DENAFRIPS Terminator: the King of R2R dac
Dec 23, 2019 at 6:30 PM Post #586 of 1,071
during the past week, a friend of mine who owns the dave kept it with me to try it while he was away. he and a couple of other audiophile friend praised the chord sound to me which made me very intrigued. I have heard dave /dave + mscaler combo in their systems various times and I was impressed, mostly by dave + mscaler combo. I have experienced the dave also for short listening sessions in my system earlier few times. but I knew having the dave for a week of A/B vs my terminator would be the ultimate test. even though I'm not that good with audiophile terms/descriptions, I will try my best to covey what I have put my fingers on during this week.
briefly, my system (speakers - not headphone rig) consists of: furutech rhodium wall adapter - Audioquest hurricane HC power cord into titan audio unfiltered styx strip - 3 X audioquest firebird HC and source power cords feeding a gryphon diablo 300 integrated amp, aurender n10 server connected via Audioquest vodka to an asus 88U router, and denafrips terminator dac. digital signal from aurender via wel signature AES into terminator, analog signal from terminator via Audioquest Fire XLR to diablo 300. Audioquest firebird Zero speaker cables to KEF reference 5 speakers. all fuses in equipment and cables are SR blue fuses. in short, I like to believe my system is very transparent and its very easy to detect changes by swapping cables/components. I have had the terminator for more than a year now, and I listen to it mostly in NOS mode, which feels more dynamic and musical to me.
I switched to Dave for the first time - the immediate feel is its a notch or two brighter and more open / NOT a bright awful sound, but compared to terminator, its bright-er. it sounded cleaner/clearer lets say. I selected all kind of tracks that I would listen to, from classical/deep house/jazz/blues/rock even some pop. I had just listened to the same list of tracks on my terminator before I do the swap. the next thing I noticed is even though vocals are more clear and defined, they are less enjoyable, less "romantic" sounding. highs on dave sounded slightly more detailed, noticed few cymbals that sounded different on my terminator for sure, but without the ability to decide which sounded better. my "musical" experince is limited of sort, I don't play instruments or listen to live music that often to consider myself an expert, to be honest. then the next observation was; I noticed that with terminator, the music sounds flowing as its one body - with lots of details that is embedded in that unified body. with dave, which sounded a tad more detailed, it felt more distributed out in space but less "unified" as a whole in comparison to terminator. which presentation is more accurate? I don't know. which one I preferred? the terminator's. technically, the dave might be superior with its "most complicated digital filter algorithm etc", and it impresses. but did it make me feel closer to the music? that I want to keep going from one track to the next? in short, in my setup, with my cables (I like audioquest cables for being transparent, dead neutral, effortless with almost zero distortion, in my humble opinion), the dave sounded "soulless" in comparison to terminator, hugely capable, but no character if you know what I mean. I put the terminator back for few hours, switched again to dave and kept doing that for the past few days. more observations consisted that even I love the thunderous bass that terminators spits out, the bass in dave was something special. extended, with more detail. even felt slightly MORE in quantity as well, but not in its punch/solidity. it was softer. it doesn't bleed into mids by any means though. in general, dave will impress you at the first listen for sure. the amount of detail it spits, its accuracy, its speed, it sounds digital for sure but some of the best digital out there. but living with it for longer than couple of hours session, in my own case, made me less impressed. i stress on that being a personal feeling.
adding the m scaler, which I have not done during the past week test, but heard what it does to dave first hand multiple times, could change the game, makes the chord sound more "enjoyable". it immediately makes the sound warmer. BUT doesn't mask the impressive details coming out of dave, which is a good thing. it also makes the sound more musical, coherent and real. but that is much more money that DT. also more cables required for that (3 BNCs). good cables cost money.
long story short, I still have the dave for few more days. but is it playing in my system? no, its in my closet waiting to be collected. my terminator is back in the rack, and mind you, I still have not received my DSP upgrade yet. its just more pleasing to me, to my ears, in my system. I love how the music sounds out of it. even a non- audiophile friend who is into deep house, visiting me from time to time to listen, he choose the DT presentation/sound not even knowing what happened exactly when I paused to swap dacs. this confirms to me that at least in my setup, I should keep the terminator. mainly cause it sound like a whole body with soul, with bags of details embedded in it. I don't want to sound like a cliche, but it sounded more "analog". does it have less timbrel accuracy that dave? maybe. but I listen to enjoy. and I enjoyed things more with terminator.
if I had an m scaler during this week, would things have been different? maybe, who knows. it does really elevate the dave performance. gives its sound more "feelings" and emotional connection which lacks on its own, in my opinion.
in defense of the dave, my friends who own it say that my cables do NOT help making it sound at its best. they pick cables which has a hint of warmth to color the sound. does it work? probably yes, cause hearing the dave in their systems was more enjoyable than in my rig. but I like to feel that my cables are invisible without obvious coloration. my streamer/DAC/AMP are the ones to be adding flavor, not the cables.
one more thing to add, I believe terminator is way more sensitive to electricity condition/ power cord than dave. also more sensitive with digital input, so your mileage will vary. dave might be less prone to bad signal/bad power cord, even though they change its sound as well.
something I would love to try, is terminator with chord m scaler. I wish terminator had two BNCs that could work in tandom, but it doesn't. and the maximum is 192 khz on its single BNC, so not much "scaling" is possible. that vs dave's ability of 384 khz on each of its BNCs. with the new DSP update, we can use dual AES, which allows for 192 +192 bandwidth. but for that I will need some sort of BNC to AES adaptor to test with m scaler. I found some on the internet, but I'm skeptical that an adapter will hinder the sound quality. yet I'm curious to try.
in the end, its a matter of preference, and these are my PERSONAL findings. I shared them only because I always felt such comparison is rarely found in forums, which I prefer over reviews. there was a comparison done by audiobacon, few others, but I still wanted to experience that myself then share my own findings. hope its of help :)

note: during the actual test, I was removing DT and placing Dave on the rack - not on the floor as attached pictures show. these photos I took today, I re-connected the Dave temporarily as its owner wanted to listen to it in my setup before he takes it. cheers
i have been checking a number of videos. denafrips dacs sound unnaturally sharp. as compared to denafrips chord dacs sound lot cleaner in highs. this is not in one or two videos. this is evident in all videos of denafrips dacs.
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Dec 23, 2019 at 8:22 PM Post #587 of 1,071
i have been checking a number of videos. denafrips dacs sound unnaturally sharp. as compared to denafrips chord dacs sound lot cleaner in highs. this is not in one or two videos. this is evident in all videos of denafrips dacs.
No sharpness in my setup... just smooth, detailed treble. I can listen indefinitely without any fatigue. It’s true that the power cable, digital cable, and analog cables make a substantial difference on sound. I didn’t get to hear what the terminator can do until I got those sorted out. I’ve tried several power cables, and my favorite to date is the Pangea AC14XL MKII. It has better synergy with the terminator than cables a few times the cost.
Dec 23, 2019 at 8:35 PM Post #588 of 1,071
No sharpness in my setup... just smooth, detailed treble. I can listen indefinitely without any fatigue. It’s true that the power cable, digital cable, and analog cables make a substantial difference on sound. I didn’t get to hear what the terminator can do until I got those sorted out. I’ve tried several power cables, and my favorite to date is the Pangea AC14XL MKII. It has better synergy with the terminator than cables a

Hey John,

I am using the Pangea hdmi for for i2s from my Jay's cdt2 transport and all powercords are zonoton 5050.

I would never refer to videos probably from utube to try discern such minute differences else it makes a joke of our not inexpensive hobby.

I also feel for the member who shared his actual experience and took the efforts to share ... only to be queried by utube.


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Dec 23, 2019 at 11:59 PM Post #590 of 1,071
judging a component from a you tube video could be really misleading, cause of many factors: YouTube audio compression, the mic that has been used, other components of the same system which we may have no clue how they sound, etc. it can give us a hint that's all.

the terminator has been my main DAC for a while now. I have listened to it for countless hours with both older DSP and new one, tried it with many different speakers/amps as I tend to keep changing, chasing what I feel is a better sound for my ears. is it the best DAC in the world? certainly not. my friend's Aries Cerat kassandra ref 2 monster of a DAC crushes it, literally. but that's 4 times more expensive. and the term "crushes" it is still subjective, some could see it as 10% better, some would say 40%, etc! but the beauty of the terminator is; it's an awesome package that doesn't lack much, esp with the new DSP. YES, its enough for a high end system and a good value indeed. and it will only keep getting better in time with FPGA updates.

the first time I fired it up and for the first view months, I had some custom made class A amps with MOSFETs transistors, which tended to sound warm, thick and slow. my speaker was a wilson audio Sabrina. it made me feel that terminator is more on the Dark, thick side of things, which in fact was relatively true, with the older DSP. moving forward, I had the diablo 300 integrated and KEF reference 5s. the whole sound felt more neutral, more open and dynamic. during all that time, my Audioquest cabling was present, mostly PSS and PSC+ which I feel sounds very neutral as well. then the new DSP came in. it made things more fluid, slightly less "thick" but yet maintained a nice body, with better imaging/sound staging. to my ears, and my system, that sounded better. Steve guttenberg disagrees in his review, he says some magic was present on older DSP. but each to his own.
compared to the older DSP, yes I felt the new one is less sharp in the highs, yet more extended. but was the older DSP sound sharp over all? I don't think so. in general, its so complicated to judge a single component sound individually. its how the whole lot works together. everything matters, even your router (if your system is Streaming based like mine)!! about month ago, I changed my ASUS RT-AC88U (which is a router, a switch and a wifi hub all in one) to a "pure" router only, a ubiquity edgerouter lite, as I wanted to experience removing wifi noise from the equation (a friend recommendation, which was cheap to put to test). the changes that made to the sound was at a level I couldn't even believe. made the sound more fluid, the blackest background I have ever had, separation and imaging improved. its all signing of lesser noise. sometimes, a component like the terminator can be so transparent, that when you add it, it can show a weak link or dirt/noise that is being introduced somewhere else in your system.

back on terminator vs chord DAVE, my main take on the DAVE (or chord sound in general) is, in my system, it lacked BODY and it indeed felt "digital" and processed. it's a very good, even addictive digital, many people are hardcore fans. but I could not get that feeling out of my head. it certainly bested the terminator in many things: its faster, more dynamic, more transparent, has a more lively, front row kind of performance, its an event! at a first listen you could say its better. after a longer few days listen, comparing back and forth that first "impressive" impression starts to fade away and you start to feel some "coldness" and lack of emotions. can I live with the DAVE? my own feeling was no. I truly preferred the terminator in my setup. it had a sweeter balance of not being too laid back nor too forward. its a matter of personal taste. both are great DACs. both are not end game but awesome in their own ways.

at the moment, I'm making system changes again. just got the cube audio nenuphar single driver speakers. the elimination of a crossover is yielding some of the most pure, transparent sound I have ever heard. it's a very easy load and doesn't work with the diablo 300 (too much power), so I'm getting a tube SET amp, yet to arrive. I picked the line magnetic 845 premium, since I really liked the sound of my friend's line magnetic 219ia which is basically the same amp before being "upgraded" to two chassis config and better internals. I have started with headphone tube amps, and I always missed having tubes back in my system. will report how the Terminator fairs with those changes :)
Dec 24, 2019 at 12:14 AM Post #591 of 1,071
i have been checking a number of videos. denafrips dacs sound unnaturally sharp. as compared to denafrips chord dacs sound lot cleaner in highs. this is not in one or two videos. this is evident in all videos of denafrips dacs.
- I don’t like opera!
- Why?
- My friend sang me some...
Dec 24, 2019 at 12:33 AM Post #592 of 1,071
back on terminator vs chord DAVE, my main take on the DAVE (or chord sound in general) is, in my system, it lacked BODY and it indeed felt "digital" and processed.

I have a Chord Qutest with mscaler as well as a Denafrips Terminator permanently in my system for more than a year both connected with a Benchmark HPA4. I think you are missing the most important part in your Dave comparison and that is the mscaler. It makes all the difference especially in the areas you found lacking.
I use both dacs interchangeably all the time but i confess spending more time on the Chord stack than the DT.
Dec 24, 2019 at 3:23 AM Post #593 of 1,071
I have a Chord Qutest with mscaler as well as a Denafrips Terminator permanently in my system for more than a year both connected with a Benchmark HPA4. I think you are missing the most important part in your Dave comparison and that is the mscaler. It makes all the difference especially in the areas you found lacking.
I use both dacs interchangeably all the time but i confess spending more time on the Chord stack than the DT.

Hi Tsyler,

Wow .. big $ M scaler but strange again why not have M scaler with DT for comparison then but only compare with Qutest with M scalar ?


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Dec 29, 2019 at 10:20 PM Post #595 of 1,071
Ashamed to say i could not get the DT + mscaler to work reliabily with dual bnc using Neutrik bnc to ebu adaptors. It only worked once for a short time. So adaptors are lying unused now.

My mscaler stopped working with the Terminator right after I downloaded the most recent firmware update. Hopefully somewhere down the line they will work together again.
Dec 30, 2019 at 2:47 AM Post #596 of 1,071
Ashamed to say i could not get the DT + mscaler to work reliabily with dual bnc using Neutrik bnc to ebu adaptors. It only worked once for a short time. So adaptors are lying unused now.

Hi Tsyer,

Sorry to hear and hope Denafrips can sort out any firmware fix as William shared.

For me, mscaler is beyond my budget.


Dec 30, 2019 at 7:24 AM Post #597 of 1,071
My mscaler stopped working with the Terminator right after I downloaded the most recent firmware update. Hopefully somewhere down the line they will work together again.
Is there a more recent update than the one that came out right after the new DSP board? The firmware download page doesn’t specify versions.
Dec 30, 2019 at 7:39 PM Post #598 of 1,071
Has anyone gotten their Terminator with the upgraded DSP board to run successfully at the 1.5khz samplerate?

I'm messing around with HQPlayer, but when setting the samplerate to 1.5khz, I'm getting some added low-level static and other glitchy artifacts. The Terminator does show it's running at "32x" (in other words, the 8x and 4x lights are on). I'm not sure if the issue is HQPlayer, my USB connection, or the DSP board. It's not essential, but it would be nice to get PC-generated upsampled audio to work problem-free at 1.5khz.

BTW, I think I do notice a subtle improvement running HQPlayer versus NOS. I just started playing around with it over the last hour though.

Also, I'm really enjoying this DAC. Currently have it on loan from a friend.
Dec 31, 2019 at 6:02 AM Post #599 of 1,071
Upsampling by HQplayer to 1.5khz has my interest as well. This is an important reason why I’m interested in a Venus or a Terminator. Please keep us updated on this.
You can try Poly Sinc MQA MP for a warm and natural sound, and Closed Form M for a detailed NOS like sound.

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