College Football
Oct 28, 2007 at 2:26 PM Post #361 of 628
Right now, it appears these teams have a serious chance to get to the BCS Championship Game if they keep winning:

Ohio State
Arizona State (if they beat Oregon)
Oregon (if they beat Arizona State)
Boston College, if they get lucky with the pollsters

LSU vs Ohio State would be a great game, though I'm not sure if the folks in New Orleans wants them because the LSU campus is under two hours' drive from New Orleans, which might hurt tourism revenue.
Oct 28, 2007 at 2:36 PM Post #362 of 628
I personally agree that tOSU is the best team in the country right now. Fortunately, they still have many weeks left to prove it. I still believe they will end up playing BC in the title game, and that they will win. And LSU and Oklahoma will have nothing to cry about if this occurs - they lost games.

And while this really hasn't played out yet since the BCS started, the uglier scenario is this one - what if tOSU, BC, and ASU all win out? I really think Kansas will lose. But the Big Ten and Pac Ten don't have conference title games, and the ACC is not a very tough conference this year. So I think we could end up with all three undefeated.

Then what?
Oct 28, 2007 at 3:45 PM Post #363 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The whole time leading up to the Penn State game all you heard was that OSU hasn't played anybody and that Penn State is their first true test. They smoke Penn State @ Beaver Stadium and now I'm hearing,

I never said Penn State was a true test. But you do have a very good point. I definitely see your side. How tOSU dominated Purdue and State on the road is incredibly impressive. The Buckeyes are making me more of a believer every week. Anway, why didn't you say anything when I ranked the Bucks no. 1 last week?

Bootch, you can dish it (all the jabs at Michigan earlier in this thread), but you have to be able to take it too.


Originally Posted by Skylab
And LSU and Oklahoma will have nothing to cry about if this occurs - they lost games.

I agree. But as a Sooner fan, I'm allowed to hope for it right? You would do the same. There's no crying here, just callin' 'em as I see 'em, like you do.


And while this really hasn't played out yet since the BCS started

Sure it has, in 04 USC, OU, and Auburn all finished without a loss. Despite playing a CCG, Auburn was left out. The key was USC and OU were no. 1 and no. 2 in the polls.

USC gave the Sooners an epic thrashing and was voted a unanimous no. 1. Auburn spanked Virginia Tech in the Sugar Bowl impressively and held a parade declaring themselves national champs, despite no official recognition.

However, you're right. All the other times, the BCS has shaken out. Considering the remaining schedules of the lossless teams, it would really surprise me if we end up with more than two undefeated schools. In your scenario, my bet would be on tOSU and ASU. Then again, BC has the East coast media behind it...
Oct 28, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #364 of 628

Originally Posted by Arainach /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Their defense is rock solid, but their offense has major issues. Giving up 2 turnovers (and almost 3 if Davis had been smart enough to fall on the ball instead of trying to pick it up) to Michigan State in the course of 4 minutes? Absolutely unacceptable and not at all a part of the "best team in the nation".

The offense definitely has a problem, and that is no one has been able to stop it thus far. Mistakes happen. No team is perfect. Even the really good ones. That said, you're seriously going to knock the offense and say it has serious problems because of one game in which they made uncharacteristic mistakes (which they haven't done before or since)? That's ridiculous. If they were consistently turning the ball over like that in every game, then that is a huge problem. But c'mon. You're basing your opinion of the offense off of one game?
Oct 28, 2007 at 4:01 PM Post #365 of 628

Originally Posted by virometal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I never said Penn State was a true test. But you do have a very good point. I definitely see your side. How tOSU dominated Purdue and State on the road is incredibly impressive. The Buckeyes are making me more of a believer every week. Anway, why didn't you say anything when I ranked the Bucks no. 1 last week?

Bootch, you can dish it (all the jabs at Michigan earlier in this thread), but you have to be able to take it too.

It's not necessarily what you stated, but rather the general opinion in the country. I knew it was going to shake out this way. Everyone said OSU was untested and that the Penn State game would show how good they really are. I knew that if OSU blew them out the entire world would say that Penn State wasn't as good as everyone thought. But if it was a close game, everyone would be saying that OSU is good, but not as good as the record would seem to indicate. What bothers me is that no one seems want to admit that OSU really is that good. It reminds me of 2002. No one seemed to think OSU had a shot. Well, winning the national championship seemed to shut everybody up. This year's team has a defense that's just as good, if not better, and one thing the 2002 team offense. A very good offense. Seeing your statement about Penn State not being that good and not being a real test really set me off. It seems like everyone is coming up with every excuse they can think of as to why Ohio State is a weak number 1, and as the weeks go by, the excuses get stupider and stupider and harder to justify, at least in my opinion.
Oct 28, 2007 at 4:49 PM Post #366 of 628

Originally Posted by virometal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree. But as a Sooner fan, I'm allowed to hope for it right? You would do the same. There's no crying here, just callin' 'em as I see 'em, like you do.

ABSOLUTELY you are, and you should. I hope I didn't give you the impression otherwise. And it's certainly possible to get an LSU - Oklahoma title game at this point. OSU has to play Michigan, ASU > Oregon, and KU has several real stumbling blocks, including probably your own Sooners in the B12 title game.


Originally Posted by virometal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sure it has, in 04 USC, OU, and Auburn all finished without a loss. Despite playing a CCG, Auburn was left out. The key was USC and OU were no. 1 and no. 2 in the polls.

USC gave the Sooners an epic thrashing and was voted a unanimous no. 1. Auburn spanked Virginia Tech in the Sugar Bowl impressively and held a parade declaring themselves national champs, despite no official recognition.

However, you're right. All the other times, the BCS has shaken out. Considering the remaining schedules of the lossless teams, it would really surprise me if we end up with more than two undefeated schools. In your scenario, my bet would be on tOSU and ASU. Then again, BC has the East coast media behind it...

How right you are. I forgot about that. I guess if you get into the title game these days, you win and it's yours, even if another team has a claim.
Oct 28, 2007 at 7:13 PM Post #368 of 628

Originally Posted by Jigglybootch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seeing your statement about Penn State not being that good and not being a real test really set me off.

I alluded to the fact (pretty safe bet it's a fact) that Penn State isn't an elite team. I never said they weren't any good, and I praised tOSU:

However, they're clinical and heady. Words cannot describe how impressed I was with the way they handled Happy Valley and the Joe Pa's

The whole season is the test, Ohio State has passed with flying colors. Here's an A with a smiley face. ASU, BC, and KU have passed so far as well. They just don't have the same tradition or ingrained poll love.

In defense of my rankings, I would pick the Buckeyes over the Sun Devils if they played tomorrow. Yet, when comparing results, it's almost a toss up. Neither has played an elite team (top ten BCS by my definition). Cal beat Oregon at home, so I nudged ASU for their win. None of tOSU's opponents have a quality win over an elite team. I try be objective and rank by results the best I can, not by name or prejudice. ASU could very very easily lose at Oregon next week. tOSU is my easy 1 then. On the other hand, if ASU continues to win, I don't see how the Bucks can pass them unless the Sun Devils luck out somewhere, and the Senator's boys continue to paste people.

Hawaii is seriously messing with my philosophy. Geesh, that schedule though....



Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I guess if you get into the title game these days, you win and it's yours, even if another team has a claim.

So, are you for a playoff in this whole deal? I'm torn. On one hand, the current system seems to reward easier schedules. The late great Bear Bryant used to say, "You don't win National championships. You schedule them."

On the other hand, with my homer glasses on, I was rooting for VT, Cal, Penn State, USC.. this past week like a lifelong fan. That part is pretty neat.
Oct 28, 2007 at 8:15 PM Post #369 of 628
I'm also torn on a playoff. Lots of good reasons not to do one, but without one, there is no was to guarantee a uncontested national champion.
Oct 28, 2007 at 8:38 PM Post #370 of 628
Terrible game Thursday night... didn't even want to mention it until now.

Our defense just simply self-destructed in the last 2:11. I've never seen a loss like that before. I knew when there wasn't any score in the first quarter that we had them. We certainly proved ourselves against the odds in the remaining time. I swear, we had that game WON... we just didn't win it. Probably the most disappointing game I'll ever go to in my life, and on a Thursday night nonetheless. My roommate and I (who are both in the band) got back to the dorm and didn't even speak to each other until after our showers... we were that pissed.

Fortunately, the rest of our schedule should be attainable. GA Tech gave us some serious problems last year but they shouldn't be too much of a problem this year given that they aren't doing nearly as well. I'm definitely feeling the Orange Bowl this year.
Oct 28, 2007 at 10:39 PM Post #371 of 628

Originally Posted by virometal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My football fan side would love to see LSU and Oregon go at it.

I adopted the Ducks earlier in this thread, and this is exactly what I'd love to see. My hopes were also with Cal earlier. I love those spread O's, and I think either would give the LSU a hell of a time, but, still, I'd like to see Dixon get waylaid by Craig Steltz in the big one.
Oct 29, 2007 at 12:43 AM Post #372 of 628
Here's the latest BCS:

1. Ohio State
2. Boston College
3. Louisiana State
4. Arizona State
5. Oregon
6. Oklahoma
7. West Virginia
8. Kansas
9. Missouri
10. Georgia

The computer ranking average are always my favorite part: (corresponding rank in latest Coaches,Harris)

1. BC (2,2)
t2 ASU (6,6)
t2 tOSU (1,1)
4. LSU (3,3)
5. KU (8,8)
6. UO (4,5)
7. UGA (10,12)
8. WVU (7,6)
9. OU (5,4)
10. VT (13,14)

How about two loss Georgia with a very healthy #7 from the chips? The chips love the SEC. The humans love the SEC. Everybody loves the SEC. *bleh*

For you conference bangers, here's the conference representatives in the BCS top 50.

Acc = 7 out of 12: #2, 11, 23, 24, 25, 34, 49
Big 12 = 8 out of 12: #6, 8, 9, 15, 33, 38, 39, 44, 48
Big East = 5 out of 8: #7, 13, 18, 36, 40
Big Ten = 6 out of 11: #1, 12, 21, 29, 31, 32
Pac Ten = 6 out of 10: #4, 5, 19, 30, 37, 41
SEC = 11 out of 12: #3, 10, 16, 17, 20, 26, 27, 28, 42, 46, 50

Ranking by percent of conference in BCS top 50

1. SEC: 92%
2. Big 12: 75%
3. Big East: 63%
4. Pac Ten: 60%
5. Acc: 58%
6. Big Ten: 55%

Most computer rankings that compare conferences have drawn the same conclusion as my elementary math. The SEC is the top conference in all the computer polls I've looked at that. The Big 12 is usually 3 or 4. Same with Big East. The Pac Ten is second in most I've seen.

Sorry for the long posts. I get chatty when it comes to football. I'll try to resist the reply button for a while. At least until the brimstone Aggie rolls through.
Oct 29, 2007 at 2:15 PM Post #373 of 628
Adding my own sick twist to viro's BCS thread, here are the Big 12 BCS standings:

6. Oklahoma
8. Kansas
9. Missouri
15. Texas
33. Kansas State
38. Oklahoma State
39. Texas Tech
44. Colorado
48. Texas A&M

The only teams ranked below A&M are Nebraska (4-5, 1-4), Baylor (3-6, 0-5), and Iowa State (1-8, 0-5). Other teams that are ranked ahead of A&M include football powerhouses Vanderbilt, Houston, Troy, and Air Force.

We are not paying Franchionne the big money to have the 9th-best team in the Big 12!

A&M runs the triple option (or veer) much of the time. Kansas over-pursued the option this week (doing it very well I might add) which took away both the QB run (they watched the Nebraska film) and the outside pitch around the corner. HELLO FRAN... it's a TRIPLE option!
The defense over-pursues and you counter that by handing off (first option) to the back up the empty middle of the line. Yet, Javorskie Lane gets SEVEN carries???? That's just bad coaching. Did we make the adjustments at halftime of a 0-0 game? Nope, but they did. We were stopping their passing game cold by playing our linebackers deep so they started running up the middle for huge yardage the whole second half. Our punter was the player of the game for us until he shanked a punt that turned into their first touchdown. Bleh.

Our team has the talent to be a Top 25 team... I hope Tommy Tuberville or Rich Rodriguez can get us there next year.

I thought Kansas played a very strong game against us Saturday. They are a good team, and that matchup with Missouri will be very entertaining. It will decide who plays Oklahoma for one BCS bowl spot. Could the Big 12 get 2 BCS spots (loser of the Big 12 championship game goes also)? Maybe so if it is Kansas with that game being their only loss. Their other three games left (besides Missouri) are Nebraska, @Oklahoma State, and Iowa State.

I am still not convinced about Arizona State... let's see them beat Oregon this week. I think the winner of that game is good contender for the title game. It will be interesting to see what happens if BC wins out and Ohio State does not. Can they get enough poll love to overcome the one-loss teams and be #1 over an undefeated ASU? Lots of scenarios still to play out...
Oct 29, 2007 at 2:50 PM Post #374 of 628
Am now very much looking forward to "Arizona State vs. Oregon". Can hardly wait.

The one thing I noticed about ASU this weekend, is they are awfully slow to get started. But I guess it's better to start slow and finish strong, rather than the other way around.

- augustwest
Oct 29, 2007 at 6:15 PM Post #375 of 628
I think the feel good ASU story is due for a dark chapter Saturday. Ducks (-7) right now. Thinkin' give those points and head for the bank. A Sun Devil win would paint me pink. Maybe floyd or sumbody could break down the match-up for us middle country folks?

Prop bombs for Jersey Hokie and Brimstone Aggie. Love the inside takes.

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