DDC - Digital USB interfaces - Xmos or Amanero Combo384 based - Raspberry Pi - HifiBerry DAC+ Pro - reviews, comparison, modifications and USB-Audio in general
Apr 16, 2016 at 7:10 PM Post #376 of 569
So will report the easiest mounting one.  Right now just using a left over case from a past project (again see my thread).
The SQ is simply stunning!

Please do so, I need a case also 

Apr 20, 2016 at 7:29 AM Post #378 of 569
FYI - here's a link to order that gadget for only 85 RMB
Some local users of that gadget here in HK, pretty cool stuff IMHO
Apr 20, 2016 at 8:17 AM Post #381 of 569
  FYI - here's a link to order that gadget for only 85 RMB
Some local users of that gadget here in HK, pretty cool stuff IMHO

Thanks for the VERY interesting links!!!
Apr 20, 2016 at 4:02 PM Post #382 of 569
  I am re-posting my question here per Alex's suggestion.
I just got a Melodious MX-U8 usb/spdif converter from eBay. It was shipped with DHL express, I got it in 3 days in the US.
It is the new chassis with the round corner, heavy build casting aluminum and looks very nice. The LEDs are too bright. First, I tried it with windows 7, it has some glitches (I have to switch off/on the U8 to let the computer find it). In my speaker system (W4S DAC1-LE/dsd, DIY tube preamp, Dynaco ST-70 amp, B&W N805 speakers), it is better compared to the usb port in W4S DAC. The music sounded sweet and fuller, and just "right" to me. I am impressed, because according to some reviews, the USB with DSD support on the W4S DAC was very decent, on par with some "good name" DDCs.
However, the good news ends here. I have no luck to play any sound from my Cubietruck Linux (Armbian Wheezy arm6hf -> LMS 7.9 -> squeezelite 1.8). The squeezelite could find the U8 when turn on the MX-U8 after linux boot up. But if I reboot the linux when the MX-U8 was on, the linux wouldn't find the U8. The squeezelite could find the U8 again after I power off and on the U8, but still no sound. This linux system had no issues with HiFace Two and the W4S DAC usb-dsd input.
I also tried Daphile and Ubuntu on my Lenovo laptop. The same thing happened. The Daphile sometime can see the U8, but never could make a sound. It is weird, because all three lights including the DSD LED lights up once power up in all Linux systems I tried. I was not playing any DSD files. Even I unplug the USB cable from the unit, the DSD light keeps on, which seem like the XMOS froze. I am not sure I got a 100% working unit.
The "ultimate edition" is mainly the new chassis (cost more) with the same version 1.7 board. I talked to the designer, Mr. Liu at Taobao store yesterday night. He had no idea regarding to my problem. By the way, he confirmed with me that the MX-U8 is 100% compatible with Linux before I put the order.
Anyone used the MX-U8 1.7 with Linux? It seems not a "setting" thing similar to the drives for Windows. Both my Hiface Two (XMOS chip) and W4S usb (Amanero?) had no issues with Linux. I appreciate your inputs. Is Gustard U12 compatible with Linux?

I don't think that 'compatible with linux' means quite what we all think

What it actually seems to mean is more like 'compatible with certain builds of certain Linux kernels with certain extensions and then only on certain DACs or USB/S/PDIF converters with certain USB input boards'

So my PPA USB board with Daphile would not work with one DAC I have with an Amanero input but did with another and one with an XMOS chip

Because there are so many DACs out there and so many subtlety different implementations of Linux it is impossible for a manufacturer to absolutely guarantee that a given combination will work

caveat emptor as they say

A quick follow up. Now I believe the Melodious MX-U8 (at least the latest version 1.7) units are just not compatible with regular build Linux - I tried two units. I bought another XMOS based DDC (the Singxer F-1 XMOS USB/SPDIF board), it works with my linux smoothly. After talking to people, it seems that this is a XMOS firmware issue, which means it is not the XMOS chips in general, but some specific batches of XMOS. By the way the F-1 XMOS USB board is sounding very good - I mean, VERY good! (http://www.head-fi.org/t/803111/xmos-xu208-usb-bridges-the-latest-gen-has-arrived/480)
Apr 23, 2016 at 1:49 PM Post #383 of 569
A simple question: "what is the best digital interface?".
And a simple (enough) and well documented answer .. from an expert Dac builder.
Hint: it is so not Usb :)

their Dac looks very good too
Apr 24, 2016 at 7:34 AM Post #384 of 569
A simple question: "what is the best digital interface?".
And a simple (enough) and well documented answer .. from an expert Dac builder.
Hint: it is so not Usb

their Dac looks very good too

Very nice links, thanks for providing us with them!
Apr 24, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #385 of 569
Comparison "Monster Dac" with USB - isolated XMOS - I2S interface VS Low Cost AK4495SEQ Dac with RPI3 - DAC+Pro - I2S interface:
1- HP Probook i7 - 16Gb RAM - Server 2012 - 2x 250 GB SSD - Audiophile Optimizer - JRiver as player - connected with USB to "Monster Dac"
2- HP Probook i7 - 16Gb RAM - Server 2012 - 2x 250 GB SSD - Audiophile Optimizer - LMS server (Logitech Music Server)
Both JRiver and LMS server running simultaneous on HP Probook.
Both "Monster Dac" and Low cost AK4495SEQ Dac use LME49720 as output stage.
To begin with:
I bought the low cost Chinese AK4495SEQ last year, just to check out the performance and sound characteristics of AKM AK4495SEQ chip.
Since I wanted to build a new dac I could decide whether this chip had a sound character I liked and if I would base my new dac design on it.
This little baby performed very well, but in it's stock version it was not as airy as I had in mind, so I started to mod it with lots of Nichicon FG caps,
Cree diodes, different opamp as output stage and more. At the end it sounded fabulous, especially when I connected Diyinhk Isolated Xmos to it.
The design of this dac incorporates 1x psu for output stage, and 1x psu (with several regulators) for Digital section.
Since it's fabulous performance I decided to build my new dac, based on this AK4495SEQ chip.
I started designing and building and eventually finished my "Monster Dac"
First listening sessions I was amazed about it's airyness, bass control, big deep wide soundstage, lots of blackness around voices and instruments.
It was a huge step forward from the little baby.
So, where are we now, today?
I connected both dac's and played 2 albums on them, running simultaneous from HP Probook.
If I wanted to switch between dac's, I only had to switch between them on my pre-amp.
To begin with, they sound almost identical!!!
- Monster Dac has a little better bass control (and definition in it's lower frequencies), it's a tiny bit more airy, and it seems (not 100% sure) if it's more quiet, more black around voices and instruments.
- RPI has better vocal body and seems to have more 3D artifacts. It's bass output is more evident.
The two are VERY close to each other in this setup.
Since low cost AK4495SEQ performed incredibly different when using isolated XMOS, it couldn't walk in Monster Dac's shadow, I have to conclude that:
RPI3 + DAC+ Pro > I2S output > based on PiCorePlayer and LMS server, is running circles around isolated xmos solution.
It's a VERY good performing solution!
Keep in mind, RPI3 + DAC+ Pro together cost around $100. Software (LMS server and PiCorePlayer) are freeware.
Isolated XMOS interface cost about the same, but it needs:
1- Very stable OS and drivers
2- Optimized OS for Audio only
3- Powerful CPU
4- Needs to pay for Player software if one wants to remote control it with Graphical Interface on iPad or Android device
5- Needs optimized USB port on PC
6- Needs USB optimizing equipment like Intona / Regen / iFi purifiers and others (which will let you break the bank.......)
7- Needs high quality USB cable (which will let you break the bank.......)
Keep in mind, I also installed LMS server on my Daily work laptop, which I am typing this review on.
I connected PiCorePlayer to this LMS server (it finds it automatically in the network) and played music from it.
There was NO sonic difference between Setup-2 and this setup!!! So, NO need for expensive hardware to run LMS server!!!
Second thought:
You can use RPI3 + DAC+ Pro in every room in your house, if you have network connection. You can use same LMS server, and, even Analog output sound quality of RPI3 + DAC+ Pro is rather good!!!
I suppose that there are many expensive dac's out there which perform much less than this little baby! (if connected separate psu's the way I did).
Final thoughts:
I will have to modify my Monster Dac to replace it's I2S interface with RPI3 + DAC+ Pro combo, more on that next week or so 

Last word:
Since this RPI3 + DAC+ Pro combination is performing that well, it asks for the best of the best, which is Ian Canada's FIFO II solution with Isolation board and Dual XO II clock board.
I ordered them today, so, let's have some fun the next weeks 
Wish you all a prosperous week 


Update 14-04-2016:
Last night had a short listening session with RPI3 - DAC+ Pro > I2S > low cost AK4495SEQ.
At this time low cost AK4495SEQ with RPI3 + DAC+ Pro has BETTER performance than my "Monster Dac". It gained in every aspect!
Even SACD's which sounded some kind of thin before are sounding great now! Every recording has details in them I never heard before, and, this is with LOW COST dac.
Can't imagine how it will sound with my "Monster Dac". This weekend I will connect and review it!
In the meantime Ian's stuff arrived 






The Dual Clockboard II has two low cost TCXO's on it, they will be replaced with NDK's at first, and later on they will be replaced with OCXO's.
Let the fun begin 

Update per 24-04-2016:
Last ten days I tried to get Ian's FIFO II + Isolator + DUALXO II clockboard to work with RPI2/3 and low cost AK4495SEQ.
Until now I was not successful, strange things happening, FIFO II not locking all the time, and if it locks I only get lots of hiss.
Ian is helping me with it, but until now it's not working.
Today I got RPI3 + DAC+ Pro + "Monster DAC" working!!
Result is just astonishing, width and depth (and hight!) of soundstage is miraculous, again all recordings have to be reviewed over new .
Even a recording like Level42's first album, which never sounded good, is sounding great! Tonality, especial female voices, giving me gooseflesh.
There isn't an aspect which didn't improve.
There is one "minor" problem, my neighbors......... LF is that kind of tight and powerfull, I suppose they can't cook the potatoes on their stoof anymore hahahaha
Hope I can get Ian's stuff working, if not, I will start replacing the Xpresso XO's on the DAC+Pro with NDK or Crystek. Will mount the XO's in sockets
so they can be replaced with better ones very easily.
My latest NDK XO's, soldered on adapter board with Vishay MKP 1837 on top, as close as possible to VCC-GND:






Apr 26, 2016 at 3:28 AM Post #386 of 569
this looks like a similar project using BBB and a different clocking board .. maybe it helps http://bbb.ieero.com
IIUC, it is simpler/easier than your current ianfifo trial. The BBB can use an external clock directly so there's no need for reclocking. I can only see one extra board (with the clocks) and it seems to be fully customizable.
Apr 26, 2016 at 10:31 AM Post #387 of 569
this looks like a similar project using BBB and a different clocking board .. maybe it helps http://bbb.ieero.com
IIUC, it is simpler/easier than your current ianfifo trial. The BBB can use an external clock directly so there's no need for reclocking. I can only see one extra board (with the clocks) and it seems to be fully customizable.

I know, it's twisted pair stuff, B0bb pointed me to those too, they are "very nice", but ian's stuff is better, if it works 
 Ian is helping me, will send them back and he will test them!
Apr 26, 2016 at 10:38 AM Post #388 of 569
this looks like a similar project using BBB and a different clocking board .. maybe it helps http://bbb.ieero.com
IIUC, it is simpler/easier than your current ianfifo trial. The BBB can use an external clock directly so there's no need for reclocking. I can only see one extra board (with the clocks) and it seems to be fully customizable.

I know, it's twisted pair stuff, B0bb pointed me to those too, they are "very nice", but ian's stuff is better, if it works 
 Ian is helping me, will send them back and he will test them!

Btw, "Monster DAC" is sounding great, miraculous, very airy, open, no details to wish for anymore, low frequencies much more tighter and present, I even bought some better woofers because now
it's obvious those old WSP-26S woofers are not as tight sounding as the should, they go VERY deep, FS (free air) is 19Hz, for a ten incher, thats very low, but the rubber surrounding is not stiff enough I suppose.
The new ones, GF-250 have glas fiber conus and better chassis overall. Will test them coming week.
RPI+DAC+Pro I2S is great! Nothing to wish for anymore! Very analog sounding, but in better quality overall.I'm sitting IN the soundstage, not looking at it anymore, it surrounds me.
Best thing ever happened to me.
Can't wait to try a good FIFO, to optimize I2S signal. I'm very confident Ian will solve the problem with this set. He's designing DSD FIFO right now, that would be the next step, and,
maybe DSD withouy DAC. Have the flip flop pcb's at home now,,,,,,,,,
Apr 26, 2016 at 11:31 AM Post #390 of 569
New gadget arrived at the XMOS u208 thread, little tiny device to extend the 5Ft USB chain, $50 only, spectacular!

That is exactly what I wanted, another device in my USB chain :D ... actually 5 IIUC:  2usb-eth converters + 2 powersuplies + 1 network isolator. Wonderful.

Here's something if you miss your dual-pc setup. http://minimserver.com/ .. a dlna/upnp server.  The minimstreamer addon can transcode to WAV/LPCM and then the RPi will be just a very simple player who's only job is to pass the music bits further via i2s ... and quite similar to an oldskool jplay audioPc.

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