Comparison: Gilmore V2-SE, Headroom Max and Others
May 8, 2003 at 12:51 PM Post #16 of 44
I don't think any amp is going to really change the personality of the senn hd600's. I think the better the amp you get the better the senn's will sound, but they are allways the same headphones. If you want a change, get new headphones. If you really like your hd600/cardas sound almost any amp will probably make them better at what they already do. If you switch headphones think "CD-3000".
May 8, 2003 at 4:01 PM Post #17 of 44

Gilmore V2
HeadRoom Max
Ray Samuels Emmeline HR-2
Wheatfield HA-1
ASL MG-Head OTL 32
EarMax Pro

I'm really looking for a muscle amp to power my cans and one that can bring the sound "up close" and reduce the laid-back-ness of the Senns. I'm under the impression that tubes do this better than solid state but I'm not sure.

I doubt you will find anyone here who has heard all of these *in depth* and can comment as a whole. I've owned the Headroom gear, the Emmeline HR-2, and the EMP (heard the Wheatfield once). Given that you are using HD600 and want to wake them up and an up front sound, for you that *probably* leaves out all the tube gear-- MG Head, EMP, Wheatfield.

That leaves the ss amps. Can't speak to the Gilmore except to say that on the inside to me it looks like what it is-- a DIY project (no doubt lovingly carefully assembled) created by a small one-man operation whose track record is only just being established. Maybe that matters to you maybe not. Everyone seems to agree that Kevin Gilmore's design on which the antness Gilmore's are based is a fine one of course. Not disparaging these amps I haven't heard one, merely reporting what this observer sees when he looks at the guts of an antness Gilmore. You may see something else.

That leaves the Emmeline and the Headroom Max. Both are well-made and clean on the inside and made by more established outfits. IMO, at $875, the HR-2 is an absolute steal compared to the more expensive Max. At the recent Chicago meet they had an HR-2 and compared it to the headroom MOH with Reference module (essentially a Max), and show scuttlebut seems to have been a near universal preference for the HR-2. Read my review of the Emmeline, and I think you will agree it's EXACTLY what you seem to be looking for.

May 8, 2003 at 5:03 PM Post #18 of 44
Steele, I thought the hd600 w/ equinox cable and the foam covering the drivers removed had a more upfront sound then the hd600 w/ cardas cable. So perhaps removing the foam will help you achieve the sound you are looking for. As for the amps, I can't help you there heh.

Markl, I don't see how headamp is less established then Ray Samuels company. Antness has been in business since around September and has sold like 100 amps. Also the v2 gilmore looks very professional to me. I know you like to push the products that you buy but demeaning the products you didn't buy does not help.

May 8, 2003 at 5:19 PM Post #19 of 44

I know you like to push the products that you buy but demeaning the products you didn't buy does not help.

Yeah, me and the 5000 other members here.
isn't that basically how it works here?
We were asked for our opinions and to make a recomendation. I did. Anyone else is free to make a different recomendation.

You do have a good point about the HR-2 itself which is a brand new product not as established as the Gilmores which are far more numerous on this site. I concede that point.

Before anyone else gets too upset by my above statement re: the Gilmore amps, I'd like to clarify and elaborate.

From my uneducated perspective, I merely pointed out what I see when I compare the guts of the Gilmore with the Emmeline and the Headroom gear.

These amps are being sold by and large to regular folks like me who will base their decisions on the only information they have which is:

1. Subjective reviews/opinions of Members
2. Price
3. Looks/Apparent Build Quality

Most people have only a minimal knowledge of circuit designs so looking at it won't tell them anything, but they can visually compare the construction on the inside of the amps. Like it or not, looks matter, and cleanliness of build does instill in the user a sense of quality. At least it does to this particular observer. I also concede that what looks like "good build quality" will also vary from person to person.

Again, as I clearly stated in the thread, I have not heard the Gilmore amp and haven't commented on its sound.

However, if I as a layman compare the guts of the Gilmore to the guts of the HR-2 or Headroom Max, to this uneducated eye, the gilmore looks more home-made. That is what I am saying, and that's really all I'm saying. When I as a buyer compare those three amps, that's what I think of.

May 8, 2003 at 5:30 PM Post #20 of 44

To date I haven't posted any pictures of the internals of the Gilmore V2. Also, you have to realize when a manufacturer takes those photos, they spend an abnormal amount of time perfecting a single unit - making sure every resistor is bent at a perfect 90 degrees, carefully organizing every piece of hookup wire, putting heatshrink tubing over every connection - and that's all before the photographer arrives. I'm sure it does improve the image of a product, but I haven't gotten the chance to take any professional photos just yet.

May 8, 2003 at 5:38 PM Post #21 of 44

Originally posted by SteeleBlayde
I'm really looking for a muscle amp to power my cans and one that can bring the sound "up close" and reduce the laid-back-ness of the Senns. I'm under the impression that tubes do this better than solid state but I'm not sure.


I've only heard some of these amps. A serious "muscle" amp for the HD-600 that shouldn't be overlooked is the AudioValve RKV. The Impedanzer isn't needed for the HD-600, and this is amp is one of the most powerful tube amps around, with fantastic bass.

If you're up for a gamble, you could try the HAP-03 from Radii Audio in China. It can take awhile to get them, though, as there isn't a US distributor and initial quality wasn't the best (although early issues may have been repaired). Still, a great amp for the HD-600. In a direct comparison with the Earmax Pro, another Head-Fi'er and myself preferred the HAP-03 with high impedance headphones.

If you can find a used Melos SHA-1, SHA-Gold, or Maestro, any of those are excellent amplifiers for the Sennheiser.

The Singlepower Audio Supra is very neutral, and brings more detail to the table than either of the amps above, but I'd characterize it as more of a "finesse" than a "muscle" amp. Highs and detailing are among the best that you'll find. An amp that I haven't heard is its baby brother, the MPX3, although Tuberoller has written about it. The higher plate voltage of the smaller amp may actually give it more punch than its bigger sibling.

The Gilmore v1 (I haven't heard v2 yet) is a very powerful amp with the HD-600, as is the Headroom Max. Of the solid state amps I've heard with the HD-600, these are the ones I've liked best.

I've heard very good things about the Emmiline HR-2, and hope to hear one very soon.
May 8, 2003 at 5:40 PM Post #22 of 44

Originally posted by markl
However, if I as a layman compare the guts of the Gilmore to the guts of the HR-2 or Headroom Max, to this uneducated eye, the gilmore looks more home-made. That is what I am saying, and that's really all I'm saying. When I as a buyer compare those three amps, that's what I think of.

i have trouble reading stuff like this without it going unhinged, especially by people who enjoy badmouthing stuff by good manufacturers they've never heard.

Headroom does $2million dollars in business a year. Emmeline has been around for a while and not only makes headphone amps, but has been established in making pre and phono amps for years (as far as i understand). antness is a good kid trying to make it in the world using a design made by one of the best engineers in headphone audio (not saying there's a huge amount of them, but it's obvious gilmore is a genius and has no compromises in his designs).

this much knowledge is easily known by any of head-fi's members. which of these companies is selling the most amps to head-fiers right now? antness. which of these companies has the best (by far) price/performance ratio right now? antness.

headamp is a small one-man operation, and this allows antness to keep it simple and keep support good. all of his amps are hand soldering by him, he does not have any of the gigantic multi-thousand dollar soldering ovens that i'm sure ray samuels and i know headroom have. this again, allows antness to keep prices down while keeping performance up.

so now you're going to judge an amp by a customer's pictures of one amp's prototype model? it amazes me how easily slanderous ******** is taken on these boards. head-fiers *obviously* want good audio and the cheapest way to get to it, and now they complain about a good and low-priced amp that the industry has been screaming for for years?

i'm not buying an antness amp, i'm saving up for a denon since their marketing says they have the best amp ever.
May 8, 2003 at 5:51 PM Post #23 of 44
I thought handmade was a warranty of quality coming from a good handworker...

PS : speaking of radii, Wayne from Bolder Cable is already distributor of the power amps and is evaluating the possibility to sell the headamps
May 8, 2003 at 6:00 PM Post #24 of 44
Oy, now the original poster's thread has been derailed again, sorry.

As usual you need to chill. Is it "slanderous ********" to call the Berning MicroZOTL what it is-- an ugly looking soviet era toaster oven?

Is it slanderous to say that the *casework* on the Emmeline HR-2 looks like a DIY project in pictures as I did in my review of the HR-2?

These are simply observations made visually, and opinions held by the observer. I do not "have it in for" antness or his amps, I stated over and over that I haven't heard one. I merely posted my *opinion* (repeatedly clearly stated as my personal opinion as a layman) of the appearance of the guts of the V2 Max posted by SIE based on what I saw with my eyes processed by my brain as it compared to my sample of the Emmeline HR-2 which I opened up and saw for myself (it looks as clean as the one in the pictures on Ray's site).

I don't think I said anything outrageous, but in retrospect, I see I should have said nothing re: Gilmores. The comment is arguably irrelevant to the question asked at the start of the thread, and has achieved nothing except to derail the thread. I will remind myself that just because I have an opinion on something doesn't mean I should always express it.

May 8, 2003 at 6:03 PM Post #25 of 44
What I'm really looking for is a comparison between the tube amps and then a comparison of the solid states. And then a comparison of the remaining best two.

And I'm preferably looking for something that can also handle AKG K1000s. (I plan to get these babies one day, before I lose my hearing from olfactory indulgence. )
I'm under the impression that all the amps I listed can handle them.
May 8, 2003 at 6:07 PM Post #26 of 44

I think a lot of people would be interested in a comparison. The only problem is finding someone willing to put a lot of time into it.

If you're looking for an amp to power AKG K1000s, you'll most likely want to go with a tube amp although some vintage solid state power amplifiers might be a good value. The K1000s seem to be picky about amplifiers as well - two of the most popular choices are the nOrh SE9 or a restored Fisher 400. Other than the AudioValve RKV MKII, I can't think of much else in your price range known to work great with the AKGs as well as Senns.

May 8, 2003 at 6:15 PM Post #29 of 44
OTL32 has provisions for direct XLR connection to the K-1000. ASL's integrated that you've added has speaker posts, naturally, and I'm fairly certain that one or two posters here own both it and the headphone.

May 8, 2003 at 6:37 PM Post #30 of 44
We were talking about the guts of the amps, I remember Ray opening up the Emmeline at the Chi-town meet. He said all of the material, chip and circuts were military grade or something to that effect. The implication is that all of the stuff inside is the best of the best. Can anyone else who was there comment on that please? All I know, is that this amp sure does sound good, better than anything else I have owned.

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