Dallas, TX - Sunday, September 29th, 2013 - "Big Tex Wears Headphones Too" meetup
Sep 23, 2013 at 12:26 PM Post #121 of 227
  Resonessence gear has landed!
We will have Concero, Concero HD, Concero HP, and the HERUS prototype which looks pretty darn attractive as-is.

I've never even heard of Resonessence. I had to Google them just now. Those are some pricey DACs. 
Sep 23, 2013 at 1:20 PM Post #124 of 227
I've never even heard of Resonessence. I had to Google them just now. Those are some pricey DACs. 

The Invicta is way up there, sure... but the Concero is one of the very best price/performance DACs on the market.
The heck is a HERUS?

New headphone amp/dac thing ala the dragonfly/explorer I believe

Bingo! No IIR/apodizing filter stages, no remote, just simple plug and play for USB. Supposedly during the design phase it was named the Kingfisher... heh heh. 
Sep 24, 2013 at 9:45 PM Post #126 of 227
Y'all, I need some advice. I've got all my system all taken apart and in boxes ready to go to the meet, except I can't figure out what to do with my vinyl. I've got about 17 LPs that IM taking, not including however many my friend brings. I need a good secure way to transport these in my car. Any suggestions?
Sep 24, 2013 at 10:10 PM Post #127 of 227
Y'all, I need some advice. I've got all my system all taken apart and in boxes ready to go to the meet, except I can't figure out what to do with my vinyl. I've got about 17 LPs that IM taking, not including however many my friend brings. I need a good secure way to transport these in my car. Any suggestions?

Do you have a milk crate?

I have a nice wooden LP box I could sell ya cheap at the meet, but that won't help much now.
Sep 25, 2013 at 7:17 AM Post #128 of 227
Ill have my mom help me find a storage box to fit them after school today :/ worst comes to worst ill have one of my friends hold them on his lap in the car.
Sep 25, 2013 at 10:18 AM Post #129 of 227
Put 'em flat on the back seat floor and build heavy towells around them.
Sep 26, 2013 at 2:19 AM Post #130 of 227
I was something like 75% on driving out to this meet from CO when I recently found out that In-N-Out is in Texas (how did I not know that before?!) but not sure that I'll be able to make it. Would have to make the almost 13-hour drive in one day which I'm not sure I could do. Too bad because I just received some new gear too that I would've liked to share.
Oh well, I'll probably make it out to a Texas meet again eventually, the last one I attended was in 2010. Maybe I'll try to attend whatever's organized next year.
Sep 26, 2013 at 2:57 AM Post #131 of 227
We'll be doing Austin on January 18th, 2014 if you want to come then. If you buy tickets early enough it is actually cheaper to fly, in addition to the time savings.
Sep 26, 2013 at 3:54 AM Post #132 of 227
I saw a couple pair of lcd-2 coming, but no bifrost/asgard.  I'll try to bring those, plus my lcd-2, jh13pro, hd600, sr225i and dt770pros.
I'm looking forward to hearing the lcd-2 on a lyr and mjolnir, too. No offense, but hopefully there won't be any lcd-3 there to take even more of my money, especially since I have a feeling I'll want to buy a pair of mad dogs or order a pair of alpha dogs while I'm there.
Please keep us informed as I'd not mind having drinks with everyone that goes the night before, too.
Sep 26, 2013 at 4:34 AM Post #133 of 227
I'm probably not going to be down on Saturday after all. Soup is not able to come, so hotel would be spendy (no split). Also I have something that popped up for Sunday evening back in OKC, so I will be leaving around 4-4:30 so my day in Dallas will be a bit shorter than before.
Sep 26, 2013 at 9:48 AM Post #134 of 227
Aw crap. Well... in that case... the Saturday evening dinner and drink thing may not work out. I've got a friend who is throwing her 50th birthday party the same evening and I was feeling guilty for not being there. I think I'll go now.
Argh. Always so many tradeoffs this time of year. But it only gets worse from now until Christmas! Glad we'll be having a great meet regardless! Weather should be perfect.

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