Chord Electronics Hugo 2 TT Announced Today!
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May 10, 2018 at 11:39 AM Post #16 of 30
double the taps of ch2
May 10, 2018 at 11:40 AM Post #17 of 30
wow upgrade to super capacitors, output stage too.
May 10, 2018 at 11:41 AM Post #18 of 30
I have posted in another thread but I cannot see any inputs for an MScaler ........

Am I wrong? H2 and Qutest both are MScaler ready. So what does that mean?
May 10, 2018 at 11:41 AM Post #19 of 30
well if you have a good music server it doesn't matter
May 10, 2018 at 12:07 PM Post #22 of 30
That is some serious change $
For that price one should do his due diligence and check out the offerings from the other esteemed UK brands - NAIM and LINN
May 10, 2018 at 12:10 PM Post #23 of 30
I have posted in another thread but I cannot see any inputs for an MScaler ........

Am I wrong? H2 and Qutest both are MScaler ready. So what does that mean?

I responded in the Hugo 2 thread, but I'll make the same statement here as it's a better spot for it ...

Yes, the Hugo 2 TT has dual BNC inputs that support the use of an M-Scaler. It's specifically called out in the press release and the technical presentation.
May 10, 2018 at 12:11 PM Post #24 of 30
I responded in the Hugo 2 thread, but I'll make the same statement here as it's a better spot for it ...

Yes, the Hugo 2 TT has dual BNC inputs that support the use of an M-Scaler. It's specifically called out in the press release and the technical presentation.

Thanks. I looked on the spec on the chord website and that made no mention. Of course it would have MScaler inputs as H2 and Qutest do.
May 10, 2018 at 12:41 PM Post #26 of 30
Nice. How about a MScaler without the CD transport for a lower price?
May 10, 2018 at 12:43 PM Post #27 of 30
What’s a m scaler and if one has a good server, why?
May 10, 2018 at 12:49 PM Post #28 of 30
What’s a m scaler and if one has a good server, why?

The "M-Scaler" part is an advanced upsampling, million+ tap, filter that sits ahead of your DAC. Put it in front of DAVE, for example, and it significantly improves the output. It'd come after your server and whatever that is feeding and doesn't provide any kind of streaming/end-point behavior (i.e. you'd connect the M-Scaler to the output from your end-point, and then to the input on the DAC).

The only currently shipping version includes a CD transport, which anyone not using CDs won't get any value from. Lots of us want a dedicated, hopefully cheaper, and maybe smaller, pure M-Scaler without the transport piece.

Chord describes it so:

Blu MkII’s sophisticated WTA (Watts Transient Alignment) filtering and upscaling algorithms can output digital data at 705.6kHz (16 x CD’s 44.1kHz native resolution). When partnered with the critically acclaimed DAVE DAC/preamp, with its 705.6kHz-capable digital inputs, the Blu MkII sets a new technical benchmark for CD performance, while redefining sound quality from the medium.

At the heart of the Blu MkII lies an enormously powerful Xilinx FPGA. Rob Watts’ (Chord’s Digital Design Consultant) has used this to create his exclusive WTA M-Scaler technology, which incorporates the most advanced filter of its kind in the world. The Xilinx FPGA has also enabled a key breakthrough in tap-length (the technical indicator of how complex the interpolation filter is) taking Blu MkII to an unprecedented 1,015,808 taps.
May 10, 2018 at 12:53 PM Post #29 of 30
Ok so I don’t have to be part of chords eco system....phew.... no offence to those that do or are....
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