COMPARISON / REVIEW (Part Deux) : A tale of two Sennheisers – HD600 vs HD650
Nov 7, 2014 at 4:23 PM Post #61 of 207
After your statement on the "the cable made it so much better", your post lost all its credibility. Dungeon and Dragons anyone?
  You gotta hand it to Sennheiser. They really got it right with these two models. Still near the top of the heap all these years since their introduction. Real classics.
I have a pair of 600s from around 1999-2000 or so, and recently picked up a pair of 650s this year.
Well, it's hard to compare my old 600 to the current 600 - I understand they have slowly evolved. But my impression is this: they sound great, but my stock 600s needed some help to really capture my heart.
I don't know if it was that era 600, or if it was some sort of sample-to-sample manufacturing variance, but my 600's always had a slightly stiff, mechanical quality to them that never went away. While I loved them and enjoyed them, I never felt they were as organic as they should be.
At that time, my reference point was a pair of HD580. While the 600 was tighter and more resolved, there was something about the flow of the 580 that made it really something special.
If I were to make an analogy, it were as if the 580 were a breathing, organic sounding SET triode amp, whereas the 600 were a good push-pull pentode tube amp. To my ear, the 600 never opened up and breathed as much as I expected or wanted it to. And I still love the 580 to this day for that quality.
Earlier this year, I decided to shake things up and bought a $75 third party cable for my 600s from Ebay. Holy moly, Batman, that did the trick! The 600's now had that gentle resolution and ease I had been looking for, but it still had a firm sense of pace and propulsion. Was it just the cable holding it back this whole time?
I received my 650's a couple of months ago, but really have only listened to it for about 10 minutes. First impressions was, wow, these are really warm and slightly congested. What happened to the treble sparkle? They were way warmer than I thought they would be (I tend to like a warm and euphoric sound, and always thought the 650s would be up my alley a lot more than the 600s, but this was way too much even for me). But I expect them to open up with some more burn in.
So I'm glad to have all three of them. I hope the 650 will become more transparent and lucid with more time. I think I will like them a lot if that happens!

Nov 7, 2014 at 5:22 PM Post #62 of 207
After your statement on the "the cable made it so much better", your post lost all its credibility. Dungeon and Dragons anyone?

Funny - after that post, you lost any respect I might have for anything you say in the future as well.
I don't personally believe in cables making a difference (other than aesthetics), I don't believe in burn-in, and I don't believe in a lot of the things that are touted as fact here on Head-Fi.
But I also don't post a one-liner to ridicule someone.
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, even if I believe it's placebo related.  If they're making a claim - yeah, debate it.  But K.T. wasn't, he was just relating a personal experience.
The worst thing about your post is that you contributed absolutely nothing to the thread.  Why did you bother?
Nov 7, 2014 at 5:38 PM Post #63 of 207
Funny - after that post, you lost any respect I might have for anything you say in the future as well.

I don't personally believe in cables making a difference (other than aesthetics), I don't believe in burn-in, and I don't believe in a lot of the things that are touted as fact here on Head-Fi.

But I also don't post a one-liner to ridicule someone.

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, even if I believe it's placebo related.  If they're making a claim - yeah, debate it.  But K.T. wasn't, he was just relating a personal experience.

The worst thing about your post is that you contributed absolutely nothing to the thread.  Why did you bother?

Here here...I'm seeing it all to often nowadays here on headfi!

Retskrad, why did you bother?
Nov 7, 2014 at 5:46 PM Post #64 of 207
Well hopefully the cable debate on this thread has been nipped in the bud. Far too many interesting threads get derailed as a result of it.
Anyway, just want to add that I'm loving my HD600s here (ahem, with a rubbish HD25 cable
), tripping out to some Infected Mushroom (no, not literally).  Driven well enough, these things really do have some tidy bass...way better than my HF2s (which are all about the mid-bass).
Nov 7, 2014 at 6:07 PM Post #65 of 207
Well hopefully the cable debate on this thread has been nipped in the bud. Far too many interesting threads get derailed as a result of it.

Anyway, just want to add that I'm loving my HD600s here (ahem, with a rubbish HD25 cable :wink: ), tripping out to some Infected Mushroom (no, not literally).  Driven well enough, these things really do have some tidy bass...way better than my HF2s (which are all about the mid-bass).

Personally, I love the bass section of the hd600. Love me some infested mushroom too.

Pedalhead, have you heard any glitch mob? Highly recommended!

Brooko, what's your take on the bass section of both hd600/650 post-review?
Nov 7, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #66 of 207
Actually pretty close.
HD650 sounds bassier, but not sure how much of that is due to the more relaxed treble, or how much is due to actually having more bass.  The 650 is definitely warmer - but when you get them side by side (at least the modern versions), they're not as dis-similar as I once thought.
For electronic though, I'd take neither - for me T1 all the way 

Nov 7, 2014 at 6:18 PM Post #67 of 207
Personally, I love the bass section of the hd600. Love me some infested mushroom too.

Pedalhead, have you heard any glitch mob? Highly recommended!

Brooko, what's your take on the bass section of both hd600/650 post-review?

Funny you should mention the Glitch Mob...I discovered them the other day & bought "Love Death Immortality".  Great stuff, albeit an horrifically compressed mastering job! 

Nov 7, 2014 at 6:19 PM Post #68 of 207
Yeah, you don't know a thing about me, but based on one point that you don't agree with, I have no credibility with you. On top of that, you add a note of derision and ridicule.
I will leave it at that. You treat people how you want, and take the good and bad from that approach.
I have listened to these headphones for almost 15 years and have been bothered by the same characteristic I described for those 15 years. Then I swap the cable and I have enjoyed them much more since then, and what has changed has remained consistent and constant since the swap.
Placebo effect? After listening to and knowing the sound of a headphone for 15 years, believe me, If I just wanted to make up my mind to like it, I would have done it a long time ago.
My take is that everyone does what they like to get enjoyment and satisfaction from this pursuit. My approach is that we support others in their quest for this satisfaction, even if some approaches may not have borne fruit for us, personally.
Cutting down others because their approach does not agree with yours... well, there are those in this world who build up their community; there are others that tear it down.
Guess where your comment puts you?
I've always believed that this forum thrives on experimentation, sharing, and respectful discussion, not judgement, ridicule, and recrimination. I have conducted myself that way here and expect others to do so as well.
Do you see it differently? Please explain. You owe that to this community.
Nov 7, 2014 at 6:30 PM Post #69 of 207
Funny you should mention the Glitch Mob...I discovered them the other day & bought "Love Death Immortality".  Great stuff, albeit an horrifically compressed mastering job! :basshead:

I love the new album but I have a crush on their later album " drink the sea". Gets me buzzing every time!

Thanks brooko, I love how my hd600 perform most genres of music so well. Even with edm/electronica, I love how the senn's present the music.

Kt, thank you sir. I will be looking in to new cables in the future. Kind regards.
Nov 7, 2014 at 7:29 PM Post #71 of 207
Kt, thank you sir. I will be looking in to new cables in the future. Kind regards.

Just keep an open mind, and don't go into it with expectations.  I've personally never noticed a sonic difference - just aesthetics.
Nov 7, 2014 at 8:00 PM Post #72 of 207
I love the new album but I have a crush on their later album " drink the sea". Gets me buzzing every time!

Thanks brooko, I love how my hd600 perform most genres of music so well. Even with edm/electronica, I love how the senn's present the music.

Kt, thank you sir. I will be looking in to new cables in the future. Kind regards.

Cheers, streaming "Drink the Sea" on Tidal right now.  First few tracks suggest it's a bit more laid back than the new one...sounds good so far.  I agree..electronic music is very involving through the HD600s.
Nov 7, 2014 at 8:27 PM Post #73 of 207
Yes, let's get this thread back on track.
Point is, only you hear what you hear with your own ears. Only I hear what I hear with my own ears.
There is no right or wrong. Just everyone's individual perception and experience. It's a very personal and subjective thing, and you cannot tell me what I do or do not perceive, and neither can I to you.
When you say you don't hear a difference in cables, I don't argue with you. Because....wait for DON"T hear a difference in cables. That's real. I don't, can't, and won't argue against that. If you don't hear it, it doesn't exist for you. Absolutely. That is reality. I am happy for you since you are enjoying this hobby and enjoying your music. I don't get self-righteous because who am I to tell you what you are hearing with your own ears? No one.
If someone does report a difference, why does everyone jump down his throat? He hears a difference, and that is real, too. Whatever the mechanism. If you don't happen to agree with him, who cares? No one is superior one way or the other, and there is no "right" perception. You should be happy for him since he is enjoying this hobby and his music.
Either way, it's no skin off of anyone's nose until people start getting disrespectful based on belief that their experience is right, and that everyone else is wrong, and a lesser person for it. When you start deriding other people for what they are hearing with their own ears, you are way off base.
So let's stop doing that and recognize that people hear (and taste, incidentally) things in different ways. And let's be respectful of that. No one suffers one way or another. Let's work for achieving musical enjoyment, whatever that might look like.
So let's get back to discussing these two great headphones. 
Nov 7, 2014 at 8:40 PM Post #74 of 207
Agree.  Cable debates lead to thread locks, and I'd prefer if mine wasn't 

Nov 7, 2014 at 9:51 PM Post #75 of 207
Third day with both the HD600 and HD650 without listening to either the HD800 nor the K812, and personal conclusion begin to form up. One of the conclusion I formed, is both of these cans are very similar, TOO similar, way more similar than I imagined from the last time I auditioned both with the Magni.
It does seem that the HD600 is way easier to get good sound of from an amp, cause as I had posted before the HD600 sounds good from any amp I've tried it with, while the HD650 is pickier regarding amp (sounded absolutely veiled with the Magni). With the XLR-out (thanks, Paul!) of the HDVA600, they both became more similar than different. I'm going to post which cans I prefer for a certain song when I'm ready to.

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