Do You Think Technology Intervenes With The Evolution of Humans?
Oct 3, 2013 at 5:02 AM Post #46 of 52
  Well, the fact that we have people questioning established belief systems using logic and rationality is proof enough that we ARE evolving.


The question is if this is becoming rarer.
Even though I initially said we're "devolving" I know that one cannot simply stop mutations etc. from happening. Evolution of humans has been taking place for millions of years, so our brains are obviously not going to go away in the next couple of thousands of years.
It's just that there's no natural selection anymore that would e.g. favor the smarter ones. Ok, it still works for people that stupidly hurt themselves badly.
Oct 3, 2013 at 8:43 AM Post #47 of 52
Just a note people: 
Carry on.
Oct 3, 2013 at 10:44 AM Post #48 of 52

The question is if this is becoming rarer.
Even though I initially said we're "devolving" I know that one cannot simply stop mutations etc. from happening. Evolution of humans has been taking place for millions of years, so our brains are obviously not going to go away in the next couple of thousands of years.

This makes me wonder sometimes.
We've chosen to go for silicon based technology, or rather intelligence (however primitive as of now).
Its kinda amazing, Silicon is considered to be the most viable element to sustain life after Carbon.
What if there's some life out there who're Silicon based, but their technology is Carbon based?
This also makes me ponder the direction we've taken. Since the invention of the transistor, we've never looked back, or sideways for alternatives.
Maybe if we had looked into more organic circuitry and intelligence? Things would've been different.
This reminds me of the example of insects that have gear mechanisms in their legs:

Nature's not as stupid as we think after all. Its given rise to us, albeit slowly, so its disappointing we don't look for more inspiration from the natural world.
Yes, it seems random, but so was physical phenomenon until we found patterns and understood them.
Oct 3, 2013 at 10:49 AM Post #49 of 52
It's just that there's no natural selection anymore that would e.g. favor the smarter ones. Ok, it still works for people that stupidly hurt themselves badly.

Rather, its possible that even the smarter ones will suffer at the hands of the stupid, beacuse of the social order we live in.
However, I still believe natural selection still goes on, in a different way. We're becoming social after all, no longer competing for biological requirements, but social ones.
Oct 3, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #50 of 52
Rather, its possible that even the smarter ones will suffer at the hands of the stupid, because of the social order we live in.
However, I still believe natural selection still goes on, in a different way. We're becoming social after all, no longer competing for biological requirements, but social ones.

More so when you consider that smart ones will know that if they can't afford children, they won't have children (or limit the number) while douchebags and idiots wouldn't really give a hoot how many paternity suits they're getting served with. You can see that in elections - in the Philippines, there are too many people who think in this pattern:  "Government can't take away my right to sexy times with my (ugly) spouse! Free condoms are repressive, Big Brother government tactics,* and our Parish Priest concurs that they are EVIL!!! I can't feed my children let alone pay for college, and it's totally the government's fault! I'll vote for that guy and his entire family running for every position and Congress seat because 1) the Bishops said so and 2) they dole out money for our needs!**"
Here's the other sad part of how technology could have, but fails, to develop humanity as a whole. In a time when you can Google pretty much anything and Wikipedia info is actually good enough but just not for citing Wikipedia itself for an academic paper, I keep on running into people (like my cousin) who has no freakin' idea about anything. Yes, there are a lot of people learning through the internet, like schools in some mountain village getting satellite internet faster than my broadband at home (and they're using it to access documentaries and the like, while I'm using mine for Steam), but I can't shake off the fear that they'll still be outnumbered by the YOLO crowd.

*Reality check - a real Big Brother, weiwen, or whatever term you'd call it would be me neutering every unemployed schmuck with at least one kid. If I can do that to my tomcats who I love, having it done to idiots that annoy me won't bother me at all.
**They get it out of Pork Barrel which, surprise!, comes out of tax payers' money and instead of renovating public hospitals or getting them better equipment, paying the staff more particularly when they stay at work on New Year's Eve instead of eating roast with their own families because these squatters have ridiculous amounts of money for firecrackers and liquor but not for private hospitals, they use it to give scraps to lots of people who will vote for them not realizing society would benefit better from proper infrastructure, schools, and hospitals. Based on the current figures of the pork barrel scams, apparently we shouldn't be far behind Cuba's health care quality thanks to all the uptake from a Capitalist economy. Instead these blood sucking kulaks are draining us dry.
Oct 4, 2013 at 7:03 PM Post #51 of 52
I just stumbled upon this video. Pretty much sums up what I said / was trying to say:


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