Drop + Sennheiser 8XX Loaner Program
Aug 9, 2021 at 9:14 PM Post #33 of 54
On a serious note though, the Drop version is meant to have "more bass", so more 2nd order dist. (or more 3rd order dist. if you're comparing to a modded HD800). People who like Drop products tend to like (and use) big adjectives because they cant scientifically explain what they hear and why they hear it a certain way. Resonators work great, when they are intended for use in the first place. The HD800 is designed to be clinical. HD800s has bloated bass. The drop will probably use a resonator that's been filled, or internal diameter enlarged.

For any drop enthusiasts reading, understand that by blocking that hole in the middle of your driver will sacrifice the "air" and the "largeness/spaciousness/whatever" and before complaining about price, check out a 2nd hand HD800 and ill give you some nice EQ's to try as a starting point. I've had two HD800, one HD800s and now using new HD800s drivers with the resonator peeled off and replaced with the HD800 ones (ie no 0.5mm resonator) with HD800 baffles. Use an Eq and THEN talk about the bass. Its clean; its not god knows what the Drop HD800s is meant to be other than trying to become a slice of a certain marketing demographic. Save your money... 2nd hand HD800's have been burned in!!! lol

Rant over, I've just got a crap load of work to do and putting it off lol. Use your ears and not online graphs
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Aug 11, 2021 at 5:58 PM Post #38 of 54
I thought about signing up, but decided to pass ... a nice offer though.
I own two pair of HD800 (SN around 34,000 or so) and use them every day, so they are broken in and I am calibrated. It was my goal in this hobby to find a rig to drive the HD800 well, and finally achieved that a few years ago. I've heard both the HD800S (sound like the HD800 with a sock stuffed inside) and the HD820 (don't even think about it). I do use a bit of digital EQ, in JRiver, just around the 6 kHz area. The bass to me is perfect.
Happy listening to all :)
Aug 12, 2021 at 3:46 AM Post #39 of 54
Wait, it's not all black?
Aug 20, 2021 at 12:03 PM Post #41 of 54
Sounds like Crinacle didn't take a liking to the 8XX production version. Unboxing

"One of my main problems with the HD800/S is a mild centre-midrange recession, which messes with the timbre of many instruments.
  • The HD8XX takes this recession and makes it far worse.
    • No sugarcoating; this makes the HD8XX go from “somewhat off” in the HD800/S to what I’d consider plain wrong."
Oct 3, 2021 at 5:39 AM Post #43 of 54
Hey Head-Fi,

My name is Michael and I coordinate the review samples for Drop.com.

If you’ve heard about our latest headphone announcement, the Drop + Sennheiser 8XX, I’m happy to announce that we have a unit dedicated to being reviewed by the community here.

Rules & Detail:
  1. This is a factory unit. It will have the retail sound + cosmetics.
  2. 5 people will be selected to start out with. We may decide to add more after this initial round.
  3. USA-based reviewers only.
  4. Reviewers will get at most one week to test the 8XX and must contribute a review.
  5. Once you’ve completed your review, please post your thoughts on this thread along with anywhere else you’d like to post.
  6. To enter, please email michael.ninh@drop.com with your head-fi username, address, and phone number. We will coordinate the pass-around through email.


  • Reviewers will get at most one week to test the 8XX and must contribute a review.
  • Once you’ve completed your review, please post your thoughts on this thread along with anywhere else you’d like to post.

What happened to the reviews? It's been ages...
Oct 3, 2021 at 7:01 PM Post #44 of 54
What happened to the reviews? It's been ages...
I got an email in mid-August advising me I had made the cut and would be getting a review pair shortly. I’m still waiting.
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