Chord Hugo TT High End DAC Amp Impressions Thread
Dec 23, 2015 at 3:10 AM Post #153 of 1,700
Will do. There are two or three setups where the TT will be useful. The first serious listen will probably be using the TT as a replacement for the DAC in an Oppo 105. That will be from 4/1 (or 1/4 USA). I'm looking forward to it, having heard the TT at Canjam London.
Dec 24, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #154 of 1,700
Perhaps the Holidays has me itching for an upgrade, but does anyone have experience coming from the Yulong DA8? Any comparisons or comments would be appreciated!
Dec 25, 2015 at 4:44 PM Post #155 of 1,700
  BTW do I recall you saying The Beatles are among your musical favourites?  I have been searching for a good digital version of Beatles complete, but not found one.  Do you have any recommendations?  Thanks.

This is the best digital versions of The Beatles catalog.  I do not believe they make this an longer, but it's the most impressive set sonically, mastered in 24-bit.
The best overall mastered version of The Beatles is on vinyl.  It's this "blue box" set, which leaves out MMT.  It is long out of print.
Dec 26, 2015 at 9:30 AM Post #156 of 1,700
Yes, I there are some hi-fi products which, almost regardless of a high or low price, just get everything right and are easy to enjoy as a result.  I think the TT is one of those.
BTW do I recall you saying The Beatles are among your musical favourites?  I have been searching for a good digital version of Beatles complete, but not found one.  Do you have any recommendations?  Thanks.

Tidal now has Beatles in Hi-Fi. I did a short listening session on the Hugo TT->power speakers. However, I don't want to make any comments on it, as i'm not the biggest Beatles fan. They are mainly the 2009 and 2015 remasters. I do find remasters to generally be a tad to bright, over the original recordings, for my tastes. The versions on Tidal didn't seem to go that route, but granted I heard them over speakers and for only a short time. Good luck in your search!
Dec 26, 2015 at 8:27 PM Post #157 of 1,700
Does the Hugo TT need to "break-in"?

I finally replaced my trusty iFi micro iDSD with the Hugo TT.  The bass is much better.  It gives a fuller sound.  The depth seems to be improved as well.

But....BUT...the highs are painful.  So shrill.  I'm going to let this run for a bit and see.

IMHO, the Hugo TT is better than the micro iDSD but, so far, it's not commensurate with the price difference.


Have you plugged your headphones directly into the TT?

Use the white USB cable that came in the box to connect TT to your PC. Don't put anything else between them. TT has galvanic isolation on the HD USB input and TT re-clocks. Judging from other threads on Chord equipment, regen between PC and TT will hurt the sound.

Shrill is totally out of character for TT, in my opinion. It's ridiculously refined and natural, with no hint of emphasis on any aspect of music.
Dec 27, 2015 at 11:31 AM Post #158 of 1,700
I have been plowing through the TT reviews in the online publications and there is some talk about it being brighter than the original Hugo. One writer even listed "tonality" as a "con" of the TT vs. the Hugo, and someone said he detected a U-shaped response curve flavor in the TT.
Someone said the the little Hugo actually had a more balanced sound than the TT. I have noticed in other digital equipment (like EMM) that a new version with improved resolution, staging, and texture can be accompanied by more vivid highs and 
digital glare, especially in older poorly mastered recordings. I'm wondering if this could be the same phenomenon. It also could be break-in. My Hugo I feel took a year to really sound fantastic with strong, resolute bass + nice smooth silky calm highs. The Hugo I feel walks the line perfectly, or threads the resolution vs. fatigue needle just right.
I love my Hugo even though I used it fixed on my desktop and never move it.
I have not heard the TT, but have been researching it as a future option.
Dec 27, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #160 of 1,700
I've not heard Hugo and it's extremely unlikely I will.

TT's difference from Hugo, according to reviews (as far as I can tell): more powerful and extended bass, better dynamics, richer tonality.

I've prolly read all the reviews you've read (I remember those critiques you listed) and I just ignored those reviewers as deaf. Life's too short to pay attention to outliers like that.
Dec 27, 2015 at 1:02 PM Post #161 of 1,700
Yep, I need to hear a TT for myself, or better yet save up for a year for a Dave. FWIW, after struggling with all sorts of digital sources going back to 1987, I have to day Rob Watts' digital sound is a super major breakthrough in digital sound quality and the holy grail of having texture/detail without digital shrillness and fatigue. Somehow the Watts/Chord sound has been been real alchemy on standard CD redbook 16/44 digital, spinning straw into gold, a sort of appropriate miracle at this time of year.
Dec 27, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #162 of 1,700
Hogo TT is warmer and darker than Hugo, with much more authority to the instruments.

I can't see how anybody could describe it as brighter against Hugo.


Hi Rob, would be interesting to hear from
you how you compare Hugo and Mojo
as desktop solution only. I love my Hugo but tempted to buy a Mojo to see if better, or if I prefer the difference in sound, or if I should just keep Hugo and save up for the Dave instead whilst enjoying my Hugo... Thanks, Paul
Dec 27, 2015 at 3:11 PM Post #163 of 1,700
I have been plowing through the TT reviews in the online publications and there is some talk about it being brighter than the original Hugo. One writer even listed "tonality" as a "con" of the TT vs. the Hugo, and someone said he detected a U-shaped response curve flavor in the TT.
Someone said the the little Hugo actually had a more balanced sound than the TT. I have noticed in other digital equipment (like EMM) that a new version with improved resolution, staging, and texture can be accompanied by more vivid highs and 
digital glare, especially in older poorly mastered recordings. I'm wondering if this could be the same phenomenon. It also could be break-in. My Hugo I feel took a year to really sound fantastic with strong, resolute bass + nice smooth silky calm highs. The Hugo I feel walks the line perfectly, or threads the resolution vs. fatigue needle just right.
I love my Hugo even though I used it fixed on my desktop and never move it.
I have not heard the TT, but have been researching it as a future option.

TT 100% absolutely not brighter than Hugo. Shame, its better in every other aspect, LOL.
Dec 27, 2015 at 6:26 PM Post #165 of 1,700
BTW can the TT be used on battery only e.g. If you want to listen in a different room in the house some times?


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