Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread
Aug 30, 2018 at 2:29 AM Post #17,581 of 33,689
+ no really faults imo
+ who likes to have more elevation on voices, a more intimate receiption, can consider the Rose Mini4 which is comparable to the T4 in all other areas whereas the latter has the more balanced out room / stage

please compare them (the T4) with the Hisenior B5+ and KZ AS10 once you receive them
Aug 30, 2018 at 7:48 AM Post #17,584 of 33,689
Anyone with both the Toneking Ninetails and T4 ? I’d like to know how they compare to each other.
I had both but not at the same time. So only taking from my memories both are very good IEMs for the price.
It's a question of preferences I would say.
The T4 is the more balanced, neutral and forgiving of the both. I think from the signature they are not so far away but the 9T has some coloration here an there (if my memories are correct in the treble and/or upper midrange) which let me sell it in the end. I could not find a filter arrangement which delivered it all the same time to my preferences (balanced, close to neutral yet natural and present voices)
The T4 delivered more of this and I only sold it because I own the Rose Mini4 (more focus on voices and a tad more forgiving imo) and know about the Mini6 which I hope to get sometime in the future again.
Aug 30, 2018 at 9:16 AM Post #17,585 of 33,689
Toneking TS5?

I had both but not at the same time. So only taking from my memories both are very good IEMs for the price.
It's a question of preferences I would say.
The T4 is the more balanced, neutral and forgiving of the both. I think from the signature they are not so far away but the 9T has some coloration here an there (if my memories are correct in the treble and/or upper midrange) which let me sell it in the end. I could not find a filter arrangement which delivered it all the same time to my preferences (balanced, close to neutral yet natural and present voices)
The T4 delivered more of this and I only sold it because I own the Rose Mini4 (more focus on voices and a tad more forgiving imo) and know about the Mini6 which I hope to get sometime in the future again.

Why bother?

Listen for a substantial amount of time, know the device you are reviewing well, to make a sound judgement. Explain what your preference are. For example, it's well known now Tyll @ innerfidelity has a preference for warmer headphones, more bass and rolled off treble. Just look at the headphones he's taking with him on his retirement, Bose and Beats. So explaining what you like and don't like, what music you used, is more important. Gives reader an idea of what to expect from the device based on your preferences.

Or you could go for entertaining, Zeos is the best audio reviewer on the planet right now. His M50 and M50X reviews are absolute gold, absolutely the best reviews ever. He nearly died reviewing the M50x, blew out his earbrains and earballs.

I want to try my hand in reviewing Chi-Fi, so I have a question. Would I be right to assume that the Spectral Flatness test here - - is the correct, uncontroversial and consensus accepted way of determining the frequency response flatness of a headset by ear?
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Aug 30, 2018 at 9:48 AM Post #17,586 of 33,689
Toneking TS5?

Why bother?

Listen for a substantial amount of time, know the device you are reviewing well, to make a sound judgement. Explain what your preference are. For example, it's well known now Tyll @ innerfidelity has a preference for warmer headphones, more bass and rolled off treble. Just look at the headphones he's taking with him on his retirement, Bose and Beats. So explaining what you like and don't like, what music you used, is more important. Gives reader an idea of what to expect from the device based on your preferences.
Yeah, I've read loads of reviews in various languages, I somewhat know the particulars. And I asked the question specifically for crafting a good default introductory part, I believe the audiocheck tests would provide a useful reference point and mitigate the need for colorful expressions and varied adjectives when explaining the sound signature. I want my reviews to be short, standardized and focused, with my preferences and score weighing well explained under a spoiler.
Aug 30, 2018 at 9:58 AM Post #17,587 of 33,689
Yeah, I've read loads of reviews in various languages, I somewhat know the particulars. And I asked the question specifically for crafting a good default introductory part, I believe the audiocheck tests would provide a useful reference point and mitigate the need for colorful expressions and varied adjectives when explaining the sound signature. I want my reviews to be short, standardized and focused, with my preferences and score weighing well explained under a spoiler.

Problem is hearing is subjective, not objective. Your fans will still hear the audiocheck tests differently from you. That's why I think explaining your preferences is more useful. Do whatever you want. I personally watch more Zeos than any other review just for entertainment.
Aug 30, 2018 at 10:22 AM Post #17,588 of 33,689
Problem is hearing is subjective, not objective. Your fans will still hear the audiocheck tests differently from you. That's why I think explaining your preferences is more useful. Do whatever you want. I personally watch more Zeos than any other review just for entertainment.
Hearing is indeed subjective, but there should be a lot of overlap for the average hearing. Unless mine or someone else's is freakishly "special", the experiences shouldn't differ much and should generally be replicable, especially if the methodology is well noted. Anyhow, I haven't seen a review done exactly I envision it, so I want to try, and let I be damned if I don't do whatever I want!!
Aug 30, 2018 at 10:26 AM Post #17,589 of 33,689
After much deliberation, decided to get the AS10 from a new store as they are giving $9 off $90 store coupon on top of the select coupon(steal!!!). Got 2 of them and probably selling one (to reduce my cost even more xD)

Was looking at a couple of other 5BAs but the next cheapest is the HiSenior which cost twice as expensive so i thought why not go for something cheaper, try and understand if pure BAs are what i want and wait for the 11.11 sale and get an end game IEM for myself. It will probably be the last pair of IEM i will buy, like my GF told me that's the last pair of shoes she's gonna buy this month (... September's lurking xD)
Aug 30, 2018 at 12:46 PM Post #17,590 of 33,689
For people wanting to buy a BA offering, the Toneking T4 which i recently ordered and received yesterday, is an excellent contender for a neutral sound signature with nothing elevated and nothing really recessed IMO. I have not spent much time on them but they are extremely promising. @thejoker13 can elaborate more on the sonic qualities.
Your impressions are spot on! I am listening to the T4 at this very moment and am still captivated by their flat, and neutral tuning. I LOVE listening to any music that is vocal oriented. I can just close my eyes and be transported to another time and place, just pure bliss. These are available for around 120.00- 130.00 with the ali sale and with store coupons right now too.
Thanks for sharing your impressions! I am finally not alone in enjoying these, haha!
Aug 30, 2018 at 12:58 PM Post #17,591 of 33,689
Anyone with both the Toneking Ninetails and T4 ? I’d like to know how they compare to each other.
I do own and enjoy both, so I'll try to give you a comparison.
The nine tail are fun and musical, with a dynamic and vibrant sound. They are clear and non peaky with a very quality tuning. They're pretty comfortable once you get the correct fit. Isolation is decent for a vented iem with a dynamic driver. The tuning system works well and makes them very versatile.
The T4 are a VERY coherent sounding iem with 4 BA's. They're tuned more for reference and neutral sound. They're also very smooth but still with excellent treble and mid details. No peaks to my ears. They share the best isolation of any iem I own, along with the T66s which shares the same shell. They're also extremely comfortable to my ears, but obviously your ear shape may vary to mine, etc.
In my opinion, the T4 is a slight upgrade in sound to the nine tail, but that's because my preferences align more with a neutral and slightly analytical sound.
Both are fantastic though, and aren't redundant enough to only justify owning one or the other. Toneking is on a ROLL lately and have been putting out some extremely well tuned earphones. I hope that helps you out, and I'll try and answer any questions you may have going forward!
Aug 30, 2018 at 1:17 PM Post #17,592 of 33,689
I do own and enjoy both, so I'll try to give you a comparison.
The nine tail are fun and musical, with a dynamic and vibrant sound. They are clear and non peaky with a very quality tuning. They're pretty comfortable once you get the correct fit. Isolation is decent for a vented iem with a dynamic driver. The tuning system works well and makes them very versatile.
The T4 are a VERY coherent sounding iem with 4 BA's. They're tuned more for reference and neutral sound. They're also very smooth but still with excellent treble and mid details. No peaks to my ears. They share the best isolation of any iem I own, along with the T66s which shares the same shell. They're also extremely comfortable to my ears, but obviously your ear shape may vary to mine, etc.
In my opinion, the T4 is a slight upgrade in sound to the nine tail, but that's because my preferences align more with a neutral and slightly analytical sound.
Both are fantastic though, and aren't redundant enough to only justify owning one or the other. Toneking is on a ROLL lately and have been putting out some extremely well tuned earphones. I hope that helps you out, and I'll try and answer any questions you may have going forward!

The T4 are looking really promising! I just wanted ask you how the treble is at high volumes. I’m extremely sensitive to frequencies around 5k Hz to around 8k Hz, and the FR graph for the T4 look a bit hot around 4k to 8k Hz. Do these have any hint of harshness or grain at higher volumes?

Also, I’m super curious about the midrange too. Would you consider the midrange and vocals to be textured, forward/non-recessed, and even? With all the coupons I have, it'd only be $116 and I just wanna make sure these are the best upgrade from the Tin T2.
Aug 30, 2018 at 2:09 PM Post #17,594 of 33,689
The T4 are looking really promising! I just wanted ask you how the treble is at high volumes. I’m extremely sensitive to frequencies around 5k Hz to around 8k Hz, and the FR graph for the T4 look a bit hot around 4k to 8k Hz. Do these have any hint of harshness or grain at higher volumes?

Also, I’m super curious about the midrange too. Would you consider the midrange and vocals to be textured, forward/non-recessed, and even? With all the coupons I have, it'd only be $116 and I just wanna make sure these are the best upgrade from the Tin T2.
I find the T4 to be the direct upgrade to the T2. I am sure source will play a part in how they play at higher volumes, but they have zero grain or harshness at almost full volume on my LG V20. The T4 are mid forward as well. To my ears, they're an upgrade to the t2 with almost exactly the same characteristics.

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