Closed full size / $100-200 for mids/highs
Aug 29, 2012 at 8:00 PM Post #16 of 21
shure 440 is quite balanced, i like it better than the 840 n 940..:p
the other closed can that i like without an amp is the akg271mkii
both the 440 n 271 are inexpensive ...n no slough. 
kns8400 n Hm5 too...all four wont need an amp.
if i were to pick one of the above...i would go with the hm5 for comfort ..isolation.
kns8400 for better portability..
271 is big sounding.. reminds me of the hd600 but in a closed can format. :p
880 is an open can...u going open?? 
Aug 29, 2012 at 8:52 PM Post #17 of 21
What part of the 440s sound do you prefer over the 840?
Aug 30, 2012 at 9:54 PM Post #18 of 21
shure 440 is quite balanced, i like it better than the 840 n 940..:p
the other closed can that i like without an amp is the akg271mkii
both the 440 n 271 are inexpensive ...n no slough. 
kns8400 n Hm5 too...all four wont need an amp.
if i were to pick one of the above...i would go with the hm5 for comfort ..isolation.
kns8400 for better portability..
271 is big sounding.. reminds me of the hd600 but in a closed can format. :p

At first I thought closed was better for the sound quality I was after but not so sure now. I wouldn't mind spending a bit more, like $240 on the Beyer DT880, but then I'd have to spend even more and get an amp for those, no? If I could get away with something very similar for less and without an amp, that would be good. I guess I don't understand at what price point do diminishing returns start to kick in. is the $250-300 range only 20% better than say the $150-200 cans? Or is it 60% better? I don't need to pay double for marginal differences. It's tough not being able to listen to any of these before buying.
that helped me a bit, but not sure where diminishing returns kick in like mentioned earlier.

If I got the DT880 and a fiio E10 for ~$300 how would that compare to the $150ish ones you guys are recommending here?  Would it be a massive difference?  Or would I be less likely to notice unless directly comparing them?
Sep 1, 2012 at 1:23 AM Post #19 of 21
shure 440 is quite balanced, i like it better than the 840 n 940..:p
the other closed can that i like without an amp is the akg271mkii
both the 440 n 271 are inexpensive ...n no slough. 
kns8400 n Hm5 too...all four wont need an amp.
if i were to pick one of the above...i would go with the hm5 for comfort ..isolation.
kns8400 for better portability..
271 is big sounding.. reminds me of the hd600 but in a closed can format. :p
880 is an open can...u going open?? 

I don't know how K271's sound, but if its anything like my K172's they are really clear and easy sounding. Super light on bass too.
Actually, if the OP is looking for something with soft background bass I wpuld suggest either K172's and K271
Sep 1, 2012 at 5:35 AM Post #20 of 21
You should be able to get the AKG K550 for around this price and it is better than any of the headphones mentioned in this thread so far. In fact, its the best closed can below the 'summit' category, so I am sure you would like it. Very comfortable and great neutral, spacious sound.
Sep 1, 2012 at 7:22 AM Post #21 of 21
Less is more 00birdy - don't let head-fi pull it's old trick of convincing you that you need to spend double (or triple if you only wanted to spend $100) your budget. The Dt880 is an open, not very isolating can that would not at all fit your thread's stated specifications of $100-200 closed headphone. It will require an decent amp (assuming 250 ohm) which can be expensive.
Assuming you were firm with your initial budget, then the AKG 550 is also well out of your budget at ~$280. I've heard great things about it (assuming it fits your head well and you get a good seal it is supposedly very isolating and enjoyable... except for some slight build issues, and not having a removable cord like much cheaper AKG staples such as the K-240).
The KRK KNS 8400 is a very solid choice I think for ~$115. These are more geared toward studio monitoring, so keep in mind the frequency response will be very flat, and if you aren't used to that it may sound hollow, and not particularly fun. The in-line volume control is not my cup of tea - but to each his own. Still they are widely regarded as fantastic cans, and I don't think it would be necessary to double or triple your budget. Diminishing returns are very real and you will not get anywhere near twice the sound quality with the AKG 550. Unless you have much better ears than I, superb music quality (all lossless), and possibly a high quality amp, the sound differential in my experience between 150 and 300 dollars is like 20-30% maybe. Most of that increased cost seams to be reflected in build quality and comfort, which I think are often worth paying for if you have the cash to spare... but there are very well built and very comfortable cans in the 100-200 range as well.
My recommendation would be the Brainwavz HM5 or its counterparts (if you can find them, the Fischer FA-003, Jaycars, Lindy's etc). Assuming you aren't in urgent need of cans, you can preorder them for $100 now, available in late september early october, which I think is awesome considering they were ~140 on amazon for a while. Very neutral like the KRK KNS 8400, but I would argue they have superior build quality and comfort. They are on the large and heavy side at 280( /w out cord) grams so they are definitely stay at home cans, unlike the KRK's which are much lighter at 230 grams ( /w out cord) and smaller ear cups, and a generally more portable feel than the huge HM5. That being said, the HM5 isolate very well, and leak VERY little sound. See:  demonstration lack of sound leakage. Very flat response, and crisp mids, and supposedly good soundstage and "open" feeling for a closed can. Check out much better reviews at
Just my .02

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