I'm just a newbie in the audiophile world but I like to learn and I try to understand, I enjoyed a lot the thread about 16 vs 24 bits, now my question is about DSD what's exactly the difference between DSD music files and FLAC ones? DSD ones are huge so just talking about sound quality, is worth to get them or it's better to stick to FLAC 16?
Thank you
flac is a compressed format. lossless, but compressed anyway. if you extract the signal to a .wav file, hires music is going to be massive too. but they will still be the same signal with the same fidelity. file size isn't a great way to judge fidelity between formats using different encodings.
for DSD, the encoding is binary, not just converted to a binary code, actually binary. you can imagine it as telling the signal to go up or down at each new sample. the number of samples per second is crazy huge, so you end up with huge files. now because it's a 1bit system, the noise floor without touching anything is at -6dB, which is really bad and cannot be left as is. instead very massive noise shaping is involved to "move" all that noise at higher frequencies and then filter out those ultrasonic frequencies full of noise. so once all is done, despite the crazy high sample rate, the resulting signal of default DSD comes very close to typical hires PCM resolution with similar dynamic range and frequency range. just done differently.
basically, it all works out in the end, but the 1bit encoding of DSD is moronic in my opinion. it was initially an archiving format for a few corporations, and even for that it wasn't anything special. I still don't understand why such a format has reached consumers. we(consumers) have nothing to gain from such an impractical format(again IMO!). if you're looking for a
lossless format, I believe that flac and alac are very good options. almost all my library is in flac, at least my archives/backups are in flac.