Defected to Appleland!
May 1, 2007 at 5:30 AM Post #46 of 161
Here is one of my favorite things to do with Quicksilver:

I use QS all the time for simple launches, but use a web search plug-in and set-up a trigger linked to YubNub and it will use your favorite browser to search all kinds of sites from QS. The link walks you through the set-up.

Now I call QS, type "g grado" and Firefox opens a page of Google search results for grado. Typing "am ksc75" will open Firefox to a page of Amazon results for . . . well, you get the idea.
May 1, 2007 at 6:01 AM Post #47 of 161

Originally Posted by blessingx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm doubling up on the Google apps, but Google Desktop entered the app launch/search line-up since the above posts. Creator of Quicksilver even worked on it.

I'm switching from QS to Google Desktop for a bit to see how I like it. So far, it seems OK. QS has a lot of cool features but I never use most of them.

May 1, 2007 at 6:27 AM Post #48 of 161
Is Google Desktop better than Butler? I've been really, really happy with Butler these past weeks. A lot faster than QS, less memory hog and nice shortcuts that let's me use search engines (wiki, leo, ebay, etc.) and itunes (volume, rating, skip, previous etc.) globally.
May 1, 2007 at 6:51 AM Post #49 of 161
It really depends. From the app launch perspective, Google Desktop is a more simple implementation. From the search perspective, though it runs on top of Spotlight (and inherent all privacy settings, etc.), it's much quicker. No reason not to use Butler or LaunchBar and Google Desktop if you like.

As long as I'm mentioning Google related tools (though two of the three are not from Google), if you use Gmail check out the beta of Mailpane.
May 1, 2007 at 6:59 AM Post #50 of 161
Want to send me the Installer for it

Pretty Please

(i just signed up for the beta, but dont wanna wait!!!)
May 1, 2007 at 1:52 PM Post #51 of 161
There's a registration process just like regular apps. The installer by itself doesn't do any good.
May 1, 2007 at 2:16 PM Post #52 of 161
I would stay away from Google Desktop for Mac. It doesn't offer very much beyond regular Spotlight, and it installs files all over your system. In particular, it installs an input manager hack in the local domain Library folder. That means it is installed for all users on the machine, and injects code into every Cocoa application you launch. This increases the memory usage of every program you run, but worse, it has the potential for making any application unstable. Not only that, but it also installs a kernel extension! Google is not renowned for having a lot of software testers on staff (do they even have any? has that changed in the last year or so?) and this is a very un-Mac like way of doing things.

If you need a better user interface for Spotlight searches, there are a lot of programs that do this (Spotlaser, SpotMeta, Meta, HoudahSpot, etc.) in a system-friendly manner.
May 1, 2007 at 4:55 PM Post #54 of 161
Wodgy, has some points and there has been a Daring Fireball article on this, so should definitely be a consideration. If you find Spotlight insanely slow and unusable (I did and why I used EasyFind, and a lesser extent HoudahSpot, previously) Google Desktop will help here. EasyFind, etc. still has some advantages like looking for hidden files, but is not an app launcher (nor Gmail search or in some cases web). And I have to disagree on the number of Google QA/testers. They have a bunch. Just cause they're quick to release beta software doesn't mean a lot of people aren't testing internally.
May 1, 2007 at 5:33 PM Post #55 of 161
Yea spotlazer kicks ass, i removed the spotlight in the menubar and made spotlazers launch shortcut apple+space... Works WAY better... why is everyone on here obsessed with searching on thier mac tho? my **** is so organized i just add folders to the side of the finder window and im fine... i guess to each his own...
May 1, 2007 at 5:43 PM Post #56 of 161

Originally Posted by jrussell6 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
+1 on the coming to give congrats, and leaving with some great apps....
I personally couldn't live without audio hijack pro and Fission.... just makes me so happy but too bad internet radio is about to take a hit...
also, i really suggest the combination of Toast/Popcorn/Mactheripper... i won't talk about what you can do, but i've got alot of movies. combine it will a couple neat cables and you've got a dts h/d capable media center.

anyway, a neat little trick i learned is hold down control and use you two-finger trackpad...... now how about that.... ZOOM. just fun. anyway congrats on joining the useful side of things.

cmd+ctrl scroll zooms in AND out via increasing and decreasing the font size of the screen. a bit different than ctrl scroll...both are useful in different ways.
May 1, 2007 at 5:48 PM Post #57 of 161

Originally Posted by DivxRipPimp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
why is everyone on here obsessed with searching on thier mac tho? my **** is so organized i just add folders to the side of the finder window and im fine... i guess to each his own...

Directories/folders have obvious limitations. Tagging/keywords couple with search (and extended through relationships) breaks some of those down. Likely search is mostly used in the absence of good locational organization/structure, but not always.
Almost always best to keep both in mind and organize accordingly.

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