Dasetn/Tingo/Baldoor earbuds Reviews and Impressions
Jun 25, 2014 at 3:45 AM Post #961 of 1,160
Honestly not at all.  Just put them head to head with my HD650 with The Moody Blues - Lunch Break-Peak Hour [FLAC] and they held up fairly well, without any glaring distinctions in the pitch.  Not saying it holds the same intensity, but these two are in completely different price ranges.
EDIT, forgot to mention I did not use my Clip Zip to test.  Used Foobar2000 on my computer through a DAC/Amp

I wonder how these compare to dasetn/kingo or even pk1/blox . But i'm really interested in trying theme if they compare to hd650 . And for 5 bucks there isn't really any risk
Jun 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM Post #962 of 1,160
  So let me see if I understand this correctly, you're telling me that a $5 earbud "held up fairly well" to a direct comparison to the HD650, one of the best headphones ever produced? I'm a bit skeptical, but I guess it's possible? 

Kinda makes me want to try it, for $5 it's not exactly a risk

The AWEI ES10 does have a similar sound signature to the HD650.  The AWEI to my ears does nothing out of place.  So easy listening.  That is most likely do to the rolled off highs and nice smooth bass.
That said, these are JUST $5.  They do not compete with a $400-$500 headphone.  But back to back there is not a lot that you feel the little bud is doing wrong.  Sure it is not as clear or transparent, but how could it be?
These kinda remind me of the opposite of the Tingo TG-38s.  Maybe the ES10 has that nice simple sound I like the in HD650 and KSC75.
Jun 25, 2014 at 10:39 AM Post #963 of 1,160
  I wonder how these compare to kingo 

you'd wish haha 

Jun 25, 2014 at 10:43 AM Post #964 of 1,160
  you'd wish haha 

Oops :) I meant the tingo tg-38s . Maybe my mind mistaken it due to the hype that tingo is the king of earbuds , therefore KINGO :wink:
Jun 25, 2014 at 11:20 AM Post #966 of 1,160
Few more notes about the AWEI ES10, as I listen to Beck - Morning (off of the album "Morning Phase").
It really has such a big full body sound.  Almost like you wearing over the ear headphones.  Bass like I said can slightly leak into the mids, but that is a simple EQ fix.  Bass -1 Treble +1.  They have such a good fit in my ears that I get more bass than I have in any of the other earbuds I currently own.
Again, as before.  These are $5.  They are not killers of any high price items, they are just very fun to listen to and I am enjoying them immensely for what I paid.
Jun 25, 2014 at 2:25 PM Post #967 of 1,160
Awei ES10 and HD650 in the same sentence? Does not compute.
I bought a pair of the Aweis, was not impressed. Doesn't come anywhere close to Yuin PK2/PK3 or Baldoor Earbell, let alone HD650. I know you're not saying they're the same but to compare them in any way seems utterly surreal to me.
Just my opinion of course.
Jun 25, 2014 at 5:40 PM Post #968 of 1,160
  Awei ES10 and HD650 in the same sentence? Does not compute.
I bought a pair of the Aweis, was not impressed. Doesn't come anywhere close to Yuin PK2/PK3 or Baldoor Earbell, let alone HD650. I know you're not saying they're the same but to compare them in any way seems utterly surreal to me.
Just my opinion of course.

That's what I was originally trying to get at too. I think sometimes this thread tries to make their own self-fulfilling prophecies and goes just a bit too far into the absurd when everyone gets kind of excited. The truth probably is that half of these earbuds aren't even significantly/authoritatively better than the new apple earpods if they are better at all *gasp* (dreams shattered). 
When the HD650s were mentioned I had a good chuckle. 
With that said, some of these buds do sound extraordinarily nice like the M760, and you know it's probably true when its unanimous praise.
Jun 25, 2014 at 6:19 PM Post #970 of 1,160
these might me killer 

I saw them also when I was browsing Taobao. Those look really nice and sleek. Even better build quality than the Tingo Croons. If they really have the same driver the Dasetn M760 has then these could pretty much be "the earbud." I was too hesitant to check it out and risk it simply for the cable so I went Dasetn. 
Jun 26, 2014 at 1:48 AM Post #975 of 1,160
  This is just regular MX760 clone with a silver cable.
The black shell is the same as Dasetn had in previous batches.
Don't expect it to sound any better than Dasetn M760

I don't even want it to sound any better than the Dasetn M760. That's not the question. The question is that does it sound AS GOOD as the Dasetn M760? Are they the same internal components? The cable is without a doubt much better judging by the pictures (one of the weaker points of the Dasetn model). So, if they are identical in every way except a better cable, but for basically the same price, that's a steal. 

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