Do white headphone/iPod muggings still go on?
Apr 7, 2005 at 10:28 PM Post #16 of 43

Originally Posted by blessingx
It's probably important to note it was never a big thing. Statistically, your odds are extremely low as was the number of crimes committed (especially if compared to number of iPod owners)..

This reminds me of when I was in London. Got mugged TWICE for my mobile phone. There was a "spate" of mobile muggings at the time when they were expensive and desirable but now that they're everywhere and (comparitively) cheaper it's not a problem. I think it would be the same as the iPod.

Apr 7, 2005 at 10:42 PM Post #17 of 43
it's really sad when someone is in fear of wearing a certain color of headphone because it paints them as a target. The problem is not the color of earphones you are wearing, but how much society has degraded. What kind of country do you live in where you can't even feel safe walking the streets, and are forced to hide your possesions? Where's the police force that your taxes pay for to protect you? Implement a minumum 10 year hard labor imprisionment sentence for petty theft, and we'll see how many theives are left.
Apr 7, 2005 at 10:52 PM Post #18 of 43

Originally Posted by pne
What kind of country do you live in where you can't even feel safe walking the streets, and are forced to hide your possesions?

Not Canada, that's for sure.
Apr 8, 2005 at 12:50 AM Post #19 of 43

Originally Posted by joncirca57
I was mugged by a masked Head-fi member who just took the earbuds and stomped on them . . .

Apr 8, 2005 at 1:10 AM Post #21 of 43

Originally Posted by joncirca57
I was mugged by a masked Head-fi member who just took the earbuds and stomped on them . . .

did he look like this?


if yes, i'm soooo sorry* =)

*sorry to you, not the buds
Apr 8, 2005 at 1:12 AM Post #22 of 43
Well where i live in Idaho (my towns pop. is like 500 people) i garrantee it will never happen, if it does you would know were the person lives so you could beat them up
. Maybe in Boise, Idaho it could happen.
Apr 8, 2005 at 1:20 AM Post #23 of 43

Originally Posted by gshan
did he look like this?


if yes, i'm soooo sorry* =)

*sorry to you, not the buds

That's the guy who stole my O-O-Orpheus!

Also, anyone wanna try an experiment? Paint your mid/full-size phones white and wear a jacket with a giant apple logo plus the words "Ipod rules b**ches" printed on the back. Walk around a major metropolitan area from morn til the dark of night. Record results. I may try this one day when I go to boston.
Apr 8, 2005 at 1:22 AM Post #24 of 43

Originally Posted by Kirosia
That's the guy who stole my O-O-Orpheus!

Also, anyone wanna try an experiment? Paint your mid/full-size phones white and wear a jacket with a giant apple logo plus the words "Ipod rules b**ches" printed on the back. Walk around a major metropolitan area from morn til the dark of night. Record results. I may try this one day when I go to boston.

lmao. do it!
Apr 8, 2005 at 2:18 AM Post #25 of 43
Hell I grew up in NY and learned 1) never to carry a purse (hard, when you are a woman!) 2) never ride a bicycle -- you'll be knocked off with a pipe and you'll never see it again 3) never take your wallet out in public or it will be gone in two minutes 4) never go to an ATM at night or they'll find you unconscious in the morning 5) never use a Walkman or CD player or ANYTHING that obscures your hearing and might make you less vigilant or they'll find you in the Spring -- without your gear. Thugs were everywhere!

Now I know things have cleaned up since I left NY, -- still, in any major city, I find it incredible that people feel it's ok to walk about half distracted by cellphones, Ipods, and such. Keep your wits about you at all times! I'd never use an Ipod in public view in a major city -- it is asking for trouble imho.

Then again I am a woman and yes it is more difficult for us out there!
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:00 AM Post #28 of 43

Originally Posted by Beach123456
Of course they still go on, but there are really low chances of it happening to you. And if it ever becomes a big deal, take your iBuds and $5 PCDP for a walk. Someones in for a surprise when they snag your player.

Too bad my iRiver was like $120, but the buds are cheap sh**- I can't be departed from my new love

Originally Posted by ProleArtThreat
In any case, I think some common sense when you're out and about in the city will be more than enough to avoid this from happening.

Absolutely. Common sense is invaluable these days.

Originally Posted by metal_monger
Grow your hair long like me and people wont be able to tell if you are wearing ear buds =)

Sorry bro, if I did that agian, I'd probably look like Hanson, and we wouldn't want that, especially in someone who enjoys belting out Judas Priest type harmonies


Originally Posted by apnk
Well where i live in Idaho (my towns pop. is like 500 people) i garrantee it will never happen, if it does you would know were the person lives so you could beat them up
. Maybe in Boise, Idaho it could happen.

I might be in Idaho in the next few weeks helping my sister and her husband move, you near Kamiah, or Orofino?

Originally Posted by Kirosia
That's the guy who stole my O-O-Orpheus!
Also, anyone wanna try an experiment? Paint your mid/full-size phones white and wear a jacket with a giant apple logo plus the words "Ipod rules b**ches" printed on the back. Walk around a major metropolitan area from morn til the dark of night. Record results. I may try this one day when I go to boston.

i-i-i-i-iPod! ...I take it you're familiar with with the damn funny Powerbook prank? I laughed SO HARD I almost sh** my pants...

This is turning into one seriously funny thread. Keep at it my bros(and sis's?)-I could use a laugh after the wallet shock I just got.
Apr 8, 2005 at 8:56 AM Post #30 of 43
You know, if I need to, I could probably use dollar store electrical tape-the kind with crappy adhesion- and DIY my ety's and make them almost all black(I'm not about to cover up the transducer housings, nuh-uh)-it might make the cord as heavy as ER4's, but when I tried them at the Portland, Oregon meet, I didn't mind them one bit- same said for the Westones. I call it the HeadFi version of "Ghetto Camouflage"- my brother has an old Toyota SR5 pickup that looks pretty dingy in the color I call "Immigrant Copper" or "Immigrant Orange" and it keeps him very much under the radar.


P.S- try the crappiest duct tape(the lower the stickiness the better) you can get on some HD650's, and throw in some fake open frayed wires around the cords to camouflage the ultra high end ones you're running, and bam! You'll look like a crackhead, but you'll still be groovin'...

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