Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Sep 25, 2016 at 9:23 PM Post #23,191 of 42,836

Thank YOU! 
just read somewhere is not gonna be a big difference but yeah, at least I try to have a new experience :)
Sep 25, 2016 at 9:28 PM Post #23,192 of 42,836
Thank YOU! 

just read somewhere is not gonna be a big difference but yeah, at least I try to have a new experience :)

You are right it is not a night and day difference, the master is far more important. A tip to listen to on high resolution files is both the transients and the decay of the notes which to my "lead ears" sound more natural on 96/24 than redbook 16/44.1.

You might find this article interesting from Steven Wilson one of my favorite current musician/recording engineers:
Sep 25, 2016 at 10:24 PM Post #23,193 of 42,836
I have to say, had I realised when I bought it that the Mojo would require a separate transport if I didn't want to keep my phone in flight mode, I might have bought a semi-decent DAP instead, anyway (I know that may be heresy). It's not that I'm crazily biased against them- though I do have my reservations about some of the more creatively priced options.


I have been known to take my old simless S3 with me on long (>10km) runs, as an audio source. I leave my phone at home because it's a more modern clownphone and too big/heavy to slip in my little waist pack. Shorter, faster runs tend not to get as boring, so the only electronics used tend to be my GPS watch.

If Sansa Clips weren't actually quite expensive now, doubtless I'd grab one of those instead - but since the old phone is just sitting there, I feel it's silly not to use it.

Yes, I appreciate that's not an example of Mojo+DAP sans phone- but it's effectively an example of being without my phone for an extended period.
Mojo + Dap for transport is not a great idea. 1. Its a thick stack to carry around and 2. Soundwise is not as good compared to Mojo + Phone which 1. This stack is much thinner, 2.sounds better. Another option would be Mojo + Android Dap but wont be as thin as Mojo + phone.
Sep 25, 2016 at 10:55 PM Post #23,194 of 42,836
Mojo + Dap for transport is not a great idea. 1. Its a thick stack to carry around and 2. Soundwise is not as good compared to Mojo + Phone which 1. This stack is much thinner, 2.sounds better. Another option would be Mojo + Android Dap but wont be as thin as Mojo + phone.

X5ii+Mojo sounds just as good as the AK240+Mojo which sounds as good as the iPhone 5S+Mojo to my ears. Personally I absolutely can't stand using my phone with the Mojo. My phone is my phone. My music players are my music players. The two will never do double duty for me.

All personal preference. There is no wrong or right.
Sep 25, 2016 at 10:58 PM Post #23,195 of 42,836
X5ii+Mojo sounds just as good as the AK240+Mojo which sounds as good as the iPhone 5S+Mojo to my ears. Personally I absolutely can't stand using my phone with the Mojo. My phone is my phone. My music players are my music players. The two will never do double duty for me.

All personal preference. There is no wrong or right.
Agreed, in my case I walk with two phones and Mojo instead of one phone, one dap, mojo.
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:06 PM Post #23,196 of 42,836
You are right it is not a night and day difference, the master is far more important. A tip to listen to on high resolution files is both the transients and the decay of the notes which to my "lead ears" sound more natural on 96/24 than redbook 16/44.1.

You might find this article interesting from Steven Wilson one of my favorite current musician/recording engineers:

Agree, i just solved the poblem. 
The setting of sample rate needs to be set in the properties of sound in windows. I set to 96KHz, there's slight difference. More pronounce which more refine. But not a day and night difference!
Still a good experience :) listened to MJ 96KHz such pleasant !
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:14 PM Post #23,197 of 42,836
Mojo + Dap for transport is not a great idea. 1. Its a thick stack to carry around and 2. Soundwise is not as good compared to Mojo + Phone which 1. This stack is much thinner, 2.sounds better. Another option would be Mojo + Android Dap but wont be as thin as Mojo + phone.

X5ii+Mojo sounds just as good as the AK240+Mojo which sounds as good as the iPhone 5S+Mojo to my ears. Personally I absolutely can't stand using my phone with the Mojo. My phone is my phone. My music players are my music players. The two will never do double duty for me.

All personal preference. There is no wrong or right.

X5ii+Mojo sounds just as good as the AK240+Mojo which sounds as good as the iPhone 5S+Mojo to my ears. Personally I absolutely can't stand using my phone with the Mojo. My phone is my phone. My music players are my music players. The two will never do double duty for me.

All personal preference. There is no wrong or right.
Agreed, in my case I walk with two phones and Mojo instead of one phone, one dap, mojo.

How can anything + Mojo sound any different than anything else + Mojo? Mojo is the source in this chain, the other device is simply a digital transport.........

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:16 PM Post #23,198 of 42,836
How can anything + Mojo sound any different than anything else + Mojo? Mojo is the source in this chain, the other device is simply a digital transport.........

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
Try it and let me know what you experienced.
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:20 PM Post #23,199 of 42,836
How can anything + Mojo sound any different than anything else + Mojo? Mojo is the source in this chain, the other device is simply a digital transport.........

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
Try it and let me know what you experienced.

I will tomorrow for the sake of argument...

But you will need to explain your reasoning to me. Unless I apply some EQ on one device not present on the other, then the sound is literally identical. The digital data is the digital data. Period.

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:22 PM Post #23,200 of 42,836
I will tomorrow for the sake of argument...

But you will need to explain your reasoning to me. Unless I apply some EQ on one device not present on the other, then the sound is literally identical. The digital data is the digital data. Period.

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
I am not argueing, I am just stating my experience.
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:25 PM Post #23,201 of 42,836
I will tomorrow for the sake of argument...

But you will need to explain your reasoning to me. Unless I apply some EQ on one device not present on the other, then the sound is literally identical. The digital data is the digital data. Period.

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon
I am not argueing, I am just stating my experience.

I'm not arguing either. I'm stating the fact behind my reasoning and looking for an explanation. Things don't magically happen, there is always a rational explanation. I'm trying to figure out one for why two digital transports would sound different playing through the exact same DAC. Since you have experienced it, I figured you'd have one.

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Sep 25, 2016 at 11:28 PM Post #23,202 of 42,836

Sep 25, 2016 at 11:34 PM Post #23,203 of 42,836
I will tomorrow for the sake of argument...

But you will need to explain your reasoning to me. Unless I apply some EQ on one device not present on the other, then the sound is literally identical. The digital data is the digital data. Period.

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon

I was under the same impression. I had heard reports that, Soundaware M1 Pro had a very clean digital out. I had a chance to review the M1 Pro and I put it to test. M1 Pro -> Mojo vs Fiio X3ii -> Mojo. M1 Pro doesn't have an EQ and I turned the EQ Off on the Fiio. Here's what I wrote a few days back about the comparison after direct A/Bing:
After spending almost 2 weeks with the Soundaware M1 Pro, I can say for certain that, I do hear a difference between Fiio X3ii and M1 Pro, when used as a Digital-Source/Transport for the Mojo, with the advantage going to M1 Pro. Both X3ii and M1 Pro use Coaxial to output the digital signal to Mojo.

What I am hearing is not a difference in tonality but, rather an improvement in overall perceived technical abilities. Mojo + M1 Pro sounds cleaner, with better note articulation. As a result, there is a better sense of transparency and the micro details are much clearer. There is also a slight improvement in imaging and perceived depth in the soundstage/music. The differences are subtle but noticeable.
If I had the luxury to own multiple expensive devices, I probably might buy a M1 Pro, not only because it can be a great transport for the Mojo, but it scores pretty good as a standalone DAP as well. I have not experienced this level of transparency on the Mojo before. Its only a small improvement over the X3ii. But in this hobby aren't we after that little improvements in every affordable way possible?

Sep 25, 2016 at 11:40 PM Post #23,204 of 42,836
I'm not arguing either. I'm stating the fact behind my reasoning and looking for an explanation. Things don't magically happen, there is always a rational explanation. I'm trying to figure out one for why two digital transports would sound different playing through the exact same DAC. Since you have experienced it, I figured you'd have one.

Sent from my E5803 using a highly trained, special forces carrier pigeon

As to your question on "why there is difference?", there could be whole number of reasons that I am not technically sound to answer. But if I have to guess, it could be the material quality in the chain right from the SD Card pins in the device, to the materials on the PCB, to the digital out socket.. I wish I had a definite answer..
Sep 25, 2016 at 11:45 PM Post #23,205 of 42,836
  Agree, i just solved the poblem. 
The setting of sample rate needs to be set in the properties of sound in windows. I set to 96KHz, there's slight difference. More pronounce which more refine. But not a day and night difference!
Still a good experience :) listened to MJ 96KHz such pleasant !

NO! Please do not upsample to 96khz through windows. It has been discussed multiple times on this thread, refer to post #3. 
Feeding Mojo an upsampled signal will mess with Mojo's excellent timing capabilities.

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