me is a gent wearing 770 pros as well writing music.
Feb 28, 2009 at 4:18 AM Post #55 of 58

Originally Posted by holland /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The DT150 does have slightly recessed mids. It is very apparent relative to mid-boosted headphones. I'm not sure where you are coming from. It's mids are less recessed than the DT770 Pro and the DT770 2005, and less recessed than the DT880. The DT880 (and DT770 2005) has a large treble peak, which, if you take into account means you have recessed bass and mids. However, in it's relative range (within itself), the DT150s mids are OK and does have a lower-mid peak (not mid-bass). What I mean by this is that you can *really* hear snare drums resonance and decay (not the attack) and the bass line. It, in fact, calls those out. I don't have to "strain" to hear bass lines behind a double guitar mix. At the same time it pushes guitars to the background, instead of being very upfront like in a Grado or moderately so like the other Beyers. When I visualize that, I describe that as a lower-mid peak. I don't have measurement tools for this and haven't run a FR sweep while listening to it, but that's what it appears to be. It's something there, but I don't know the exact frequency range. It's definitely not mid-bass like my DT990 and is higher up in the spectrum.

The instrument separation is good in the DT150, FWIW. Tonally, I find the ATH-M50 better, but at the same time the ATH-M50 is congested and smeared. The DT150 is not. It is crisp in the attack and decay of notes, with good separation, and sound stage. If only the highs were better.

However, compared to my DT770 2005, I find the DT770 2005 better overall (think closed DT880 2005). It makes the DT150 sound boxy. The DT770 2005 is much brighter though and some people cannot tolerate that. I do use a 120-ohm adapter to bring it into the norm (Beyer's A1 amp has a 100 ohm output impedence so I use 120 ohm adapters on almost all my Beyers except the DT150). I also like bright headphones, so it's not a problem for me. I'm a Beyer fan and have 5 different pairs right now.

ok holland, I have a better understanding of DT150's mids now, a litte recessed and more noticeable compared to other mid-boosted phones.
I never heard DT770-250 or DT880, the only Beyers I own are DT770-80 and DT531, but I don't listen to them much since I got HD650.
It is possible I find DT150's mids a little recessed, I'm guessing they'll be less forward than SR225, maybe not as beatiful and lush as HD650's? I don't know.
What really matters to me is it's overall presentation and my enjoyment factor, I'll let you all know what I think once I get acquanted with it.
Your comments are helpful to me and anyone else considering this headphone, thanks for taking the time.

And thanks again Kernmac for your review, it was a lot of fun.
Feb 28, 2009 at 5:03 AM Post #56 of 58
In as few words as possible my "subjective" description of the DT 150 is..."massive soundstage, warm finite detail devoid of harshness, lush bass extension with control, highs with no discernible stridance"..ok that was wordy but i did my best...
Feb 28, 2009 at 7:38 AM Post #57 of 58
Enjoy the DT150 when you get them iGig.
Mar 2, 2009 at 1:28 PM Post #58 of 58

Originally Posted by Trav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In as few words as possible my "subjective" description of the DT 150 is..."massive soundstage, warm finite detail devoid of harshness, lush bass extension with control, highs with no discernible stridance"..ok that was wordy but i did my best...

Good description, and it seems correct to me.

A less wordy description would be "everything I want in a headphone, and nothing I don't."

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