Dont Taze Me Bro! Quote of the year!
Sep 21, 2007 at 4:54 PM Post #106 of 152
Not sure, but was Howard Dean yelling at someone getting tazed in that foto? Seems like apples and orange to me, and I think I said "a little more," anyway.
Sep 21, 2007 at 5:35 PM Post #107 of 152

Originally Posted by Dzjudz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm sorry, but being tazed for not willing to be hauled out of a room by 6 people when overstepping your time-limit? What's wrong with turning off the microphone?

They did that. It didn't work.
Sep 21, 2007 at 5:40 PM Post #108 of 152
okay I was lazy but I registered with youtube to see this. I think this clip isn't enough to show who was right/wrong in this case by itself. If he just started yelling for awhile then yes they should have tried other methods first. However assuming the info posted in this thread is true (he does this kind of thing all time, it was maybe a stunt, and/or hes just an attention whore) I think he definitely deserved what he got, if the police already know he pulls that kind of thing then they made the right call. He had many chances to walk away, he showed that if force was not used he would stay and keep yelling.
Sep 21, 2007 at 10:26 PM Post #109 of 152
lets just pretend that instead of getting tasered, he was brutally beaten and shot in the kneecap by officers. Clearly it was his own fault because he was resisting arrest correct?

so what would have happened if officers had just let him run his course? Worst case scenario he rants on for a few minutes until people get annoyed with him and he loses the crowd. At which point he would most likely leave on his own accord.
Sep 21, 2007 at 10:34 PM Post #110 of 152

Originally Posted by pne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lets just pretend that instead of getting tasered, he was brutally beaten and shot in the kneecap by officers. Clearly it was his own fault because he was resisting arrest correct?

Yeah, that's similar to what happened.
Sep 21, 2007 at 11:10 PM Post #111 of 152

Originally Posted by pne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lets just pretend that instead of getting tasered, he was brutally beaten and shot in the kneecap by officers. Clearly it was his own fault because he was resisting arrest correct?

They should have poked his eyeballs out and cut his right hand off
Sep 21, 2007 at 11:48 PM Post #112 of 152

Originally Posted by pne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lets just pretend that instead of getting tasered, he was brutally beaten and shot in the kneecap by officers. Clearly it was his own fault because he was resisting arrest correct?

No, because that's outside of proper police protocol. Tasering isn't.

Use of firearms is only acceptable when deadly force is justified. This case clearly didn't justify deadly force. Brutal beatings are never justified.
Sep 22, 2007 at 1:24 AM Post #115 of 152
I watched a number of videos from various times before and after from multiple angles and I'm still sticking to my original thoughts on what occurred, but as I was browsing I was struck by how interesting the discussion has been here compared to so many other sites, including professional news sources. I may still disagree with marvin overall, allowing that there are two valid sides to the conversation, but he has shown obviously knowledgeable, levelheaded thinking on the event that has, as usual, impressed me. I commend you people for being capable of carrying on a mature discussion on a controversial topic. You make the Internet proud.
Sep 22, 2007 at 1:25 AM Post #116 of 152
All these posts, and most people on this thread seem to fall into one of two camps. I'll add an observation. Cops are predators. They LOVE an excuse, any excuse to grab someone, rough them up, cuff/stuff 'em. Many of them are adrenaline junkies. If you threw a live mouse into a room full of cats, the result is predictable. Same for a steak in a roomful of dogs. Even if they did not just love to take this guy down, they have to demonstrate that they are doing their jobs.

When I have an encounter with a cop, I follow one simple rule: to feign complete disinterest in the situation. This tactic does not arouse the inner predator, and I always walk away. Note, that I'm law-abiding too. Get argumentative, flail around, run, scream, it's all over. Don't be stoopid. It's all psychoillogical.

Sep 22, 2007 at 1:35 AM Post #117 of 152

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All these posts, and most people on this thread seem to fall into one of two camps. I'll add an observation. Cops are predators. They LOVE an excuse, any excuse to grab someone, rough them up, cuff/stuff 'em. Many of them are adrenaline junkies. If you threw a live mouse into a room full of cats, the result is predictable. Same for a steak in a roomful of dogs. Even if they did not just love to take this guy down, they have to demonstrate that they are doing their jobs.

When I have an encounter with a cop, I follow one simple rule: to feign complete disinterest in the situation. This tactic does not arouse the inner predator, and I always walk away. Note, that I'm law-abiding too. Get argumentative, flail around, run, scream, it's all over. Don't be stoopid. It's all psychoillogical.


Now your diggin' where there's 'taters. I can see your point here. Especially for cops not in a high crime area. They are starved for some action.
Sep 22, 2007 at 1:38 AM Post #118 of 152

Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They should have poked his eyeballs out and cut his right hand off


[size=medium]Yes, yes! Bwaahaahaahaa![/size]
Sep 22, 2007 at 1:41 AM Post #119 of 152

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All these posts, and most people on this thread seem to fall into one of two camps. I'll add an observation. Cops are predators. They LOVE an excuse, any excuse to grab someone, rough them up, cuff/stuff 'em. Many of them are adrenaline junkies. If you threw a live mouse into a room full of cats, the result is predictable. Same for a steak in a roomful of dogs. Even if they did not just love to take this guy down, they have to demonstrate that they are doing their jobs.

When I have an encounter with a cop, I follow one simple rule: to feign complete disinterest in the situation. This tactic does not arouse the inner predator, and I always walk away. Note, that I'm law-abiding too. Get argumentative, flail around, run, scream, it's all over. Don't be stoopid. It's all psychoillogical.


Absolutely! It's also the secret to having a long, happy marrage!


Originally Posted by will75 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now your diggin' where there's 'taters. I can see your point here. Especially for cops not in a high crime area. They are starved for some action.


(i kid, i kid)
Sep 22, 2007 at 2:06 AM Post #120 of 152
while I do not completely think the cops were justified in their actions,
I also think the student in this video is not completely innocent.

Taken from DaveRose's posts with a link to CNN (post #22)

" Meyer was ordered released from jail Tuesday on his own recognizance.

Meyer has his own Web site and it contains several "comedy" videos that he appears in. In one, he stands in a street with a sign that says "Harry Dies" after the latest Harry Potter book was released. In another, he acts like a drunk while trying to pick up a woman in a bar.

The site also has what is called a "disorganized diatribe" attributed to Meyer that criticizes the Iraq war, the news media for not covering the conflict enough and the American public for paying too much attention to celebrity news."

And also sugarinthegourd's comments in post #9.

It would seem this is not a normal case, because Meyer seems to actively go out and pursue these confrontations. I would assume if the campus police have had previous dealings with this student, they may have lost their cool and used more force than necessary with the Tasers. This of course is no excuse for their having done so, because as police they're held to a stricter standard as people with authority to protect the laws and the people.

I would however argue that Meyer, seems like someone who just enjoys attention and goes out of his way to get it. He had it coming sooner or later. (with no justification for the ones who deal it to him. just that Meyer deserves it)

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