Aug 20, 2009 at 1:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


500+ Head-Fier
Oct 7, 2006
I'd like to create a list of documentaries that other Head-Fiers enjoy.

I've recently realized that I watch far more documentaries than I do TV or movies. I mostly enjoy documentaries of the science and music genres. What are some great documentaries that you've seen lately?

I watched "The Pink Floyd Story: Which One's Pink?" last night. Even if you know a lot about Pink Floyd it's a fun watch. A lot of interviews with band members.

On the science side I really enjoy just about anything with Brian Cox in it. Definitely worth a look if you're into physics/general science.

So Head-Fi, any cool documentaries I should check out?
Aug 20, 2009 at 1:59 AM Post #3 of 21
Hands on a Hard Body

Burden of Dreams - Watch Fitzcardo first for one of the best Movie-Documentary experiences. The movie is epic and the making of is even more so.

Sherman's March
Aug 20, 2009 at 4:02 AM Post #5 of 21

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anything by Errol Morris. All of his films are superb.

Right on. He is the best documentarian. I suggest "The Thin Blue Line" and "The Fog of War" to start.

For music documentaries, I suggest "The Clash: Westway to the World" and "End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones."
Aug 20, 2009 at 4:25 AM Post #6 of 21
I watch lots of music documentaries. Some people think it takes away the mystique; I think it adds to it. I love "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart" about Wilco, and I can't wait for "It Might Get Loud" to come to my town -- documentary about guitars with Jimmy Page, The Edge, and some guy named Jack something who makes a guitar out of a board and a coke bottle.
Aug 20, 2009 at 4:35 AM Post #7 of 21

Originally Posted by Samgotit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hands on a Hard Body

Burden of Dreams - Watch Fitzcardo first for one of the best Movie-Documentary experiences. The movie is epic and the making of is even more so.

Sherman's March

Excellent, I love Sherman's March.

"Gray Gardens" is another classic and musically I thought "Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey" was also very good with a story stranger than fiction.

"project grizzly" is pretty funny YouTube - Troy Hurtubise: Project Grizzly
Aug 21, 2009 at 5:41 AM Post #8 of 21

Originally Posted by JadeEast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"project grizzly" is pretty funny YouTube - Troy Hurtubise: Project Grizzly

That reminds me, put "Grizzly Man" on your list as well as those two Errol Morris flicks. It was directed by Werner Herzog. From IMDB:

"A devastating and heartrending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzlies in Alaska."

Obviously, they were killed by the grizzlies they were living among.
Aug 21, 2009 at 1:14 PM Post #10 of 21
Recently I saw a very intriguing documentary called "Musical Minds" by Oliver Sacks. Here's a short from the film ...
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Aug 21, 2009 at 2:14 PM Post #11 of 21
I'm a documentary "freak." There are so many that I have enjoyed in recent years that it is difficult to recommend any particular titles. Recently, PBS had a four part series by Niall Ferguson called, "The Ascent Of Money" which was fascinating. Last year the people who made "The Ascent Of Money" did a documentary called, "The War of the World: A New History of the 20th Century" which was even better. (highly recommended) One of my all time favorite documentaries is part of the PBS American Experience series by Ric Burns called, "American Experience: New York: A Documentary Film." (American Experience can't do a bad historical documentary film. Check out and for American Experience: American Experience - Shop By Series - My wife and I both enjoyed a documentary on the economic and social impact on modern society of corn called, "King Corn." (more interesting than it sounds...) I too really like the Earl Morris films, especially "The Fog Of War." PBS' science- oriented "Nova" series frequently deals with unusual topics. There was a recent episode where "E" from the eels examined his families history of tragedy and brilliance. (his father was a brilliant, troubled physicist and his sister committed suicide) There was another riveting episode called, "Intelligent Design On Trial." I agree with a post above that mentions PBS' "Frontline." They make anything they examine riveting and thought-provoking. The various episodes on the origins of our current financial crisis are a must-see for anyone. I'm also really looking forward to seeing "It Might Get Loud." I have seen several interviews and clips from this documentary (from the director of "An Inconvenient Truth"), and I can tell it's going to be great. (Check out the trailer at: With all of the brainless trash that's on television it is really refreshing to see a good documentary. I just watched a good one about Ted Williams on HBO yesterday (and I'm not really a baseball fan...).
Aug 21, 2009 at 5:14 PM Post #12 of 21
i am a big brian cox fan also OP (see my profile)
, really enjoyed the horizon space/time documentaries he did

i am a documentary person too, i love all things about life/creation/dinosaurs/physics/space - all that jazz

i also enjoy true crime documentaries, there are a lot on here in the uk, recently there was martina coles lady killers which was ok

i enjoy film documentaries too, man on wire, touching the void etc

Aug 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM Post #13 of 21

You might enjoy the Showtime series "********!" with penn & teller - often thought provoking (assuming you find the subject matter worth looking into) and always funny. Fog of War is one of my favorite documentaries, Robert McNamara is a fascinating, very intelligent person. He is honest in that the brightest of people can make disastrous decisions, with only the best of intentions.

I would recommend that every single person on this forum review the Classic Albums series. They are on the whole the best documentaries of well, classic albums - how they were made, inspirations, band history - everything. At least watch the ones covering albums you like
My favorites are by Matthew Longfellow (Dark side of the Moon, The Making of 'A Night at the Opera', Disraeli Gears, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols, Def Leppard - Hysteria(g-- those guys are funny), and finally The Black Album.
Aug 21, 2009 at 8:16 PM Post #14 of 21
A great documentary that has won a bunch of awards internationally is "Sharkwater", about; you guessed it, sharks. It definately gives you a very different perspective on sharks!

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