Headphoneus Supremus
+6dB is a pretty significant boost, and I can't even conceive of a +15 boost. If cans are that far off from your target curve, it would probably be best to get ones that are closer to start with.
Hmmm wow. Didn't know all that.
So far, I've gone through 2 of 4 trials b/t the K702 and the Ella (each about an hour long). Def hearing some pros & cons from both. The 1st trial fared better for the Ella, while the 2nd was better for the K702. This isn't going to be easy. lol
Doublepost. That just how strong planars/electrostatic's are, This In the sub bass area there a reason why there nicknamed as subwoofers on your head. It can really make Electronic & pipe organ music also movies shine. The Stax L300ltd is very well known for being able to do +30db under 50Hz.+6dB is a pretty significant boost, and I can't even conceive of a +15 boost. If cans are that far off from your target curve, it would probably be best to get ones that are closer to start with.
So it sounds like you're a really big fan of open-back planars then?Doublepost. That just how strong planars/electrostatic's are, This In the sub bass area there a reason why there nicknamed as subwoofers on your head. It can really make Electronic & pipe organ music also movies shine. The Stax L300ltd is very well known for being able to do +30db under 50Hz.
So it sounds like you're a really big fan of open-back planars then?
That just how strong planars/electrostatic's are, This In the sub bass area there a reason why there nicknamed as subwoofers on your head. It can really make Electronic & pipe organ music also movies shine. The Stax L300ltd is very well known for being able to do +30db under 50Hz.
Even the ER4 still sound's top notch despite reaching 1.2% at 1KHz distortion wise on most units.
Yeah I'd always prefer an over-ear over earphones anyday for serious listening. lolI haven't had one since I'm in a house where I need isolation. Just Impressed how mid tier planars like the HE400i can outperform the HD800S/Utopia for under $300. That kinda why I used the ER4 as to why I don't see the point of Planar IEM's since BA drivers already perform the same when pushed, Even the ER4 still sound's top notch despite reaching 1.2% at 1KHz distortion wise on most units.
Good find!I looked up measurements of the response curves of those two headphones and I found this one. There is no reason the left and right cup should be 10dB apart between 2 and 4kHz. That's nuts. The company must have bad quality control to let something like this out. I'm sure that was just a sample variation, and not all of their cans are messed up like this, but it doesn't inspire confidence in me about whether they are a good brand to buy.
I'm not familiar with the site that did these measurements. Could they be the ones with the quality control problem?
Even though I haven't tried them I can easily rate them over the K702 any day. Just like how my ER4S with EQ can outperform my DT 770 pro's on mid/treble clarity and despite being Single BA it is quite great how my much bass quantity they can handle with a deep fit. To me Dynamics are like 1920 x 1200 at 60Hz CRT screens while BA/Planar are 4K/120Hz VA monitors with 5ms response.Yeah I'd always prefer an over-ear over earphones anyday for serious listening. lol
It's funny you bring up the HE400i. I was about to ask you and everyone what they thought of the HE400i, the Sundara, and also the LCD-1 and Audeze EL-8? And also, how they compare to the K702 (if you happen to know)?
By them you mean the HE400i? Please confirm. Thanks!Even though I haven't tried them I can easily rate them over the K702 any day. Just like how my ER4S with EQ can outperform my DT 770 pro's on mid/treble clarity and despite being Single BA it is quite great how my much bass quantity they can handle with a deep fit. To me Dynamics are like 1920 x 1200 at 60Hz CRT screens while BA/Planar are 4K/120Hz VA monitors with 5ms response.
ER4/ER3 = 4K at 120fpsBy them you mean the HE400i? Please confirm. Thanks!
If so, what about the other ones? I'd be most interested in the EL-8 b/c of the price but also the earcup shape being oval. lol I think the LCD-1 is oval too, but seems like the EL-8 is rated better? Also, do the Sundara's earcups look oval to you guys?
Single BA?
That's a pretty sizeable difference!! lol Maybe I should look into one of these Hifiman ones or else the Audeze EL-8?!![]()