Nov 27, 2022 at 8:14 PM Post #23,281 of 26,252
We still listening to ASR in 2022?
Nov 27, 2022 at 8:50 PM Post #23,282 of 26,252
Fans of the M-Scaler might “enjoy“ reading its review on ASR.

Review summary:

I was very disappointed to see high noise levels and jitter on Coax outputs of such an expensive digital products. And one where its designer claims you can hear problems at 300 dBFS. Well, if you can hear that well, then maybe you can hear this jitter too so I suggest not releasing a product that performs this bad. Second, there is a serious compatibility issue with third-part DAC that I tested. Maybe it is OK with other DACs, I don't know. But grabbing a sample DAC and having such serious degradation in its performance with M-scaler is very concerning.

Putting design issues aside, I found no audible difference in upsampling with company's own DAC. As it should be. The differences in the filter are above audible band so they should not be audible. Is it nice to have a sharper filter? Sure. But I sure as heck wouldn't pay nearly $6,000 to get that.

Bottom line, I don't see a reason to own M-Scaler. It can damage the audio signal in some cases and in others, provide no audible benefit. If people think otherwise, I highly suggest performing a blind test with enough repetition to provide statistically valid results. Otherwise, the M-scaler remains as a product with no purpose.”

Ouch! That’s a hard hitting review! 😥
why would anyone pay attention to this site?
Nov 28, 2022 at 3:44 AM Post #23,283 of 26,252
Fans of the M-Scaler might “enjoy“ reading its review on ASR.
Not only is it old news but this is the Dave thread. :rolling_eyes:
Nov 28, 2022 at 7:05 AM Post #23,284 of 26,252
I found no audible difference in upsampling with company's own DAC

I always knew that Amirm do not have a very good ear for music, but I never expected that it is that bad 🤣

He can’t hear the difference between the HMS modes, but have enough self-confidence to write reviews. I can't stop laughing 🤣
Nov 28, 2022 at 8:28 AM Post #23,285 of 26,252
I always knew that Amirm do not have a very good ear for music, but I never expected that it is that bad 🤣

He can’t hear the difference between the HMS modes, but have enough self-confidence to write reviews. I can't stop laughing 🤣
It helps when you rig the test and only test 2x as well. :sweat_smile:

Ok, I shouldn't be adding to this... No more ASR-related posts, I promise!!
Nov 28, 2022 at 5:06 PM Post #23,286 of 26,252
Fans of the M-Scaler might “enjoy“ reading its review on ASR.

Review summary:

I was very disappointed to see high noise levels and jitter on Coax outputs of such an expensive digital products. And one where its designer claims you can hear problems at 300 dBFS. Well, if you can hear that well, then maybe you can hear this jitter too so I suggest not releasing a product that performs this bad. Second, there is a serious compatibility issue with third-part DAC that I tested. Maybe it is OK with other DACs, I don't know. But grabbing a sample DAC and having such serious degradation in its performance with M-scaler is very concerning.

Putting design issues aside, I found no audible difference in upsampling with company's own DAC. As it should be. The differences in the filter are above audible band so they should not be audible. Is it nice to have a sharper filter? Sure. But I sure as heck wouldn't pay nearly $6,000 to get that.

Bottom line, I don't see a reason to own M-Scaler. It can damage the audio signal in some cases and in others, provide no audible benefit. If people think otherwise, I highly suggest performing a blind test with enough repetition to provide statistically valid results. Otherwise, the M-scaler remains as a product with no purpose.”

Ouch! That’s a hard hitting review! 😥
Yeah, this was posted back in July in the Mscaler thread. I don't see any point in posting it again for what seems like the 25th time, especially in the DAVE thread where it comes off as looking for trouble/a fight/mischievousness. I'm not saying its overall wrong to discuss amir and his views, its just so tedious when it contaminates multiple interesting threads for literally months.

Nov 29, 2022 at 8:16 AM Post #23,288 of 26,252
I always knew that Amirm do not have a very good ear for music, but I never expected that it is that bad 🤣

He can’t hear the difference between the HMS modes, but have enough self-confidence to write reviews. I can't stop laughing 🤣
It really is hilarious. This guy also claims he was able to hear differences in file compression methods, really funny. Yet, this guy can't hear a difference between DACs, or oversampling modes, I can't make this stuff up! Truly hilarious!
Dec 3, 2022 at 4:26 AM Post #23,289 of 26,252
Hi everyone! I'm new here and am thinking of getting an mscaler and a dave. But I've read so many posts now and it looks like people don't like the sound unless one adds all kinds of expensive cables, adaptors, junction boxes, power supplies, and all manner of stuff.

My question is can you just buy a mscaler and dave and get great sound out of the box or does it sound pretty obiously lame unless you do a zillion expensive system mods?

I live in a very rural area so I can't test listen to them.

Dec 3, 2022 at 4:36 AM Post #23,290 of 26,252
Hi everyone! I'm new here and am thinking of getting an mscaler and a dave. But I've read so many posts now and it looks like people don't like the sound unless one adds all kinds of expensive cables, adaptors, junction boxes, power supplies, and all manner of stuff.

My question is can you just buy a mscaler and dave and get great sound out of the box or does it sound pretty obiously lame unless you do a zillion expensive system mods?

I live in a very rural area so I can't test listen to them.

This applies to any device that is transparent and of high performance. I haven't experienced a high end device that makes itself immune to a lower quality device before it.
Dec 3, 2022 at 4:42 AM Post #23,291 of 26,252
Fans of the M-Scaler might “enjoy“ reading its review on ASR.

Review summary:

I was very disappointed to see high noise levels and jitter on Coax outputs of such an expensive digital products. And one where its designer claims you can hear problems at 300 dBFS. Well, if you can hear that well, then maybe you can hear this jitter too so I suggest not releasing a product that performs this bad. Second, there is a serious compatibility issue with third-part DAC that I tested. Maybe it is OK with other DACs, I don't know. But grabbing a sample DAC and having such serious degradation in its performance with M-scaler is very concerning.

Putting design issues aside, I found no audible difference in upsampling with company's own DAC. As it should be. The differences in the filter are above audible band so they should not be audible. Is it nice to have a sharper filter? Sure. But I sure as heck wouldn't pay nearly $6,000 to get that.

Bottom line, I don't see a reason to own M-Scaler. It can damage the audio signal in some cases and in others, provide no audible benefit. If people think otherwise, I highly suggest performing a blind test with enough repetition to provide statistically valid results. Otherwise, the M-scaler remains as a product with no purpose.”

Ouch! That’s a hard hitting review! 😥

I was very disappointed to see the the dark color of such an expensive unit. Dark is the color of space, and everyone knows there is no sound in space.

But just to be fair, I put my analysis meter (the Radio Shack Kids-200 EZ Battery Tester, which I calibrated this morning by the moon) across the mains leads and it literally burned up in my hand! Dangerous!

Furthermore, the M-Scaler box is the same size as the TT2, so it obviously contains the same things. If you already have a DAVE, there is absolutely no reason to waste your money a second DAC.

But the kicker is that the M-Scaler also doesn't even have any audio outputs! So it's clearly impossible for it to affect the audio.

Bottom line, this piece is a rip-off and a product with no purpose."
Dec 3, 2022 at 4:54 AM Post #23,292 of 26,252
Hi everyone! I'm new here and am thinking of getting an mscaler and a dave. But I've read so many posts now and it looks like people don't like the sound unless one adds all kinds of expensive cables, adaptors, junction boxes, power supplies, and all manner of stuff.

My question is can you just buy a mscaler and dave and get great sound out of the box or does it sound pretty obiously lame unless you do a zillion expensive system mods?

I live in a very rural area so I can't test listen to them.

People like to tinker and improve things but it’s exceptional out of the box.
Dec 3, 2022 at 4:55 AM Post #23,294 of 26,252
Hi everyone! I'm new here and am thinking of getting an mscaler and a dave. But I've read so many posts now and it looks like people don't like the sound unless one adds all kinds of expensive cables, adaptors, junction boxes, power supplies, and all manner of stuff.

My question is can you just buy a mscaler and dave and get great sound out of the box or does it sound pretty obiously lame unless you do a zillion expensive system mods?

I live in a very rural area so I can't test listen to them.

I've just upgraded from a Qutest to a DAVE and in all honesty the music you hear is so good I'm not in any hurry to buy such things as the M Scaler and the expensive leads.
One thing I'll probably do in the future is maybe the Farad power supply.
I've no doubt people will want to go down the route of M Scaler and the expensive interconnects that are needed to do it justice but for me just re-listening to my music collection all the way through again is enough for me.
Dec 3, 2022 at 4:57 AM Post #23,295 of 26,252
I've just upgraded from a Qutest to a DAVE and in all honesty the music you hear is so good I'm not in any hurry to buy such things as the M Scaler and the expensive leads.
One thing I'll probably do in the future is maybe the Farad power supply.
I've no doubt people will want to go down the route of M Scaler and the expensive interconnects that are needed to do it justice but for me just re-listening to my music collection all the way through again is enough for me.
Thank you for your thoughts. Confidence-inspring.

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