Denon D7100?!
Nov 12, 2013 at 5:14 AM Post #1,892 of 1,921
Low impedance HPs with a high impedance amp, what could possibly be wrong with that? :wink:
Nov 12, 2013 at 8:19 AM Post #1,893 of 1,921
One major point I don't really like about the D7100 is that it uses the same drivers as the D600. The D600 sell for $340 and the D7100 for $1200. . 

Talking about spreading misinformation... 
The first link after typing D7100 into google:
Are they 1200$? They certainty look more like 750 to me... and this is just the first and only link I have tried.
Also please remind me how different technologically the LCD3 to LCD2 are? and what is the price difference...
Nov 12, 2013 at 1:29 PM Post #1,894 of 1,921
Not counting what some cut-rate retailers sell grey market D7100s for (I've never even heard of those guys before), what is their MSRP? I'm reasonably sure they're still $1200. In fact, that's what Amazon is still selling them for. Misinformation is information that isn't true, not information that is entirely variable based on sources.
Nov 12, 2013 at 1:45 PM Post #1,895 of 1,921
Not counting what some cut-rate retailers sell grey market D7100s for (I've never even heard of those guys before), what is their MSRP? I'm reasonably sure they're still [size=inherit]£8,273.54 ($1200.).[/size] In fact, that's what Amazon is still selling them for. Misinformation is information that isn't true, not information that is entirely variable based on sources.
do the math
Nov 12, 2013 at 3:12 PM Post #1,896 of 1,921
One major point I don't really like about the D7100 is that it uses the same drivers as the D600. The D600 sell for $340 and the D7100 for $1200. . 

Talking about spreading misinformation... 
The first link after typing D7100 into google:
Are they 1200$? They certainty look more like 750 to me... and this is just the first and only link I have tried.
Also please remind me how different technologically the LCD3 to LCD2 are? and what is the price difference...

Lot's of hostility. I got the price by literally comparing the two on amazon. I wasn't trying to shop around

Regardless, You're paying a lot of money for a cosmetic change, which may or may not affect sound in a positive way, and still uses the same driver.
Nov 12, 2013 at 4:34 PM Post #1,897 of 1,921
Nov 12, 2013 at 6:44 PM Post #1,898 of 1,921
Not in the USA, and if you buy them from another country there's no warranty. I'm not buying an [size=inherit]£5,514.01 ($800)[/size] set of cans w/o a warranty.

1st it is 715 $
2nd i think as long you bought it from an authorised dealer u have warranty that is what is stated only on their website
3rd well why do you think  all of the members here are from the US .. i am from egypt and i think more than 50 % of members are not americans
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:20 PM Post #1,899 of 1,921
1.) The shipping is 55 pounds, not free for us. So that makes them $802.39 at today's current exchange, like I said before. Why don't you do the math? :rolleyes:

2.) No, if you live in the USA you must buy from an Authorized US dealer to get warranty service.

3.) I didn't say everyone was, but buying from a place outside the USA doesn't do the people who do live here much good.
Nov 12, 2013 at 10:23 PM Post #1,900 of 1,921

Nov 13, 2013 at 4:09 PM Post #1,901 of 1,921
You guys are so wasting your time with this grandpa(Magick Man), leave him be and get on with your day.  I could sit here and disprove every single one of his posts for days and days but I'd just be wasting valuable time.  Its clear he doesn't like the D7100 and he would go to ends to tell you that.  Its because of guys like him (and many more here) that people on other major tech forums bash HeadFi now.... Sorry to be so blunt.
Nov 13, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #1,902 of 1,921
Other tech sites are filled with people like you, who insult other posters instead of being able to counter with facts and data. Like the D7100s, you sound crude and obnoxious, with an inability to articulate. That's bad, for you and the Denons, because that means both are far too distorted to be taken seriously. :)
Nov 13, 2013 at 4:52 PM Post #1,903 of 1,921
Other tech sites are filled with people like you, who insult other posters instead of being able to counter with facts and data. Like the D7100s, you sound crude and obnoxious, with an inability to articulate. That's bad, for you and the Denons, because that means both are far too distorted to be taken seriously.

Hilarious really, you speak about articulation when most of your posts are filled with garbage.  I like your analogies though I guess you are good at something :wink:  And no, other tech sites are filled with knowledgeable persona who don't speak out of their butts about topics they have no clue about.
Nov 13, 2013 at 5:05 PM Post #1,904 of 1,921
Hilarious really, you speak about articulation when most of your posts are filled with garbage.  I like your analogies though I guess you are good at something :wink:  And no, other tech sites are filled with knowledgeable persona who don't speak out of their butts about topics they have no clue about.

I invite you to show me the points that I made that aren't valid, and we can go over the 3rd party charts that show these cans are heavily distorted and bass-bloated, especially compared to similarly priced alternatives. They simply aren't "flagship" quality and represent a terrible value, even at half their retail price.

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