Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (On or Over Ear Headphones)
Oct 6, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #19 of 7,166
Yes I got those this week, pretty good actually

Interesting, I've read that before but never anything more.

I'm really looking forward to hear more about them.
Oct 6, 2016 at 12:20 PM Post #20 of 7,166
Great initiative mate!

This is going to be an excellent thread.

I've got the following Asian full sized headphones so far:

Ausdom M08
Brainwavz HM2
Brainwavz HM5
Fostex T50rp x 2 (different mods in both)
HiFiMan HE400i
Superlux HD662f
Takstar Pro80
Takstar HI2050
Takstar TS662

If anyone have any questions about any of these I'll do my best to answer them

THE AMAZING thing is this forum is like a free R&D team all over the world. :D
Yesterday I learned that TEAC uses TASCAM H-02?? H-2000... something like that and they're like $10-20 U.S . One would think you need Brainwavs pads for most of these :p except maybe the 2050 like Z said. The DIY shells and kits are also amazing! but these Chinese bargain let me sleep easy at night knowing there will ALWAYS be an ok affordable with one click of my magic mouse, while chillin in da house :D
Oct 6, 2016 at 1:44 PM Post #22 of 7,166
Interesting, I've read that before but never anything more.

I'm really looking forward to hear more about them.

I've seen them compared to Denon MM400 both in looks and sound - I think there's a review on here somewhere, that's what prompted me to buy them in.
I can't say anymore (again) because of the MoT rules.
Oct 6, 2016 at 1:47 PM Post #23 of 7,166
  THE AMAZING thing is this forum is like a free R&D team all over the world. :D
Yesterday I learned that TEAC uses TASCAM H-02?? H-2000... something like that and they're like $10-20 U.S . One would think you need Brainwavs pads for most of these :p except maybe the 2050 like Z said. The DIY shells and kits are also amazing! but these Chinese bargain let me sleep easy at night knowing there will ALWAYS be an ok affordable with one click of my magic mouse, while chillin in da house :D

I've just bought some HD598 shells and some 40mm drivers, I'm going to build my own and see how they turn out.
I was going to use the drivers in some carbon fibre grados style DIYs I was planning to make but when I saw those shells I thought that might be a quicker option.
Oct 6, 2016 at 2:35 PM Post #24 of 7,166
I've just bought some HD598 shells and some 40mm drivers, I'm going to build my own and see how they turn out.
I was going to use the drivers in some carbon fibre grados style DIYs I was planning to make but when I saw those shells I thought that might be a quicker option.

Awesome Possum!
Please keep me updated how those shells work out and ease of mounting drivers etc. Koss Ur40 (made in china) make good shells for projects, and I like them as well incase you don't want to wait China shipping. Ok I will keep everything China brand from now on. I saw the China grado copy shells, but wish they were cheaper.
Good Luck
Oct 6, 2016 at 2:45 PM Post #25 of 7,166
I bought some carbon fibre tubes that's the right diameter for Grado shells, just need the time to do the cutting.
Oct 6, 2016 at 4:41 PM Post #27 of 7,166
Cool thread

I was recently looking for cheap n' chearfull headphones for mixing/mastering purposes. Just something that would get the job done.
I found these on Amazon UK

They're called Marantz MPH-2's.

They only cost £54 ($68 American)....but they perform like $100 - $250 headphones. I read on another website (can't remember the name) that they are a rebrand, so they wheren't designed by Marantz. Definitely a hidden gem. Highly recommended.
Oct 6, 2016 at 9:39 PM Post #28 of 7,166
Great initiative mate!

This is going to be an excellent thread.

I've got the following Asian full sized headphones so far:

Ausdom M08
Brainwavz HM2
Brainwavz HM5
Fostex T50rp x 2 (different mods in both)
HiFiMan HE400i
Superlux HD662f
Takstar Pro80
Takstar HI2050
Takstar TS662

If anyone have any questions about any of these I'll do my best to answer them :)

How do the Takstar TS662 sound? They look small, nice and comfortable.
Oct 7, 2016 at 12:02 AM Post #29 of 7,166
Just a heads up anybody still considering the LG V10 or even the V20. After less than one year my V10 had died due to boot loop error. Even after a few months my finger print scanner had stopped working. The rubber backing peels way too easy at the edges. I got a refurb for my dead device and upgraded to the Galaxy S7 Edge. DAC is of course not as nice but never really used my phone for music anyways.
Oct 7, 2016 at 3:35 AM Post #30 of 7,166
How do the Takstar TS662 sound? They look small, nice and comfortable.

They're quite small and well built. Unfortunately they're also one of my least favorite headphones with boomy bass and an extremely small soundstage for an open headphone. I'm planning to transplant some other drivers in them one day and see if it turns out any better.

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