Coolest Looking Headphones
Nov 9, 2006 at 7:34 AM Post #16 of 137

Originally Posted by Noise
1. I said coolest/slickest looking.

2. I really could care less about your "feeling."

3. I have come upon an immortal truth as a DJ. Most headphones give you enough to do your job and have fun, but the looks are very important if you want to actually get a job as a DJ if you don't have much hype around your name.

Your equipment must look great, you can't just sit there doing what you do with minimal movement in your body as your spinning the music, everything adds up. And I am looking for some kiky new cool/slick looking headphones to add a little more edge, because in the club environment its not just music, but also looks.

- noise

You do know that DJ phones have to be closed
And most of those cans are ranging from $1k to $20k
Not really, some pro DJs that i've seen just have some ordinary looking silver/ black phones
Nov 9, 2006 at 7:36 AM Post #17 of 137
... just retro fit your current cans with some viking horns, wicked slick da Sh1t!
Nov 9, 2006 at 8:18 AM Post #19 of 137

Originally Posted by Noise
1. I said coolest/slickest looking.

2. I really could care less about your "feeling."

3. I have come upon an immortal truth as a DJ. Most headphones give you enough to do your job and have fun, but the looks are very important if you want to actually get a job as a DJ if you don't have much hype around your name.

Your equipment must look great, you can't just sit there doing what you do with minimal movement in your body as your spinning the music, everything adds up. And I am looking for some kiky new cool/slick looking headphones to add a little more edge, because in the club environment its not just music, but also looks.

- noise

[edit]: So far I like the K 701, Koss Porta Pro, and Sony MDR-SA5000 DJ, in that order. Keep the cool looking ones coming!

I am a DJ.

1. There is only one headphone for the DJ. HD-25

2. They also look cool.

3. You do not have to have cool looking phones to be a DJ.

4. You have to learn how to mix.

5. Scratching impresses teeny boppers. Mixing impresses audiophiles.

6. Grease up your hair.

Try DJing with K-1000's
Nov 9, 2006 at 8:26 AM Post #20 of 137 just curious why it needs to be cool?i thought the sound going in your ears was what is important
Last time i went clubbing, i really didnt spend my time looking at the DJ, or his equipment, the music you spin out is going to determine how far you go, not your cool looking cans

Anyway, as bias as it may sound i think the K81DJ looks very nice
Nov 9, 2006 at 8:28 AM Post #21 of 137
Pretty much any of the big Audio Technica woodies, like the w11jpn.

EDIT: For more of a DJ-cool, though, something like their ES7 might fit the bill a bit better.
Nov 9, 2006 at 8:41 AM Post #22 of 137
Relatively cheap, closed-back (however, supra-aural) DJ headphones that don't look too shabby:

Nov 9, 2006 at 8:42 AM Post #23 of 137

Originally Posted by Noise
3. I have come upon an immortal truth as a DJ. Most headphones give you enough to do your job and have fun, but the looks are very important if you want to actually get a job as a DJ if you don't have much hype around your name.

Your equipment must look great, you can't just sit there doing what you do with minimal movement in your body as your spinning the music, everything adds up. And I am looking for some kiky new cool/slick looking headphones to add a little more edge, because in the club environment its not just music, but also looks.

[edit]: So far I like the K 701, Koss Porta Pro, and Sony MDR-SA5000 DJ, in that order. Keep the cool looking ones coming!

There are a variety of headphones marketed for DJs. Most are (a) silver (b) screamingly loud (c) have swiveling earcups (d) have a non-removable cable that connects to one earcup (e) break after entirely too short a period of time. (Gee, did I just describe the Sony MDR-V700s?)
There is some variation between brands. The "Stanton Pro 3000 DJ Headphones" even have blinking blue LEDs in each earcup. You can't get too much more flashy than that.

In my experience over the last 10 years as a DJ, none of the flashy silver cans are very good. If you're serious about mixing, I'd not worry about what your headphones look like and get a pair of Sony MDR-7506s (or MDR-V6s, which are identical except for the cable) or Sennheiser HD-280s. The 280s have better isolation, but the 7506s are more comfortable and possibly a bit better sounding.

If you really are preoccupied with looks, spraypaint the earcups a dayglo color. I know a few big time trance DJs who have done just that.
Nov 9, 2006 at 9:55 AM Post #24 of 137
To answer the question, I personally think that the K601 looks rather cool, better than the K701 in terms of colour selection.

Of course though, it'll never work in a DJing environment. How about the Audio Technica A900?
Nov 9, 2006 at 10:23 AM Post #25 of 137

Originally Posted by Noise
Your equipment must look great, you can't just sit there doing what you do with minimal movement in your body as your spinning the music, everything adds up. And I am looking for some kiky new cool/slick looking headphones to add a little more edge, because in the club environment its not just music, but also looks.


Originally Posted by KrooLism
3. You do not have to have cool looking phones to be a DJ.
4. You have to learn how to mix.

In the dj scene the majority of the big names use the HD-25. Not because it's a hot looking phone, btw it looks great (IMO). All the other shiny phones are used only when they need dB to compensate the loudness of the monitors(example)
And DJing is about the mixing !Not the looks! If in your case the look is what matters, then something is wrong ;(
Nov 9, 2006 at 11:10 AM Post #27 of 137

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip
Stax Omega 2

Nov 9, 2006 at 1:24 PM Post #30 of 137

Originally Posted by Noise
1. I said coolest/slickest looking.

2. I really could care less about your "feeling."

3. I have come upon an immortal truth as a DJ. Most headphones give you enough to do your job and have fun, but the looks are very important if you want to actually get a job as a DJ if you don't have much hype around your name.

Your equipment must look great, you can't just sit there doing what you do with minimal movement in your body as your spinning the music, everything adds up. And I am looking for some kiky new cool/slick looking headphones to add a little more edge, because in the club environment its not just music, but also looks.

- noise

[edit]: So far I like the K 701, Koss Porta Pro, and Sony MDR-SA5000 DJ, in that order. Keep the cool looking ones coming!

PortaPro? You think so?

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