100% this ^DSD and other high-resolution formats are necessary for mastering, not for listening.
Its really only used for mastering and archiving for later editing and reselling as "remastered" to the masses for money.
100% this ^DSD and other high-resolution formats are necessary for mastering, not for listening.
DSD and other high-resolution formats are necessary for mastering, not for listening.
100% this ^ Its really only used for mastering and archiving for later editing and reselling as "remastered" to the masses for money.
I believe they have some minimalist solutions with DSD wide and some other name like that. but for more advanced mastering, as far as I know it's conversion or DXD(which is PCM but has the name to pretend it's not).Are the Pentatone SACDs direct to disk? They advertise that they are recorded to DSD.
[1] Are the Pentatone SACDs direct to disk?
[2] They advertise that they are recorded to DSD.
I found info here at a store that specializes in native DSD recordings... They also talk here about DXD (352.8KHx 32 bit PCM). The copy on this page sounds like a lot of the sales pitch in the liner notes on early stereo demonstration LPs. If doing things the difficult and clumsy way results in good sound, they must be the best sounding recordings of all!