Chicago Meet
Mar 1, 2004 at 5:32 AM Post #2 of 50
Oooohhhh, I'm going to Phoenix for a week, but I'll be back in March. I'll bring popcorn for everyone if you wait for me!!
Mar 1, 2004 at 3:34 PM Post #4 of 50
I'll try to make it, and hopefully bring some of the Detroit mob with me.
Mar 1, 2004 at 6:09 PM Post #6 of 50
Hope I'll be around for this one - I keep missing meets by about a week everywhere I've been.
Mar 2, 2004 at 2:37 AM Post #7 of 50
I'm going to keep relatively quiet about this one for now. I mentioned to Tuberoller that with my work load right now I can't really begin to plan anything so I'm just sort of filing away ideas to put together later. I'm targeting the month of June for a one day meet, however, and plan for this to be quite an event. If anyone has been to a meet and has some likes/dislikes you'd like to share with me I'd be happy to read them. Please feel free to PM or post.
Mar 2, 2004 at 5:32 AM Post #8 of 50
Fantastic man. That will give us all plenty of time to prepare. One thing I've enjoyed about the meeting posts are the pics. Especially the group photos with our phones primped and ready. Here's my suggestion. A wacky meet. Ideas...

foto shooting!

*headphones on of course*

Doing a "superman" across a desk or table.
A public flogging of a sony v600/700 wearer (staged of course).
An elevator shot with a few of us canheads and some folk.


A "Who can wear the most headphones!!" contest.
A "Name that HD600 cable!!" contest.

top ten lists!

"You know you're an audio snob when..."
"How to lose your wife, kids, and home in 30 days flat!"


Mar 2, 2004 at 5:57 AM Post #10 of 50
Just my luck that it would be in june. More likely than not I'll be back on the east coast. Story of my life.
Mar 2, 2004 at 6:14 AM Post #12 of 50
Not meaning to crap on Ken's thread......

There is still very likely to be a smaller meet sometime in April in keeping with the ongoing twice yearly theme. This meet is to be organized by Reyman and/or John_JCB. I'll do the fall meet again likely in October/November, so we'll have three meets this year and they should all have a different flavor which is always a good thing. If you live in or near Chicago you have no real excuse for missing out on meets this year, cause there's going to be plenty of them. So you all there.
Mar 2, 2004 at 6:23 AM Post #13 of 50
Alright, now *that* I can go to. I'll keep an eye out for details - I should still have everything listed in my profile by that point (I think my upgraditis is settling).
Mar 2, 2004 at 4:33 PM Post #14 of 50
By all means there should be more than one meet. Chicago is a big city, we can handle it. Mine will be different than what has been done so far, and if there are several then there is a better chance you all will be able to make at least one. Spring, Summer and Fall meets sound good. We just stay indoors and listen to music all Winter anyway

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