Colbert's White House Correspondence Monologue
May 22, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #16 of 37
if they wanted a birthday party clown, they should've hired a birthday party clown.
May 22, 2006 at 4:11 PM Post #18 of 37
Colbert gets lots of respect for his act, it's why they gave him his own show.
Like any edgy comedian, sometimes he pushes inane or silly, but for his times when he is funny, he is abolutely brilliant.

THe people here getting all uppity should know he does a show everyday, has to have fresh new material all the time, and generally does a great job at it. Being able to extemperanously bust out humor is a skill he has, and he does it well.. If you think just one or two luke warm jokes makes him a clown, or an idiot, then you aren't really giving him a chance.
May 22, 2006 at 4:21 PM Post #19 of 37

Originally Posted by ken36
We must respect the Presidency itself, if not the man. We are Americans. Let's start acting like Americans. (not meant for our friends from other lands)

May 22, 2006 at 7:10 PM Post #21 of 37

We must respect the Presidency itself, if not the man. We are Americans. Let's start acting like Americans. (not meant for our friends from other lands)

LOL indeed.


Let's start acting like Americans.

Alright. Wahhhhh, gas prices.
May 22, 2006 at 7:58 PM Post #23 of 37
i've seen the videos from other correspondence dinners before... the comedian is invited to roast the president. Colbert did it rather okay, but his style is a bit biting in comparison to say...jay leno; which is smart, but won't get the target seriously inslulted.
Also note that the reporters are known for being respectful, and sometimes not; Helen Thomas's video was, in part, taken from a White House Press conference with the president.
Also, take into account that the president has been roasting himself for a while... his own routine was rather funny, and at press conferences he's been taking shots at himself and at the media.

If someone wants to play it up and say that this is something that Bush has never heard before and that it needed to be done that's their view; but the and his staff president do know what people think... the reason why the mainstream media ignored the comic routine at first was that, in comparison, it simply wasn't that funny.
May 22, 2006 at 8:32 PM Post #24 of 37

Originally Posted by CookieFactory

The mainstream media has pretty much squashed this, but for those of you who haven't seen it, it's brilliant.

I'm looking for it on P2P since all that link brings up is a huge square with "Click here to download plugin".

I am downloading it more for curiousity's sake than anything else. I find that "The Colbert Report" is generally pretty boring, juvenile, and not funny. Jon Stewart absolutely clobbers Stephen Colbert in the humour department.
May 22, 2006 at 9:39 PM Post #26 of 37

Originally Posted by smeggy
The only roasting I'd be interested in seeing would involve hot coals and open flame.

I'll bring the matches if you get the wood
May 22, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #28 of 37
We don't do political discussion here. I see no harm in what's going on right now, but if anyone decides to go China Syndrome we'll have to shut the thread down.
May 22, 2006 at 11:16 PM Post #29 of 37

Originally Posted by Mr.PD
That was cute. Although I didn't care much for the clip he played.
Did anyone else watch the President impersonation? That one was funny too.

Nooo, Colbert was much more teh funnay. That guy couldn't impersonate Bush out of a paper bag. Ever seen a British show called Dead Ringers? Now THAT guy does the best Dubya I've ever seen. That American impersonator OTOH was was just lame. Get John Culshaw any day over that loser.

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