Aug 13, 2021 at 10:42 AM Post #17,791 of 26,252
Some things about audio are really strange. Some time ago i switched from roon to lms. As the sq of lms was a bit better to me.
Unfortunately I really missed roon music discovery and whole user experience. In fact i was listening less because of that. I didn't discover much new music since then.
So lately i switched back to roon.
Still it's mind boggling why on earth different softwares sound different. I'm using same hardware, just different programs on my PC and raspberry transport.
Aug 13, 2021 at 11:03 AM Post #17,792 of 26,252
Some things about audio are really strange. Some time ago i switched from roon to lms. As the sq of lms was a bit better to me.
Unfortunately I really missed roon music discovery and whole user experience. In fact i was listening less because of that. I didn't discover much new music since then.
So lately i switched back to roon.
Still it's mind boggling why on earth different softwares sound different. I'm using same hardware, just different programs on my PC and raspberry transport.
Here’s my take on difference in sound. Every component on a circuit board can affect the sound depending on the quality, quantity and placement. Many vibrate and produce electro magnetic fields which affect adjacent components and the analog and “yes” digital circuits. A 1 is a square wave and the quality of the square wave matters. So if these components see more traffic they produce more interference. Roon is a heavy traffic program as compared to others that start / stop stream only. Roon is constantly checking the end device so all circuits are more heavily utilized thus the difference in sound.

The details of this circuit board interference is for the scientists but those like Rob Watts know how to minimize it. My take.
Aug 13, 2021 at 1:54 PM Post #17,793 of 26,252
Also tested some A Charlin BNC's with the M-scaler on Battery, made no difference to my ears, but the Moon Mind 2 streamer definitely sounds much better than my Pc running Audirvana. Not sure if there's anything else in this price range i should be auditioning. I would rather have this than the 2go/2yu, not sure about Lumin U1 mini , or other alternatives that might use optical, I'm definitely sticking to it over everything else.
Aug 13, 2021 at 6:30 PM Post #17,794 of 26,252
Some things about audio are really strange. Some time ago i switched from roon to lms. As the sq of lms was a bit better to me.
Unfortunately I really missed roon music discovery and whole user experience. In fact i was listening less because of that. I didn't discover much new music since then.
So lately i switched back to roon.
Still it's mind boggling why on earth different softwares sound different. I'm using same hardware, just different programs on my PC and raspberry transport.
I'm having exactly the same experience and find myself flipping between Roon for discovery, Qobuz for playlist building and LMS for critical listening. I've also briefly experimented with Roon->Squeezebox emulation and Roon->HQPlayer passthrough->NAA. It was a bit overwhelming but somehow LMS still came out on top. Nonetheless, it's stunning to me that LMS & Roon can sound so noticeably different from exactly the same file/stream.

I use a SonicTransporter and a Sonore opticalRendu that allow for instant switching between these solutions. In fact, the SonicTransporter runs both LMS & Roon server simultaneously.
Aug 16, 2021 at 12:52 PM Post #17,795 of 26,252
Just upgraded from an Isotek Sirius to an Aquarius. Oh my god. This is the biggest change i've heard since adding the M-scaler to Dave. Bigger than adding a streamer and 1k power cables. Still in the process of comparing the Moon Mind 2 to the 2go2yu and some Isotek Optimum and Elite power cables.
Aug 16, 2021 at 12:55 PM Post #17,796 of 26,252
Just upgraded from an Isotek Sirius to an Aquarius. Oh my god. This is the biggest change i've heard since adding the M-scaler to Dave. Bigger than adding a streamer and 1k power cables. Still in the process of comparing the Moon Mind 2 to the 2go2yu and some Isotek Optimum and Elite power cables.
I've been thinking of doing the same
Aug 16, 2021 at 1:04 PM Post #17,797 of 26,252
I've been thinking of doing the same
My only regret is not going for the Sigmas, but due to a discount situation that i've yet to understand (from a local dealer), they have the Aquarius on sale,50% off, which made it 4 times cheaper than the Sigmas . I mean , that's less than an Optimum cable, which is kinda ridiculous.
Still a massive cable and everything skeptic, but Isotek can just take my money at this point, this is why i'm auditioning their Optimum and Elite cables.
Aug 17, 2021 at 5:26 AM Post #17,798 of 26,252
I would highly recommend getting off that train. I was on the same train. The biggest cable difference I ever noticed was power cable for Dave. I then upgraded twice before realizing that if a cable was making this much of a difference, a power supply would be even greater and just ordered a DC4. Save your money and get a DC4. It is whatever you experienced with cables X orders of magnitude...
Aug 17, 2021 at 6:30 AM Post #17,799 of 26,252
I would highly recommend getting off that train. I was on the same train. The biggest cable difference I ever noticed was power cable for Dave. I then upgraded twice before realizing that if a cable was making this much of a difference, a power supply would be even greater and just ordered a DC4. Save your money and get a DC4. It is whatever you experienced with cables X orders of magnitude...
I also found that the DAVE responded well to a decent power cable, so a DC4 would be the next upgrade, although it looks like that is about to be surpassed by an updated version... :rolling_eyes::scream:
Aug 17, 2021 at 7:01 AM Post #17,800 of 26,252
Second biggest cable upgrade for me was Wave Storm tied with omega USB. These cables aren’t subtle at all. Omega is epic! Replaced my FTA Callisto, which I’m selling btw. It stood me well for a year, but omega blows it away… Recently added the Network Acoustics AG box which was also a nice SQ bump!
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Aug 17, 2021 at 7:12 AM Post #17,801 of 26,252
I also found that the DAVE responded well to a decent power cable, so a DC4 would be the next upgrade, although it looks like that is about to be surpassed by an updated version... :rolling_eyes::scream:
Indeed and I have the DC4 here side by side with the ARC6 prototype upgrade version that I have been asked to see what I think. The DC4 still makes the Dave so good but I can’t deny that the ARC6 is even better.
Aug 17, 2021 at 7:23 AM Post #17,802 of 26,252
Indeed and I have the DC4 here side by side with the ARC6 prototype upgrade version that I have been asked to see what I think. The DC4 still makes the Dave so good but I can’t deny that the ARC6 is even better.
I do hope it is called that because it has a miniaturised ARC Reactor in it... :scream:

Avengers assemble... to have a coffee and listen to Qobuz...
Aug 17, 2021 at 12:42 PM Post #17,803 of 26,252
I would highly recommend getting off that train. I was on the same train. The biggest cable difference I ever noticed was power cable for Dave. I then upgraded twice before realizing that if a cable was making this much of a difference, a power supply would be even greater and just ordered a DC4. Save your money and get a DC4. It is whatever you experienced with cables X orders of magnitude...
Well i've auditioned the Optimum vs Elite Vs an "artisanal" cable which topped them both. But yes, the cost for the improvement vs my cheap Isotek premier cable is laughable. I'm sticking with what i have. But the Isotek Aquarius is a bigger improvement than even the streamers i've auditioned (to that point, i've found the 2go2yu dissapointing to say the least, worse than my pc running Audirvana Studio, Moon Mind 2 is so much better).
I'm curious though if this PSU upgrade makes sense in the context of good mains filtration. Because this is the kind of huge change you guys are talking about and it seems like the areas overlap.
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Aug 17, 2021 at 4:53 PM Post #17,804 of 26,252
Well the crazies win, the streamer sounds better than the pc via optical, but the difference increases when switching to a supposedly quality coaxial cable (around 600 euros).
Does anyone have any coaxial cable recommendations to use between the streamer (Moon Mind 2) and M-scaler?
Aug 17, 2021 at 5:49 PM Post #17,805 of 26,252
Well the crazies win, the streamer sounds better than the pc via optical, but the difference increases when switching to a supposedly quality coaxial cable (around 600 euros).
Does anyone have any coaxial cable recommendations to use between the streamer (Moon Mind 2) and M-scaler?
I’ve been using Nordost Silver Shadow with excellent results. Granted it’s a rather old design as far as digital is concerned but it cost practically nothing comparatively speaking. There are better cables out there but I didn’t feel like spending more at the time.

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