DC Area Head-Fi Meet Planning (ongoing)
Jul 22, 2018 at 2:01 AM Post #107 of 421
I'd be interested. I have to go up to NoVA at some point anyway for some Ikea stuff lol. What are lower key meets usually like? I love the idea of hearing gear that I've heard so much about but never experienced, but I don't have much of my own to bring in return that's not run of the mill mid-fi.
Jul 22, 2018 at 7:48 AM Post #108 of 421
What are lower key meets usually like?
Often hard to judge, before an event, if it will be low-key or packed. But it is much better to come with little or nothing to allow for listening to more setups - less time standing next to your own system. If you have headphones, definitely bring these. If you have a DAP, especially a digital source, it can help to play your music on systems you've not heard. There will be so many other variables, at least knowing the music is a good start!

I think it is also just a good breather, to go to events, and get offline for a while.
Jul 22, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #109 of 421
Sheldaze has it right, the DC area meets are nothing like a CanJam, much more of a really great way to relax while auditioning some of the best audio gear in the world.

As the venue location moves around, so does the prospect of who will be able to make it. Certainly anywhere from 20 to 50 people can drop in but that is a manageable size for everyone to try out all of the gear on hand.

You don't have to bring your own headphones, DAPs, amps or whatever, but we appreciate it if you do. And don't worry if it is commercial quality, many of us like to try out and find value for money at every price point. At least until we can afford to get our own pair of Focal Utopias!

Besides the obvious opportunity to demo some exotic and often very expensive equipment just for fun or as a chance to preview a personal purchase, the most interesting part of the meet is the chance to chat with some really knowledgeable and very friendly folks. If you have questions or need second and third and fourth opinions about anything audio, I can't think of any other event that offers such a chance to find answers. Maybe even to questions you did not know you had before coming to a meet!

I find that I particularly enjoy chatting with the engineers that bring their home brew equipment, translating their unique expertise into some gear that, frankly, is right up there in quality to the major manufacturers.
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Jul 22, 2018 at 4:26 PM Post #114 of 421
Late August may be doable for me but September probably preferable. Have considered offering my office as a possible venue: DC West End between Farragut North/West and Georgetown. Only potential issue is parking (and getting approval to use the space). If I could swing it, it would be a lot of space, multiple rooms, central lounge meeting area, etc. If people want me to inquire, I can.
Jul 22, 2018 at 4:50 PM Post #115 of 421
8/18 is good for me. Looks like there is parking on the street and maybe off street as well.
Should be able to use that school parking next door. Can't imagine that is in heavy use during the weekend.

Late August may be doable for me but September probably preferable. Have considered offering my office as a possible venue: DC West End between Farragut North/West and Georgetown. Only potential issue is parking (and getting approval to use the space). If I could swing it, it would be a lot of space, multiple rooms, central lounge meeting area, etc. If people want me to inquire, I can.
Sounds neat, but as you said, parking can be a pain. People are carting in gear and such, so car availability is always needed.
Jul 23, 2018 at 1:13 PM Post #117 of 421
A weekend in mid-late August should work for me too, and/or Sept. should be fairly open. It's been a while since I've been out to one too, the weekend of CAF 2017 I was getting married and the last one earlier this year I was traveling (but saw the pics and it looked like a great turnout). It'll be nice to catch up with some familiar faces and meet some new people :beerchug: big thanks to those checking on venues and organizing as always!
Jul 25, 2018 at 8:53 PM Post #120 of 421
I looked at the Columbia Pike Library space. 11 tables, 6 outlets, plenty of space and the big parking lot is available on saturday. Only downside is we have to finish up and be out by 5pm.
So that looks like a good option for the 7/18.

If we did the 25th, we can do the Great Falls Library (bit less central in location). https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/135044/images/Meeting_Room_GF.jpg
Space is available til 6 (or longer). Similarly large. Thoughts/opinions? I can easily lock these in in the next day or 2 if there's preference!

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