Craft Ears Reviews/Impressions Thread
Mar 15, 2024 at 1:02 PM Post #331 of 363
Called ya about one month ago I dk if u remember that stil, I was questioning myself if The Omnium will be above The Multiverse Mentor and of course I said that I’m going to recall you back when I save up money for the Omnium… :)
Of course, I remember :wink: I am sure you will love our Omniums! Just let me know when we can start rollin'. Cheers Buddy!
Mar 15, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #332 of 363
Of course, I remember :wink: I am sure you will love our Omniums! Just let me know when we can start rollin'. Cheers Buddy!
Yep it will take just a few months More to get myself straight into it I suppose, so… :) Cheers to you too mate!
Mar 16, 2024 at 10:46 AM Post #333 of 363
Alright, I know everything. So sorry for the late reply, but yesterday's meeting went on for quite a while!

So, I spent a lot of time with the Mentors, and I really liked them. However, they are only slightly better in terms of imaging compared to the Omniums. Just a bit better. In every other aspect, the Omniums is a win for me. From the low-end structure to the smoothness and clarity of highs, and the wideness of the stereo field, but it's the mids that make the biggest difference - Omniums are just magical when it comes to mids. Additionally, I prefer the look of the Omniums. Considering all of that for half the price - for me, this is a no-brainer. I wanted to get Mentors to my collection, till yesterday. If you have any other questions about the sound, just let me know. 😊

Thank you so much. 😍
Btw, is the Omnium easy to drive, meaning you can plug it to your iphone without quality compromise?
Mar 16, 2024 at 10:49 AM Post #334 of 363
In terms of dynamics, they are very close. The low-end dynamics is almost identical, although there's a slightly better structure and presence in the Omniums. The midrange dynamics (besides how midrange is presented overall, which in my opinion is the best I have ever heard in IEMs) is way better in Omniums. In terms of detail, Omniums sound more natural and pleasing. The level of detail is similar, if not slightly greater, in Omniums, and there's an overall additional 'airy' quality to the mix that's noticeable in Omniums. Both are very high resolution. And, one more thing that is important - Omniums are way easier to power.
I agreed with this somehow Mentor mid was questionable at times on certain tracks. It did not hide the flaw of bad recordings.
Mar 16, 2024 at 10:59 AM Post #335 of 363
Thank you so much. 😍
Btw, is the Omnium easy to drive, meaning you can plug it to your iphone without quality compromise?
More or less, yes. I use it daily from my phone, and it works great. Of course, when you connect it to a better source, you gain a bit of quality, but most TOTL earphones can't be powered directly from a phone at all. However, Omniums can be, which in my opinion, is a great advantage.
Mar 28, 2024 at 4:02 PM Post #336 of 363
Hi guys,

Interested in checking out the Omnium.

If you own one, what's your time been with it like so far? How have you liked it sound wise over time? What's been your experience if yours was a custom?

Thanks for your insight and advice.

Mar 28, 2024 at 4:07 PM Post #337 of 363
Mar 30, 2024 at 8:53 AM Post #338 of 363
Craft Ears Omnium

After showing a teaser, the time has come to share my experiences regarding the new TOTL model coming from Craft Ears, a polish IEM brand.
Priced at a whooping 2499 €

Some say that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, so let’s start with that.


The sweet looks might be deceptive.
Sadly, their process of coming to being was actually quite tiresome and painful.

The story begins in December, specifically on St. Nicholas Day. That's when I visited CE headquarters to check out what all the fuss is about.
And guess what.. I ended up placing an order for Omnium only an hour later.

The IEMs were supposed to arrive in early January.
The holiday season passed by, as usual, swiftly and unnoticed. Mid-January was already here, yet I didn't get any updates. After reminding CE of my existence, they informed me about some unexpected difficulties with creating the faceplate that we’d discussed; nevertheless, it should be resolved within a week. Well, I wrote again after three weeks (sic!) - and was assured that Omniums will be ready the following week. The package arrived a fortnite later.
So, instead of early January, it was almost the end of February.
crap happens, we know that. But the lack of initiative and no updates definitely do hurt. Especially when you order a product from the top shelf.

Thinking I had endured enough, I began to open the package.

At first I was a little concerned - while the aesthetics indeed matched, the size of the shells themselves raised some doubt - my different CIEMs are noticeably smaller. Nothing to do, but to try them on. Thankfully, they fitted just right.

However, at the same time, with the tip of my finger I felt that the edges of the faceplates were somewhat rough. A quick glance confirmed my concerns - something wasn't right. Looking at the right angle, it was clear that the faceplates had been unevenly placed, not completely fitting into the gold frame, protruding beyond its outline in some places.

Striking the iron while it’s still hot, I messaged Craft Ears and they confirmed that it’s not how they'd shipped them. Either something must’ve happened during the transport or the glue didn’t hold like it should’ve. They wanted me to ship Omniums back, promising that it shouldn’t take longer than a week to fix it.

Remember when you were a kid, and someone took you a toy that you’d just received?

I picked them up personally after 10 long days - just to avoid exposing them to negative temperatures during transport.
This time everything looked splendid. The faceplates laid perfectly flat and they were also covered with an extra layer of lacquer coating. Surfaces no longer raised any concerns in touch.


Hoping that the teething problems were now over, I started making acquaintance with those beauties.

But before I start elaborating on the sound, let me mention a few words about comfort.

Long story short: it’s phenomenal, as it’s the case with custom fitted shells - provided that your ear impressions were taken properly.
Omniums are even more comfortable than my older CIEMs due to their slightly different shaping. They feel a tiny bit looser, albeit with no negative impact on seal quality.
It's like wearing skinny jeans vs regular ones - both might fit you size-wise, but they're sewn in a different way.
Jędrzej himself mentioned that they slightly altered the impression molding process, focusing primarily on comfort and I can confirm that.


Everything has its pros and cons, though.
Slightly looser fit of Omnium, combined with quite substantial venting, make them less effective at blocking out external noise.
Having said that, I only use them at home and the isolation they provide is more than enough.

Some of you may wonder if the CIEM matches UIEM sonically?

Well, over 3 months passed between my listening sessions, but the customs sound just as I expected them to.
Comparing my impressions with reviewers that based their opinion on universal model, I see that we perceive them similarly.

Time to describe the sound, phew.

I jokingly dubbed Omniums as "all-hearings", loosely referring to their Latin name.

There is no note, no sound, or frequency range that could hide from them. The days, when songs played in my imagination, when I thought a slightly deeper bass would be in place, an instrument should be placed somewhere else, vocal could be made more prominent, are long gone. Omniums tend to reveal everything.
But does this mean they're analytical, dry? Not at all, none of these things.

Overall, I'd describe them as helluva musical and rather warm - but this comes from the way they present midrange and vocals - as genuinely full, juicy, with proper weight, yet still incredibly diverse. This warmth isn't the result of dominant bass or overly gentle treble, it's not that kind of tuning.

Speaking of bass: I have the impression that it sounds exactly as the song's producer intended - no more, no less.
A delicate pluck, just to give rhytm? Sure thing. Solid, dry thump? No problem. Lively bassline? Play it on. Electronic sub-bass that makes your guts move? Oh yeah.
I think Omnium wouldn't necessarily satisfy bassheads, as it doesn't intend to break any records in this department.

Now, the trebles - just as I like them. They're airy, well-extended, yet rather smooth and delicate. Reminding of a pillow under your head that is both soft giving that comfy feeling, yet pliable enough to give you a good support and no neck pain.
It's precisely in this aspect that Craft Ears' previous flagships, the Aurums, sometimes caused me discomfort, occasionally stinging my ears with some less refined notes. Here, in Omnium, those sounds are well-behaved. Cymbals still sound like the real deal, but they don't squeal in your face.

The stage spreads out in a vast, yet natural way. So much that when my ears get used to having these acrylic beans in them, I can't tell whether I'm listening to flatbuds or in-ears anymore. It's that good.

Okay. Reading as much, you'd probably expect some comparisons to other sets.
The problem is: apart from listening to AüR Audio Ascension and a brief acquaintance with MEST OG, I haven't had a chance to listen to any well known TOTL IEMs, so I can't really comment on how Omnium compares to them.

Am I satisfied? Yes.

Up to the point where I no longer feel the need to visit forums, because I feel like I've caught my rabbit.


Now, how about I suggest a few tracks in which Omniums really shine?

To start, something from the Polish scene:

A plethora of female vocals in a pop-electronic song.

For contrast, some experimental rock, with poetic lyrics:

Highly preferred over Yosi Horikawa's tracks (Bubbles, Swashers, etc.) in headphone tests. And that baritone saxophone, oh...

To assess how well the vocals are positioned and whether the lower midrange is not too congested - whether the ears aren't just flooded with thick jelly:

To immerse myself in bass depths:

To check whether trebles appear shouty:

Tricky? Yes, indeed. I feel like quite a few albums from the late 90s and early 00s tend to feature slightly too aggressive, stingy highs.

As for something demanding across whole frequency spectrum:

That's it..

Congratulations to all who managed to focus long enough to get through the above text.
I salute you!

Till the next time.
Mar 31, 2024 at 2:02 PM Post #339 of 363
Nice you caught the rabbit…
Apr 1, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #340 of 363
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:10 PM Post #341 of 363
Craft Ears Omnium

After showing a teaser, the time has come to share my experiences regarding the new TOTL model coming from Craft Ears, a polish IEM brand.
Priced at a whooping 2499 €

Some say that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, so let’s start with that.


The sweet looks might be deceptive.
Sadly, their process of coming to being was actually quite tiresome and painful.

The story begins in December, specifically on St. Nicholas Day. That's when I visited CE headquarters to check out what all the fuss is about.
And guess what.. I ended up placing an order for Omnium only an hour later.

The IEMs were supposed to arrive in early January.
The holiday season passed by, as usual, swiftly and unnoticed. Mid-January was already here, yet I didn't get any updates. After reminding CE of my existence, they informed me about some unexpected difficulties with creating the faceplate that we’d discussed; nevertheless, it should be resolved within a week. Well, I wrote again after three weeks (sic!) - and was assured that Omniums will be ready the following week. The package arrived a fortnite later.
So, instead of early January, it was almost the end of February.
crap happens, we know that. But the lack of initiative and no updates definitely do hurt. Especially when you order a product from the top shelf.

Thinking I had endured enough, I began to open the package.

At first I was a little concerned - while the aesthetics indeed matched, the size of the shells themselves raised some doubt - my different CIEMs are noticeably smaller. Nothing to do, but to try them on. Thankfully, they fitted just right.

However, at the same time, with the tip of my finger I felt that the edges of the faceplates were somewhat rough. A quick glance confirmed my concerns - something wasn't right. Looking at the right angle, it was clear that the faceplates had been unevenly placed, not completely fitting into the gold frame, protruding beyond its outline in some places.

Striking the iron while it’s still hot, I messaged Craft Ears and they confirmed that it’s not how they'd shipped them. Either something must’ve happened during the transport or the glue didn’t hold like it should’ve. They wanted me to ship Omniums back, promising that it shouldn’t take longer than a week to fix it.

Remember when you were a kid, and someone took you a toy that you’d just received?

I picked them up personally after 10 long days - just to avoid exposing them to negative temperatures during transport.
This time everything looked splendid. The faceplates laid perfectly flat and they were also covered with an extra layer of lacquer coating. Surfaces no longer raised any concerns in touch.


Hoping that the teething problems were now over, I started making acquaintance with those beauties.

But before I start elaborating on the sound, let me mention a few words about comfort.

Long story short: it’s phenomenal, as it’s the case with custom fitted shells - provided that your ear impressions were taken properly.
Omniums are even more comfortable than my older CIEMs due to their slightly different shaping. They feel a tiny bit looser, albeit with no negative impact on seal quality.
It's like wearing skinny jeans vs regular ones - both might fit you size-wise, but they're sewn in a different way.
Jędrzej himself mentioned that they slightly altered the impression molding process, focusing primarily on comfort and I can confirm that.


Everything has its pros and cons, though.
Slightly looser fit of Omnium, combined with quite substantial venting, make them less effective at blocking out external noise.
Having said that, I only use them at home and the isolation they provide is more than enough.

Some of you may wonder if the CIEM matches UIEM sonically?

Well, over 3 months passed between my listening sessions, but the customs sound just as I expected them to.
Comparing my impressions with reviewers that based their opinion on universal model, I see that we perceive them similarly.

Time to describe the sound, phew.

I jokingly dubbed Omniums as "all-hearings", loosely referring to their Latin name.

There is no note, no sound, or frequency range that could hide from them. The days, when songs played in my imagination, when I thought a slightly deeper bass would be in place, an instrument should be placed somewhere else, vocal could be made more prominent, are long gone. Omniums tend to reveal everything.
But does this mean they're analytical, dry? Not at all, none of these things.

Overall, I'd describe them as helluva musical and rather warm - but this comes from the way they present midrange and vocals - as genuinely full, juicy, with proper weight, yet still incredibly diverse. This warmth isn't the result of dominant bass or overly gentle treble, it's not that kind of tuning.

Speaking of bass: I have the impression that it sounds exactly as the song's producer intended - no more, no less.
A delicate pluck, just to give rhytm? Sure thing. Solid, dry thump? No problem. Lively bassline? Play it on. Electronic sub-bass that makes your guts move? Oh yeah.
I think Omnium wouldn't necessarily satisfy bassheads, as it doesn't intend to break any records in this department.

Now, the trebles - just as I like them. They're airy, well-extended, yet rather smooth and delicate. Reminding of a pillow under your head that is both soft giving that comfy feeling, yet pliable enough to give you a good support and no neck pain.
It's precisely in this aspect that Craft Ears' previous flagships, the Aurums, sometimes caused me discomfort, occasionally stinging my ears with some less refined notes. Here, in Omnium, those sounds are well-behaved. Cymbals still sound like the real deal, but they don't squeal in your face.

The stage spreads out in a vast, yet natural way. So much that when my ears get used to having these acrylic beans in them, I can't tell whether I'm listening to flatbuds or in-ears anymore. It's that good.

Okay. Reading as much, you'd probably expect some comparisons to other sets.
The problem is: apart from listening to AüR Audio Ascension and a brief acquaintance with MEST OG, I haven't had a chance to listen to any well known TOTL IEMs, so I can't really comment on how Omnium compares to them.

Am I satisfied? Yes.

Up to the point where I no longer feel the need to visit forums, because I feel like I've caught my rabbit.


Now, how about I suggest a few tracks in which Omniums really shine?

To start, something from the Polish scene:

A plethora of female vocals in a pop-electronic song.

For contrast, some experimental rock, with poetic lyrics:

Highly preferred over Yosi Horikawa's tracks (Bubbles, Swashers, etc.) in headphone tests. And that baritone saxophone, oh...

To assess how well the vocals are positioned and whether the lower midrange is not too congested - whether the ears aren't just flooded with thick jelly:

To immerse myself in bass depths:

To check whether trebles appear shouty:

Tricky? Yes, indeed. I feel like quite a few albums from the late 90s and early 00s tend to feature slightly too aggressive, stingy highs.

As for something demanding across whole frequency spectrum:

That's it..

Congratulations to all who managed to focus long enough to get through the above text.
I salute you!

Till the next time.

Piękne fotki!
Apr 18, 2024 at 10:59 AM Post #343 of 363
Afbeelding van WhatsApp op 2024-04-18 om 16.41.22_35a8af67.jpg

Right, my impression of the Craft ears Omnium. This unit has been purchased with my own money during there 5th anniversary sale. Even after a long wait and some hiccups along the road I'm so damn happy with these. The tuning has been done very carefully. With a 9.2 LSR DD handling the Low a 10mm Planer that handles the low/mids/. helped with a BA Mids/high and 2 Ba’s on the highs and 2 Ba’s on the Super highs. To make the package complete of this iem. The pelican style case is nice to protect your IEM’s. A let down was the cable for me; it was not up to par with the iem capabilities. So i swapped that one out of a Xinhs cables

So most listing was done in the following chain, Fiio M11plus (mid gain) + Xinhs cables + the Craft ears themself. I tried a couple of tips and I landed on the Penon black Lacquer tips.Now and then i used my XD05 bal and my KA17

The bass is nice and textured. But I wished the mid bass was a little ticker but I can understand why Craft ear went with this. To eliminate the bleed it can have and the coherence between all the drivers. it still feels nice and tactile in attack and decay. not to dry (what can happen with a planar bass) but not over done. Those 2 help each other well.

Mids are nice and have a really nice note weight to them. The Planar timbre has been slightly off set with the BA helping in this regard. but every detail is there and can be heard very easily. guitar strings are absolutely flawless no question there. The middle of the mids are slightly lifted, not much to be honest. Upper mids are nice and airy. I personally didn’t have a problem with the pinna, which is slightly early and works kinda in a stairway in a staggered way.

Treble is super nice and has all the micro details you want. it keeps the stage super wide that what i’m used to. High hats are for sharpness that you can have in some cases if the pinna is too steep and it continues rising after the peak. it is not over done there is a delicate balance between all the 3 the regions even the Super high give that extra sparkle that i haven’t heard in a couple of songs before.

Soundstage, well it has a real 3D image,feel to it in the headroom is really nice, some goes for the depth. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the details and micro details. technicals ooh boy i understand why they have been called the Omnium and they can take that name. Craft ears have done a fantastic job on this IEM in every sense of the word

i wished i had better photographer skills
Apr 23, 2024 at 4:09 AM Post #345 of 363

Right, my impression of the Craft ears Omnium. This unit has been purchased with my own money during there 5th anniversary sale. Even after a long wait and some hiccups along the road I'm so damn happy with these. The tuning has been done very carefully. With a 9.2 LSR DD handling the Low a 10mm Planer that handles the low/mids/. helped with a BA Mids/high and 2 Ba’s on the highs and 2 Ba’s on the Super highs. To make the package complete of this iem. The pelican style case is nice to protect your IEM’s. A let down was the cable for me; it was not up to par with the iem capabilities. So i swapped that one out of a Xinhs cables

So most listing was done in the following chain, Fiio M11plus (mid gain) + Xinhs cables + the Craft ears themself. I tried a couple of tips and I landed on the Penon black Lacquer tips.Now and then i used my XD05 bal and my KA17

The bass is nice and textured. But I wished the mid bass was a little ticker but I can understand why Craft ear went with this. To eliminate the bleed it can have and the coherence between all the drivers. it still feels nice and tactile in attack and decay. not to dry (what can happen with a planar bass) but not over done. Those 2 help each other well.

Mids are nice and have a really nice note weight to them. The Planar timbre has been slightly off set with the BA helping in this regard. but every detail is there and can be heard very easily. guitar strings are absolutely flawless no question there. The middle of the mids are slightly lifted, not much to be honest. Upper mids are nice and airy. I personally didn’t have a problem with the pinna, which is slightly early and works kinda in a stairway in a staggered way.

Treble is super nice and has all the micro details you want. it keeps the stage super wide that what i’m used to. High hats are for sharpness that you can have in some cases if the pinna is too steep and it continues rising after the peak. it is not over done there is a delicate balance between all the 3 the regions even the Super high give that extra sparkle that i haven’t heard in a couple of songs before.

Soundstage, well it has a real 3D image,feel to it in the headroom is really nice, some goes for the depth. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the details and micro details. technicals ooh boy i understand why they have been called the Omnium and they can take that name. Craft ears have done a fantastic job on this IEM in every sense of the word

i wished i had better photographer skills
Thank you buddy for the great review! We are glad you have enjoyed our Omniums :L3000:

Hello, has someone already tested the Omnium with powerMetal and symphonic metal?
Well.. these are one of my favorite music genres, so you can be sure they were properly tested with that type of music as well :)

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