Creative Sound Blaster X7 - Detailed Review & Impressions
Oct 8, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #991 of 3,608
  Does the X7 headphone output sound better when set to High Gain or am I going deaf? Anybody else noticed this?

I think that just depends on your headphones. Turning high gain on with my K7XX didn't make the sound quality any better, just louder. If you have very high impedance cans, high gain may be necessary to reveal detail in certain parts of the spectrum that are unable to come to the surface. That would certainly make High Gain mode sound better, but that's a case by case thing.
Oct 8, 2015 at 10:08 PM Post #992 of 3,608
You're essentially just releasing an extra volume threshold with high gain. If you can't hit a certain volume in low gain, high gain makes sense. Otherwise, I don't see high gain being different from low gain, other than a volume cap. Same as the Xonar U3, etc. I doubt there are resistors or anything in the way, and it's most likely software based. I certainly can't use high gain with the X2 as my volume gets absurdly loud at around 30 volume. High Gain would give me very little volume headroom.

Not discrediting the theory that high gain sounds better. I haven't tested it since I just don't have the headroom. One step in volume goes from too low to too high on high gain from my optimal level for me.

Perhaps Creative can clarify.
Oct 8, 2015 at 11:12 PM Post #993 of 3,608
Does the X7 headphone output sound better when set to High Gain or am I going deaf? Anybody else noticed this?

I noticed this with my K612 on both my X7 and E5. There was more than enough volume on the K612 in low-gain, but I figured why not try. On high gain, the K612 sounded fuller, more lively/euphoric, while having less excursion issues.

It's important to match gain with the headphone. At RMAF, the HiFiman attendant told me that we couldn't hook up the much more sensitive Edition X to the same amp as the HE-1000, even if we got the right balanced connection, because the amp was too powerful for the Ed. X and would damage the drivers (and my ears).

I know some devices, especially portables, boost gain by uncapping a voltage threshold, therefore able to get louder but sounding more grainy in the process. The amp still only had the same amount of current to output. Some devices, the amp is so loud natively that (still learning this, please add info if you know or I get terms mixed up) the amp has to use a negative feedback loop to cancel out some of the amp energy to keep the audio from being too loud... Which is why you see receivers (and their huge amps!) listing a negative number that gets closer to 0 as you turn up the volume. I think (could be wrong) that the reason my K612 sounds better at similar listening volume (I start from quiet and I turn up to listening) is that in High gain mode, it uses less negative feedback.

I could be wrong about all that! I am no electrical engineer, just an enjoyer, so feel free to wiki-search "amplifier negative feedback" and help clean up my description. I generally was against high-gain... Didn't like it in my FiiO portables. But with my insensitive K612, and the X7, and E5, high gain sounds to my ears more dynamic.
Oct 9, 2015 at 12:01 AM Post #994 of 3,608
I'll have to test it out, though seeing as the X7's volume is directly tied to the Windows volume slider, it won't be easy getting my optimal level.
Oct 9, 2015 at 9:27 AM Post #995 of 3,608
I'm seriously considering getting one of these to serve as my audio "hub".
- Computer connected via USB.
- CD player connected via optical.
- K550 + ModMic using the headphone and microphone jack.
- Line-Out to my Torpedo and Q701 combo.
- Possibly rig up speaker-to-1/4" adapter for my 8-ohm Pioneer SE-305s?
Oct 9, 2015 at 9:49 AM Post #996 of 3,608
If you spend more time at the computer than on the couch then it works real well - brilliantly in fact.
If you're not within reach of the PC or willing to use the computer as the controller then not so much.
If you stick with one audio input for most of the time - then yep - it's awesome.
If you want to swap between them (from the couch) - then nup - it's awkward.
edit: am talking about opening a phone app to switch, or getting off the couch to move to a computer to change settings. That stuff is simple to do - just another step that a remote would have solved.
Oct 9, 2015 at 10:06 AM Post #997 of 3,608
  If you spend more time at the computer than on the couch then it works real well - brilliantly in fact.
If you're not within reach of the PC or willing to use the computer as the controller then not so much.
If you stick with one audio input for most of the time - then yep - it's awesome.
If you want to swap between them (from the couch) - then nup - it's awkward.
edit: am talking about opening a phone app to switch, or getting off the couch to move to a computer to change settings. That stuff is simple to do - just another step that a remote would have solved.

Ah, bummer. I guess I'm not finding a convenient, semi-affordable way to get the setup I want after all.
Oct 9, 2015 at 10:14 AM Post #998 of 3,608
There is a dedicated remote app for Android and iOS. It's not that useful however from what I've heard.
Oct 9, 2015 at 10:36 AM Post #999 of 3,608
The Android one has been working great for me. The iOS version is worse from what I've gathered.
Oct 9, 2015 at 11:08 AM Post #1,000 of 3,608
The apps work great (except the IOS??) - don't get me wrong.
Heaps of control over the unit - pretty much the same as the computer gives.
Forcing you to open an app on your phone to do something as simple as turn down the volume - ***, even a $0.50 LED remote would be better.
Jump on the couch and relax - I have all the remote I need, but may have left my phone in the kitchen - DAMN, that sucks
Idiots - they have a unit that is 100% better than anything else on the market, but left out a couple of things that would have made it totally perfect.
Oct 9, 2015 at 12:31 PM Post #1,001 of 3,608
Like headphone surround pass-through 

Oct 9, 2015 at 1:43 PM Post #1,002 of 3,608
Or stable control panel. Or ability to reprogram one of the surround outs to function as a microphone-out (if physically possible). Would make things waaaay easier for console players.
Oct 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM Post #1,003 of 3,608
+DTS input :D
Oct 9, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #1,004 of 3,608
I've been using my wireless keyboard to lower the volume. :/

I really don't like the app. Its slight delay aggravates me.
Oct 9, 2015 at 3:37 PM Post #1,005 of 3,608
So if I do most of my listening sitting at my computer and really only bust the CD player out at the end of the day, would it just be a case of setting the volume and telling it to use the optical input with the control panel before I shut the PC off for the day?
I don't really mind getting up to adjust volume, I have to either manually adjust it on my amp or with my wireless keyboard already.

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