Darkvoice vs. Bada vs. Woo
Apr 2, 2008 at 11:52 PM Post #76 of 159

Funny overconfident guy. Hang yourself? Do you have such a sad life to ask people such things on a headphones forum?

I will let you swim in your ignorance and hope you use your rope that you were offering me to do the following:

1. sell it

2. use it for a necklace

3. wrap it around the caps so they don't heat over 80C

4. use it as a power cord
Apr 3, 2008 at 12:10 AM Post #77 of 159

Originally Posted by Spoon Wrangler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll be sure to tell you my thoughts on that question when my Bada arrives.

Yes please, we'll be waiting for that. Actually, Spoon Wrangler, please consider contributing more often - you write with eloquence and tact unusual for a 16 year old! I wish my 20 yo son could write like this, we would've gotten the damn scholarship and I would've bought me that Opera... or Zana Deux... Or Apache... drip... drip...

Back to the Earth - thanks for starting this thread. I was about to post my own query, also looking for a low-middle priced amp for my new AKG K701s. I've learned more from reading this thread. I have also spent many evenings reading other similar threads and came up with a similar small list. Mine, though, in place of Bada, had Cayin HA-1A. Would anyone here like to discuss/advice me on the relative merits of the Cayin?

Also, Onkyo sugggested Mapletree Ear+ HD (and even had something nice to say about it
). I did look at that one as well, looks nice, the maker clearly knows what he's doing, and it is in the same price range - $740 currently.

So, while Spoon Wrangler is waiting for his Bada to arrive, how about doing a quick Woo6 vs Cayin HA-1A vs Mapletree Ear+ HD ? Please... They all are in the same price range, all look nice, as something to have on one's desk, but how do I compare them? I know little about tubes, and it'll be a while before I start rolling anything...
Apr 3, 2008 at 1:45 AM Post #79 of 159

Originally Posted by Mike Wazowski /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Would anyone here like to discuss/advice me on the relative merits of the Cayin?

Search the threads on this also. There are lots of discussions of its sound / tubes / etc.

The preporderance of observations say that it has lots of power from high gain tubes, and some related tube noise, which can be minimized by careful tube selection (replacing the 12AX7s with 5751's with lower gain, etc.).
Apr 3, 2008 at 2:46 AM Post #80 of 159

Originally Posted by Gradofan2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Search the threads on this also. There are lots of discussions of its sound / tubes / etc.

The preporderance of observations say that it has lots of power from high gain tubes, and some related tube noise, which can be minimized by careful tube selection (replacing the 12AX7s with 5751's with lower gain, etc.).

Thanks! I did that search yesterday. You summarize what I read quite nicely... I have a feeling that what makes the Cayin somewhat less discussed, compared to other similarly priced amps here, is the fact that it is sold by dealers, not direct. There is no Jack, Mikhail, or Jan that people would know as a face/voice of the company. Still, Cayin remains on top of my list. I have read nothing really negative about it, and it seems an excellent match to my K701s. I like the idea of having tubes but not really interested in any rolling, at least for now. Which is also why I like the fact that Cayin's tubes do not stick out.

Now, I have a suspicion that Woo6, with some options (which ones?..) added to make it the same price as Cayin, might actually be more for the money - but how do I know, short of having a chance to listen to both? Head-Fiers' reviews seem to be the next best thing, as long as you take the writings in the context of who's saying that - the guy's equipment, apparent experience, musical tastes, general disposition...

Is there any way, though, to make a meaningful guess comparing, say, Cayin HA-1A to Woo6 to Mad Ear+ HD based on the specs and components used, as stated by the manufacturer?

Does anybody know, is there a thread, or perhaps an outside link, where one could quickly
educate himself on how to read tube amps specs and component list? And what do all these abbreviations mean, like OTL? TC? SE?
(So far I guessed that "OP" must be for Original Poster, not what I initially thought it was...)

Good night!
Apr 3, 2008 at 3:19 AM Post #81 of 159
Op - original poster

OTL - Output-transformer-less. This is a general design principal of good tube amps. There are also transformer coupled amps.

SE stands for Single-ended. This is referring to standard audio, as opposed to balanced audio.

A couple of things to look for in a good tube amp:'

Point to point wiring, which means there are no printed circuit boards. In general, using name-brand parts is a good thing, but that does not always hold true.
Apr 3, 2008 at 4:02 AM Post #82 of 159
Mike Wazowski, thank you for the kind words! Unfortunately, most kids my age look at me like I'm from another planet every time I open my mouth.

It's funny that you find the Mapletree amp attractive, as popular sentiment tends to lean the other way.

Anyway, I'm glad I managed to help a fellow K701 owner. Good luck with your own personal quest for aural satisfaction, and know that you aren't the only one intimidated by tube rolling.

P.S. Have you filed your paperwork?
Apr 3, 2008 at 5:04 AM Post #83 of 159

Originally Posted by jgonino /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OTL - Output-transformer-less. This is a general design principal of good tube amps. There are also transformer coupled amps.

I noticed Woo3 is OTL, whereas Woo6 seems to be non-OTL. But Woo6 is better, isn't it? I am asking, because I am yet in the early stages of learning about tubes, and the Woos look rather appealing from the reviews around here, the 6 even more so than the 3.
Apr 3, 2008 at 6:43 AM Post #84 of 159

Originally Posted by Gradofan2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That is correct.

In fact... "tube hybrid" amps, like the XCAN v3 and the BADA PH-12 sound more like SS amps, than tube amps. The tubes add a bit of warmth, but nothing like tube amps. So... yes... they do have much of the same drive as SS amps.

Ah, thankyou for the helpful reply.


Originally Posted by Gradofan2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here's "Drarthurwells" review of the BADA PH-12.

Its the last post (the first of the thread).


Hmm... an interesting and informative read, but for some reason I feel like I'm reading the script for a commercial for the BADA rather than a review of it. He doesn't seem to say a single negative thing about it, which is a bit weird, and makes me slightly suspicious...

*edit* Although of course, I was too lazy to read it word for word; I skimmed over it. I could have missed something...
Apr 3, 2008 at 12:30 PM Post #85 of 159

Originally Posted by dgm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm... an interesting and informative read, but for some reason I feel like I'm reading the script for a commercial for the BADA rather than a review of it. He doesn't seem to say a single negative thing about it, which is a bit weird, and makes me slightly suspicious...

No... you missed nothing... "he's very biased" re: the BADA. But... his impressions seem to be reflected by most BADA owners (except that its the best amp available).

In other's of his posts, he does admit the two major issues with the BADA: the unreliable mosfets, and the high heat it generates.

But... he's never lost his love for the BADA - as far as I know. He's been a bit silent for quite a while.

However, I think his description of its sound, relative to other amps he notes in his various posts - is likely pretty accurate. If you can live with the well reported BADA "issues" - you just have to decide... do you prefer the detail and clarity of the BADA (more typical of SS), or do you prefer the more euphonic, liquid, warm sound of OTL tube amps.
Apr 3, 2008 at 1:01 PM Post #86 of 159
About the woo amps: Some are OTL, while others are transformer-coupled. The 3 is OTL, while the 6 is TC. Basically, they are different designs, and while there are some cases where one may be better, a good designer can make either work well.
Apr 3, 2008 at 1:41 PM Post #87 of 159

Originally Posted by Solan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I noticed Woo3 is OTL, whereas Woo6 seems to be non-OTL. But Woo6 is better, isn't it? I am asking, because I am yet in the early stages of learning about tubes, and the Woos look rather appealing from the reviews around here, the 6 even more so than the 3.

Non OTL amps tend to prefer higher impedences. The transformer coupled Woo 6 will drive either. The Woo 3 actually measures better but will be challeged by some low impedence and especially low impedence/ low sensitivity headphones. If you use a high impedence Sennheiser or Beyer the Woo 3 will THEORETICALLY work best with these. The Woo 6 has a switch to pick the high or low impedence output tap from the output transformer and will work well with either.

I owned both the Woo 3 and Woo 6 and I preferred the Woo 6. For a starter tube amp the Woo amps are probably a good choice. I like the Mapletree Ear+ better than either Woo. However, the Mapletree has jumped considerably in price because of the weak dollar. The Woo's do not have what I consider to be excellent sound; they sound good. The Ear+ is better sounding IMO, especially with low impedence headphones. My Singlepower PPX3-6cg7/ PPX3 SLAM are noticeably better sounding than the Woo or Mapletree, at a higher cost. A used SP amp is a very good choice if you can find one at your price point.
Apr 3, 2008 at 1:57 PM Post #88 of 159
Thanks, jgonino and sacd_lover. Do I understand it right, then, if I say that Grados (impendance around 30) would be better served by a Woo6 than a Woo3?
Apr 3, 2008 at 6:17 PM Post #89 of 159

Originally Posted by Solan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks, jgonino and sacd_lover. Do I understand it right, then, if I say that Grados (impendance around 30) would be better served by a Woo6 than a Woo3?

Yes, the Woo 6 + Grado, from an impedence matching and power/ current output standpoint are definitely the better pairing.

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